- fillFileLinks()
assign attemp
problem fixed.
- Multiple select support for widgets in ContentController.
- File filter fixes in factory class.
- Multiple widget id fix for relational contents.
- Settings page required fields updated.
- robots.txt updated.
- Translation files updated.
- Controllers updated.
- Auth middleware redirection parameters added.
- Helper classes updated.
- Cookie consent support added.
- JS fetch body parameter fixed.
- Tabler Icons packages updated to v1.119.0
- Bootstrap packages updated to v5.3.0-alpha-1
- vPjax package changed to jquery-pjax and added jquery-pjax support.
- Added jQuery v3.6.3 package.
- Fixed an error in language definitions that are not in the settings screen.
- Language file checker method added to sandbox mode.
- Translation files updated. Arabic language support added.
- File upload area image size info label added.
- Translation files updated. Macedonian language support added.
- While preparing the auto-complete list in the content controller, an arrangement has been made so that the records with a large number of content are displayed on the top.
- KalipsoNext Core fixes.
- Direct upload dimension-free support.
- FormController variable name bug fixed.
- TablerIcons upgraded to v1.106.0
: id export support.
- Added hook feature for content controller. In dynamic content modules, you can develop the output directly from the
- Fixed the ContentController to provide the corresponding content ID.
- ContentController variable name fix for select type.
- KalipsoNext Core upgraded to v1.0.2.6.
- Fix for unique response in autocomplete feature.
- File auto dimension fix.
- Quill Toolbar - Header buttons styles fixed.
- Quill text aligment styles defined. Quill image resize module is improved for re-open problems.
- Base helper class synchronized with KalipsoNext version.
- Manrope fonts updated to v13.
- ul_attributes and li_levelx_append parameters append to HTML::generateMenu() method.
- Field values left blank in required dynamic component selection fields are set to -1 for ContentController.
- In the dynamic content module, when data can be obtained for the description field, content or title in the module definitions, it is provided to be taken as a variable for the description part of the page.
- externalQuery parameter added to ContentController->getModuleData(). It can be used for specific data query.
- If there is information text on the content and form management screens, it is provided to be displayed.
- The Base helper class has been updated with the KalipsoNext.
- Edited for the corruption that occurs in the case of porting with URL in the helper method that generates and decrypts the password.
- KalipsoTable updated to v0.8.5
- Tabler Icons package updated to v1.78.1
- For the forms that are requested to be submitted for approval again while submitting the form, this control has been ensured since there is a data-kn-again parameter.
- Array return support for HTML::generateMenu helper.
- Fixed an issue where the array has a scalar value when uploading multiple files.
- First release.