calculate_iR(snpdata,"Phased", family="Location", number.cores=4)
calculate_iR is a function that calculates the iR index to determine loci with excess of IBD sharing. IBD here is calculated based on the isoRelate R package.
snpdata: an object of class SNPdata the name of the genotype table to be used. default is "Phased"
family: the name of the column, in the metadata table, to be used to represent the sample's population
number.cores: the number of cores to be used. default=4
a SNPdata object with an additional fied, iR. This is a list of data frames that contain the iR results from the specified pairs of populations. Every data frame contains N rows (where N is the number of loci) and the following 9 columns:
1. Chrom: the chromosome ID
2. snp_id: the SNPs identifiers
3. pos_M: the genetic map distance (centi morgans, cM)
4. pos_bp: the SNP position
5. pop: the population
6. subpop: the subpopulation
7. iR: the iR statistic
8. pvalue: the p-value associated to iR
9. adj_pvalue_BH: the adjusted p-value after multiple testing correction using the Benjamini-HochBerg method