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?> TuyaMCU - Module (54) is configured for devices with a Tuya Wi-Fi module and a secondary MCU.

Originally, in those devices, the Wi-Fi module takes care of network and software features. Meanwhile, the MCU controls the hardware based on commands received from the Wi-Fi module or built-in controls (buttons, switches, remotes and similar) and reports the status back to the Wi-Fi module.

TuyaMCU module facilitates communication between Tasmota and the MCU using Tuya Serial Port Communication Protocol:

  • TuyaMCU command maps device functions to Tasmota components
  • TuyaSend<x> command calculates and sends complex serial commands using only two parameters
  • TuyaReceived response interprets status messages and publishes a JSON payload to an MQTT topic

TuyaMCU Command

Command TuyaMCU is used to map Tasmota components to Tuya device dpId's.

[!WARNING] Used only if your device is defined as module TuyaMCU (54).

Command value consists of two comma separated parameters: fnId and dpId.

TuyaMCU <fnId>,<dpId>

where <fnId> is a Tasmota component and <dpId> is the dpId to map the function to.

[!EXAMPLE] TuyaMCU 11,1 maps Relay1 (fnId 11) to dpId 1.

If any existing entry with same fnId or dpId is already present, it will be updated to the new value.

Entry is removed when fnId or dpId is 0.

When no parameters are provided TuyaMCU prints the current mapped values.


All the device functions controlled by the MCU are identified by a dpId.
Whenever a command is sent to the MCU, this dpId determines which component needs to be controlled and the applies when the status is received from MCU.

There is no way to autodetect dpId's and their functions.

Use this procedure to determine which dpId's are available:

  1. Go to Configure -> Console option in Tasmota web interface.
  2. Use command weblog 4 to enable verbose logging in web interface.
  3. Observe the log. After every 9-10 seconds you should see log messages similar to:
    TYA: Heartbeat
    TYA: RX Packet: "55aa0107000501010001000f"
    TYA: FnId=0 is set for dpId=1
    TYA: RX Packet: "55aa01070005020100010010"
    TYA: FnId=0 is set for dpId=2
    TYA: RX Packet: "55aa01070005030100010011"
    TYA: FnId=0 is set for dpId=3
    TYA: RX Packet: "55aa01070005040100010012"
    TYA: FnId=0 is set for dpId=4
    TYA: RX Packet: "55aa0107000807020004000000001c"
    TYA: FnId=0 is set for dpId=7
    TYA: RX Packet: "55aa0107000808020004000000001d"
    TYA: FnId=0 is set for dpId=8
    TYA: RX Packet: "55aa0107000809020004000000001e"
    TYA: FnId=0 is set for dpId=9
    TYA: RX Packet: "55aa010700080a020004000000001f"
    TYA: FnId=0 is set for dpId=0
    TYA: RX Packet: "55aa0107000865020004000000007a"
    TYA: FnId=0 is set for dpId=101
    TYA: RX Packet: "55aa0107000866020004000000007b"
    TYA: FnId=0 is set for dpId=102
    TYA: RX Packet: "55aa0107000867020004000000007c"
    TYA: FnId=0 is set for dpId=103
    TYA: RX Packet: "55aa0107000868020004000009870d"
    TYA: FnId=0 is set for dpId=104
  4. Observe all lines printed as TYA: FnId=0 is set for dpId=XXX and note all dpId values.

Now that you have a list of usable dpId's you need to determine what their functions are:

  1. Consulting our list of commonly used dpId's and existing device configurations
  2. Observing Tasmota logs while activating features of the device (with a remote or on device controls) and correlating log messages
  3. Extrapolating possible function of the dpId based on Data Type and Function Command, then testing using TuyaSend<x>


Identifier used in TuyaMCU command to map a dpId to a Tasmota component.

Component FunctionId Note
Switch1 to Switch4 1 to 4 Map only to dpId with on / off function
Relay1 to Relay8 11 to 18 Map only to dpId with on / off function
Dimmer 21 Only on dpId with dimming function
Power (in deci Watt) 31
Current (in milli Amps) 32
Voltage (in deci Volt) 33
Relay Inverted1 to Relay Inverted8 41 to 48 Map only to dpId with on / off function
Battery powered sensor mode 51

[!NOTE] This component is under active development which means the function list may expand in the future.

Since the majority of devices have a power on/off functions on dpId 1 its mapped to fnId 11 (Relay1) by default.

[!DANGER] Mapping a relay or switch to a dpId that is not a simple on/off function (data Type 1) might result in unwanted power toggling (f.e. dpId sends value of 4 which toggles the relay to Power 4 aka blink mode)

TuyaSend Command

Command TuyaSend is used to send commands to dpId's. It is required for dpId's that shouldn't be mapped to a fnId.

With this command it is possible to control every function of the dpId that is controllable, providing you know its data type and data length. With them provided, the rest of the protocol command is calculated.

Command's value consists of two comma separated parameters: dpId and data.

TuyaSend<x> dpId,data

There are 4 different commands, one for each data type.


Sends boolean (Type 1) data (0/1) to dpId (Max data length 1 byte)

[!EXAMPLE] TuyaSend1 1,0 sends vaue 0 to dpId=1 switching the device off


Sends integer or 4 byte (Type 2) data to dpId (Max data length 4 bytes)

[!EXAMPLE] TuyaSend2 14,100 sends value 100 to dpId=14 setting timer to 100 minutes


Sends string (Type 3) data to dpId (Max data length? Not known at this time).

[!WARNING] Note that when sending color values, the MCU may interpret lower case and upper case hex codes differently. You may need to test with your specific MCU to ensure that the values sent properly render the color you desire.

[!EXAMPLE] TuyaSend3 108,ff0000646464ff sends a 14 char hex string to dpId=108 (Type 3) containing RGBHSV values to control a light


Sends enum (Type 4) data (0/1/2/3/4/5) to dpId (Max data length 1 bytes)

[!EXAMPLE] TuyaSend4 103,2 sends value 2 to dpId=103 to set fan speed to high


Every status message from the MCU gets a JSON response named TuyaReceived which contains the MCU protocol status message inside key/value pairs which are hidden from the user by default.

To publish them to an MQTT Topic of tele/%topic%/RESULT you need to enable SetOption66 1.


After issuing serial command 55aa0006000501010001010e (Device power (dpId=1) is mapped to Relay1 (fnId=11)) we get the following console output (with weblog 4):

19:54:18 TYA: Send "55aa0006000501010001010e"
19:54:18 MQT: stat/GD-30W/STATE = {"Time":"2019-10-25T19:54:18","Uptime":"0T01:45:51","UptimeSec":6351,"Heap":27,"SleepMode":"Dynamic","Sleep":0,"LoadAvg":999,"MqttCount":1,"POWER1":"ON","POWER2":"OFF","POWER3":"ON","POWER4":"OFF","POWER5":"ON","Dimmer":100,"Fade":"OFF","Speed":1,"LedTable":"OFF","Wifi":{"AP":1,"SSId":"HTPC","BSSId":"50:64:2B:5B:41:59","Channel":10,"RSSI":24,"LinkCount":1,"Downtime":"0T00:00:08"}}
19:54:18 MQT: stat/GD-30W/RESULT = {"POWER1":"ON"}
19:54:18 MQT: stat/GD-30W/POWER1 = ON
19:54:18 MQT: stat/GD-30W/RESULT = {"TuyaReceived":{"Data":"55AA0007000501010001010F","ChkSum":"0x0F","Cmnd":7,"CmndDataLen":5,"CmndData":"0101000101","DpId":1,"DpIdType":1,"DpIdLen":1,"DpIdData":"01"}}
19:54:18 TYA: fnId=11 is set for dpId=1
19:54:18 TYA: RX Relay-1 --> MCU State: On Current State:On

Above TYA: fnId=11 is set for dpId=1 you can see the JSON response for that dpId. This JSON string displays the response MCU gave to our command.

"Data" field contains the complete response and the rest of the key/value pairs show the protocol broken into parts. "DpId", "DpIdData" and "DpIdType" are the ones we're most interested in since we can use them for TuyaSend.

[!TIP] Use command SerialSend5 55aa0001000000 at any time to request statuses of all dpId's from the MCU.

Use in Rules

This data can also be used as a trigger for rules using TuyaReceivedData#Data=hex_string

Rule1 on TuyaReceived#Data=55AA000700056E040001007E do publish2 stat/tuya_light/effect rgb_cycle endon

will publish a status message to a custom topic when 55AA000700056E040001007E appears in "Data" field of the response.

Device Configurations

Before proceeding identify dpId's and their function.


We need to configure four functions of a dimmer:

  1. Dimming dpId
  2. Dimming Range
  3. Power metering if supported.
  4. Dimming less than 10%

Dimming dpId

The dimmer FunctionId is 21. On a dimmer dpId generally is 2 or 3. Try both.

  1. Go to the Tasmota Console and type TuyaMCU 21,2 and wait for it to reboot.
  2. Enter Backlog Dimmer 10; Dimmer 100 in the Console.
    • If your bulb responds to Dimmer commands, you have successfully configured the dimmer FunctionId. Make note of it.
    • If not try id 3 and if even 3 doesn't work keep trying Ids from all unknown Ids from the log until one works.

Dimming Range

Once you have figured out the dimming functionId, we need to find the maximum dimming range. Once the dimming Id is set, the logs will continue

TYA: Heartbeat	
TYA: RX Packet: "55aa03070005010100010011"	
TYA: RX Relay-1 --> MCU State: Off Current State:Off	
TYA: RX Packet: "55aa03070008020200040000000720"	
TYA: FnId=21 is set for dpId=2	
TYA: RX Dim State=7	

Now using the hardware buttons increase the dimmer to its maximum and observe the log. The Dim State=XXX shows the current dimmer level reported by MCU. Once the dimmer is at max, note this number. Again using hardware buttons decrease dimmer to minimum and note the number for minimum. Now we need to tell Tasmota to use maximum and minimum values. This controlled by DimmerRange command. We can set it using DimmerRange <Min>,<Max> where <Min> is the minimum dimmer state and <Max> maximum dimmer state reported in logs.

Once set, try dimmer 100 in the Console and check if the brightness of bulb is same is the same as when the maximum was set using hardware buttons.

Video instructions by Digiblur

Power Metering

Some Tuya MCU devices support Power measurement support over serial. For this its better to use a bulb with known wattage rating.

Observe the logs in the Console

TYA: RX Packet: "55aa03070005010100010011"	
TYA: FnId=11 is set for dpId=1	
TYA: RX Device-1 --> MCU State: Off Current State:Off	
TYA: RX Packet: "55aa03070008020200040000000720"	
TYA: FnId=21 is set for dpId=2	
TYA: RX Dim State=7	
TYA: RX Packet: "55aa0307000803020004000000001a"	
TYA: FnId=0 is set for dpId=3	
TYA: RX Packet: "55aa0307000804020004000000251b"	
TYA: FnId=0 is set for dpId=4	
TYA: RX Packet: "55aa0307000805020004000000591c"	
TYA: FnId=0 is set for dpId=5	
TYA: RX Packet: "55aa03070008060200040000098fb5"	
TYA: FnId=0 is set for dpId=6	

In the RX Packet we are interested in the 3 digits before last 2 digits. For example: 98f in "55aa03070008060200040000098fb5"

  1. Make sure the bulb if off.
  2. Find out the voltage standard of your country (generally 220, 240, 120v) from this table.
  3. Multiply that number by 10 (2400) and Convert that number (2400) to Hex using any hex converter (2400 = 0x960).
  4. Now look for the number nearest to 960 in the logs. In our case it is 98f. So we expect that's the voltage which is ID=6 in our example.
  5. Set voltage functionId 33 by entering TuyaMCU 33,6.
  6. Now set dimmer to 100% using the dimmer 100 command and observe the logs.
  7. Now we need the power rating of your bulb example 9W. Multiply by 10 (90) and convert to hex which gives us 0x5A. Check which unknown ID is close to 5A. I this example it is 59 for ID=5. This is the Id of Active Power function.
  8. Set the active power functionId 31 by entering TuyaMCU 31,5.
  9. Once Power and Voltage are set you should see something such as this in the logs:
    TYA: RX Packet: "55aa03070005010100010011"	
    TYA: FnId=11 is set for dpId=1	
    TYA: RX Device-1 --> MCU State: Off Current State:Off	
    TYA: RX Packet: "55aa03070008020200040000000720"	
    TYA: FnId=21 is set for dpId=2	
    TYA: RX Dim State=7	
    TYA: RX Packet: "55aa0307000803020004000000001a"	
    TYA: FnId=0 is set for dpId=3	
    TYA: RX Packet: "55aa0307000804020004000000251b"	
    TYA: FnId=0 is set for dpId=4	
    TYA: RX Packet: "55aa0307000805020004000000591c"	
    TYA: FnId=31 is set for dpId=5	
    TYA: Rx ID=5 Active_Power=9	
    TYA: RX Packet: "55aa03070008060200040000098fb5"	
    TYA: FnId=33 is set for dpId=6	
    TYA: Rx ID=6 Voltage=244.7	
  10. To get the Id for the current, calculate Current = Power / Voltage ( 9 / 244.7 ) = 0.0367. Multiply this by 1000 = 36.77. Now convert 36 to hex which is 0x24. This is closest to 25 which is Id 4.
  11. Set the current FunctionId 32 using command TuyaMCU 32,4.
  12. Observe the logs should start showing
    TYA: RX Packet: "55aa03070005010100010011"	
    TYA: FnId=11 is set for dpId=1	
    TYA: RX Device-1 --> MCU State: Off Current State:Off	
    TYA: RX Packet: "55aa03070008020200040000000720"	
    TYA: FnId=21 is set for dpId=2	
    TYA: RX Dim State=7	
    TYA: RX Packet: "55aa0307000803020004000000001a"	
    TYA: FnId=0 is set for dpId=3	
    TYA: RX Packet: "55aa0307000804020004000000251b"	
    TYA: FnId=32 is set for dpId=4	
    TYA: Rx ID=4 Current=312	
    TYA: RX Packet: "55aa0307000805020004000000591c"	
    TYA: FnId=31 is set for dpId=5	
    TYA: Rx ID=5 Active_Power=9	
    TYA: RX Packet: "55aa03070008060200040000098fb5"	
    TYA: FnId=33 is set for dpId=6	
    TYA: Rx ID=6 Voltage=2447	
  13. Power and current should change on dimming high / low. The Tasmota web UI should show power values now.


For switches we need to

  1. Configure the number of relays.
  2. Configure Power metering.

Number of Relays

By default, the TuyaMCU module expects a 1 gang switch. There is currenty no way to detect the number of relays present in an MCU based switch. We need to tell the number of relays to Tasmota using FunctionIDs 12 to 18 for Relay2 to Relay4.

  • For a 4 gang switch set TuyaMCU 12,2, TuyaMCU 13,3 and TuyaMCU 14,4 if the dpIds for Relays 2-4 are 2,3,4.

[!TIP] You can configure all at once by using Backlog TuyaMCU 12,2; TuyaMCU 13,3; TuyaMCU 14,4

Power Metering

Power metering configuration is same as for dimmers.

Curtain Motors

The Zemismart WiFi curtain motor uses a Tuya TYWE1S inside the little white dongle as a radio modem. U1TX is connected to "USB D+", U1RX is connected to "USB D-", and there is a blue LED in the dongle connected to "USB3 R-" controlled by the MCU. To flash Tasmota, we need U0RX, U0TX, and GPIO0. None of which are broken out on the PCB, so soldering or Tuya-Convert are necessary.

The stock Tuya App communicates with the PIC Micro inside the motor housing at 9600 8N1.

  • dpId 101 is the "partial open/partial close" command with a 4 byte field of 0-100%.
  • dpId 102 is a "fully open/fully close" command with a 1-byte Boolean field.
  • dpId 103 is unknown.


55 aa 00 06 "deliver dp" 0005 "len=5" 66 04 00 01 <00=close100%,01=open0%> <chksum> is the fully open/close command	
07 "report dp" 0005 (len) 66 04 00 01 <00 or 01> <chksum> is the reply.	
55 aa 00 06 "deliver dp" 0008 (len=8) 65 02 00 04  <value.32 <chksum> is the move partial command	
55 aa 00 07 "report dp" 0008 (len=8) 65 02 00 04 <value.32> <chksum> is the reply. 	

There may first be a reply of 65 02 00 04 <oldvalue.32> before the motor engages

dpId Configuration

  1. module 54 # TuyaMCU (will reboot)
  2. backlog gpio1 0; gpio3 0; gpio15 107; gpio13 108 # change GPIO assignments. The dongle uses gpio15 for U1TX and gpio13 for U1RX (will reboot)
  3. tuyamcu 21,101 # declare curtain as a dimmer (will reboot)
  4. # no idea what a good tuyamcu xx,102 is
  5. # no idea what a good tuyamcu xx,103 is
  6. setoption 69 0 # allow dimmer below 25% or 10%. (won't reboot)

With these settings, the dimmer command can adjust the curtain from 100% (closed) to 1% (almost fully open, 0% is the motor limit, but 1% is the Tasmota limit?)

Things That Did Not Work

tuyamcu 1,102 # make 0x66 a button	
tuyamcu 1,103 # make 0x67 a button	

Having 0x66 declared a button caused the motor to oscillate - open part way and then close again. Like Tasmota was sending the "fully open" command and then immediately cancelling it with a "partial close" command.

tuyamcu 11,102 # make 0x66 a relay	
tuyamcu 11,103 # make 0x67 a relay	

Does not appear to have any impact on the curtain.

Aromatherapy Diffuser

Applies to devices using the PCB marked GD-HDFW05-v1.0.


This diffuser uses the same dpId scheme as the example protocol


dpID 1 device power: 0 = off / 1 = on
dpID 11 led power: 0 = off / 1 = on
dpID 12 error notification: 0 = ok / 1 = error
dpID 13 countdown mode options: 0 = off / 1 = 1hr / 2 = 3hr not needed with Tasmota
dpID 14 countdown status: reports value of 0...360 minutes not needed with Tasmota
dpID 103 mist strength: 0 = low / 1 = high
dpID 108 led color: 14 char value in hex (can define only RGB and send HSV value as max: RRGGBBffff6464)
dpID 110 led mode: 0 = rgb_cycle / 1 = color / 2 = white
dpID 110 led dimmer color and white modes only it is important to define 'DimmerRange 1,255'


After applying the template and configuring Wi-Fi and MQTT issue

Backlog SetOption66 1; TuyaMCU 21,111; TuyaMCU 11,1; TuyaMCU 12,11; TuyaMCU 13,103; TuyaMCU 14,12; TuyaMCU 15,110; DimmerRange 1,255; SetOption59 1
Rule1 on TuyaReceived#data=55AA000700056E040001007E do publish2 stat/GD-30W/EFFECT rgb_cycle endon on TuyaReceived#data=55AA000700056E040001017F do publish2 stat/GD-30W/EFFECT color endon on event#rgb_cycle do tuyasend4 110,0 endon on event#color do tuyasend4 110,1 endon on event#ON do backlog tuyasend4 110,1; tuyasend 11,1 endon on event#off do tuyasend1 11,0 endon on power3#state=1 do tuyasend4 103,1 endon on power3#state=0 do tuyasend4 103,0 endon
Rule1 1

Optional rule used to prevent the device going into countdown mode (f.e. using on device controls) and complete MCU status update on restart

Rule3 on TuyaReceived#data=55AA000700050D040001011E do tuyasend4 13,0 endon on TuyaReceived#data=55AA000700050D040001021F do tuyasend4 13,0 endon on mqtt#connected do serialsend5 55aa0001000000 endon
Rule3 1

All commands in .txt

What you get

  • Relay1 turns the diffuser on or off in stored mist strength mode, turns led on or off in stored mode and serves as device power status
  • Relay2 turns light on or off and serves as light power status.
  • Relay3 mist strength status and control using Rule1
  • Relay4 is used for error status (ON = error), no control
  • Relay5 is used for light mode status (0 = rgb_cycle, 1 = color), no control

LED mode status is reported to mqtt topic stat/GD-30W/EFFECT and command Event is used to control some functions using TuyaSend4 command. All this is defined in Rule1

Color can be changed using TuyaSend3 108,RRGGBB64646464 (RR, GG and BB are hex value) only in color mode.

Dimming works using slider and Dimmer command but only when in color mode, in rgb_cycle there are no brightness controls.

Long press on device's power button initiates Tasmota's Wi-Fi config

Battery Powered Door Window Sensor

Read more here...

Tuya Protocols

The MCU communicates with the Wi-Fi module through the serial port with a Tuya specified protocol. Those are classified into basic and functional protocols.

Basic protocols

They are common protocols integrated in Tasmota's TuyaMCU module. They stay the same for each product and are mandatory for Tuya module to work correctly.

Functional protocols

Functional protocols are used for delivering and reporting data of functions. These protocols differ between devices and manufacturers and might require configuration in Tasmota using TuyaMCU command or with TuyaSend<x> command.

Anatomy of Functional Protocols

Name Description
Frame Header Version Fixed value of 0x55aa
Command Word 0x06 - send commands
0x07 - report status
Data Length defines expected length of data
dpID numbered ID of a function (DP = Data Point or Define Product)
Data Type see Data Type table below
Function Length length of command
Function Command formatted according to Data Type
Verification Method checksum = remainder of the byte sum starting from Frame Header to 256

Data Type

Hex Tasmota Command Decription Max length
0x01 TuyaSend1 boolean data 0/1 1 byte
0x02 TuyaSend2 value data. If a value contains less than 4 bytes, 0 is supplemented before 4 bytes
0x00 TuyaSend3 string data unknown
0x04 TuyaSend4 enum data 0/1/2/3/4/5 1 byte
0x05 ### fault data, report only 8 bytes

Let's dissect and explain the MCU protocol using serial command 55aa0006000501010001010e:

Frame Header Version Command Word Data Length dpID Data Type Function Length Function Command Verification Method
55aa00 06 0005 01 01 0001 01 0e

This is the command which powers on the device sending Function Command = 1 to dpID 1 (Switch):

  • Frame Header Version = 0x55aa00 which is a fixed value and always the same
  • Command Word = 0x06 because we're sending a command
  • Data Type = 0x01 since the command sent is a 1 byte boolean
  • Function Length = 0x001 instruct 1 character only for function command length
  • Function Command = 0x01 in hex which equals 1 in int
  • Verification Method = 0e is calculated

Protocol flow

On device boot, TuyaMCU executes the required basic protocols and reads the functional protocol data received, which are used to update status of components mapped in TuyaMCU (Relays, dimmer, power monitoring data).

After receiving a command from Tasmota (Command Word 0x06), the MCU performs corresponding logical control. When the dpID status is changed, the MCU reports the data (Command Word 0x07) to TuyaMCU component.

dpId Function Tables

This information is just for orientation. Functions are assigned by the manufacturer and can be on different dpId's

  • DP ID: dpId.

  • Function Point:Used to describe the product function.

  • Identifier: Function codename. Can only be letters, numbers and underscores

  • Data type:

    • Issue and report: command data can be sent and status data can be reported back to the Wi-Fi module
    • Report only: supports only status reporting, no control options
  • Function Type (Referred as Data Type in TuyaMCU article):

    • Boolean (bool): non-true or false binary variable, such as: switch function, on / off
    • Value (value): suitable for linear adjustment of the type of data, such as: temperature regulation, temperature range 20-40 ℃
    • Enum (enum): custom finite set value, such as: working levels, low / mid / high
    • Fault (fault): dedicated to reporting and statistical failure of the function points. Support multi-fault, the data is reported only
    • Integer(integer): transmitted as integer
    • Transparent (raw): data in binary

Switches or Plugs/Power Strips

DP ID Identifier Data type Function type Properties
1 switch_1 Control and report Boolean
2 switch_2 Control and report Boolean
3 switch_3 Control and report Boolean
4 switch_4 Control and report Boolean
5 switch_5 Control and report Boolean
9 countdown_1 Control and report Integer undefined0-86400, undefined1, Scale0, Unit:s
10 countdown_2 Control and report Integer undefined0-86400, undefined1, Scale0, Unit:s
11 countdown_3 Control and report Integer undefined0-86400, undefined1, Scale0, Unit:s
12 countdown_4 Control and report Integer undefined0-86400, undefined1, Scale0, Unit:s
13 countdown_5 Control and report Integer undefined0-86400, undefined1, Scale0, Unit:s

Aromatherapy Machine (Oil Diffuser)

DP ID Function points Identifier Data type Function type Properties
1 Switch Power Issue and report Boolean
6 Amount of fog fog Issue and report Enum Enumerated values:small, large
11 Light Light Issue and report Boolean
12 Fault alarm fault Only report Fault Barrier values:1
13 Countdown countdown Issue and report Enum Enumerated values: 0, 1, 2, 3
14 Countdown remaining time countdown_left Only report Integer Values range: 0-360, Pitch1, Scale0, Unit:min
101 Light mode work_mode Issue and report Enum Enumerated values: white, colour, scene, scene1, scene2, scene3, scene4
102 Color value colour_data Issue and report Char type *see below
103 Light mode lightmode Issue and report Enum Enumerated values: 1, 2, 3
104 Brightness setting setlight Issue and report Integer Values range: 0-255, Pitch1, Scale0, Unit:%

colour_data format of the lights is a string of 14 characters, for example, 00112233334455, where 00 indicates R, 11 indicates G, 22 indicates B, 3333 indicates the hue, 44 indicates the saturation, and 55 indicates the value. The initial value is saved by default. If you do not want to adjust the light, set the data to the maximum value 100% (0x64). The last four characters have fixed values.

Curtain Motor

DP ID Function points Identifier Data type Function type Properties
1 Percentage percent_state Only report Integer Values range:0-100, Pitch1, Scale0, Unit:%
2 Motor Direction control_back Issue and report Boolean
3 Auto Power auto_power Issue and report Boolean
4 Left time countdown Issue and report Enum Enumerated values:cancel, 1, 2, 3, 4
5 Total Time time_total Only report Integer Values range:0-120000, Pitch1, Scale0, Unit:m

Complete document on protocols

Power Monitoring Plug

DP ID Function points Identifier Data type Function type Properties
1 switch_1 switch_1 Control and report Boolean
9 countdown_1 countdown_1 Control and report Integer undefined0-86400, undefined1, Scale0, Unit:s
17 statistics Function add_ele Control and report Integer undefined0-50000, undefined100, Scale3, Unit:
18 current cur_current Data report Integer undefined0-30000, undefined1, Scale0, Unit:mA
19 power cur_power Data report Integer undefined0-50000, undefined1, Scale1, Unit:W
20 voltage cur_voltage Data report Integer undefined0-5000, undefined1, Scale1, Unit:V
21 test flag test_bit Data report Integer undefined0-5, undefined1, Scale0, Unit:
22 voltage coefficient voltage_coe Data report Integer undefined0-1000000, undefined1, Scale0, Unit:
23 current coefficient electric_coe Data report Integer undefined0-1000000, undefined1, Scale0, Unit:
24 power coefficient power_coe Data report Integer undefined0-1000000, undefined1, Scale0, Unit:
25 statistics coefficient electricity_coe Data report Integer undefined0-1000000, undefined1, Scale0, Unit:
26 warning fault Data report Fault Barrier values:ov_cr


DP ID Function points Identifier Data type Function type Properties
1 Switch Switch Issue and report Boolean
2 PM2.5 PM25 Only report Integer Values range:0-999, Pitch1, Scale0, Unit:
3 Work mode Mode Issue and report Enum Enumerated values:Manual, Auto, Sleep
4 Wind speed Speed Issue and report Enum Enumerated values:speed1, speed2, speed3, speed4, speed5
5 Filter usage Filter Only report Integer Values range:0-100, Pitch1, Scale0, Unit:%
6 Fresh Anion Issue and report Boolean
7 Child lock Lock Issue and report Boolean
9 UV light UV Issue and report Boolean
11 Filter reset FilterReset Issue and report Boolean
12 indoor temp Temp Only report Integer Values range:-20-50, Pitch1, Scale0, Unit:℃
13 Indoor humidity Humidity Only report Integer Values range:0-100, Pitch1, Scale0, Unit:%


DP ID Function points Identifier Data type Function type Properties
1 Switch led_switch Control and report Boolean
2 Mode work_mode Control and report Enum Enumerated values:white, colour, scene, scene_1, scene_2, scene_3, scene_4
3 Bright bright_value Control and report Integer undefined25-255, undefined1, Scale0, Unit:
5 Colour mode colour_data Control and report Char type
6 Scene scene_data Control and report Char type
7 Scene1 flash_scene_1 Control and report Char type
8 Scene2 flash_scene_2 Control and report Char type
9 Scene3 flash_scene_3 Control and report Char type
10 Scene4 flash_scene_4 Control and report Char type

Contact Sensor

DP ID Function points Identifier Data type Function type Properties
1 Door Sensor doorcontact_state Only report Boolean
2 Battery Level battery_percentage Only report Integer Values range:0-100, Pitch1, Scale0, Unit:%
3 Battery Level battery_state Only report Enum Enumerated values:low, middle, high
4 Anti-remove Alarm temper_alarm Only report Boolean

Air purifier

DP ID Function points Identifier Data type Function type Properties
1 Switch Switch Issue and report Boolean
2 PM2.5 PM25 Only report Integer Values range:0-999, Pitch1, Scale0, Unit:
3 Work mode Mode Issue and report Enum Enumerated values:Manual, Auto, Sleep
4 Wind speed Speed Issue and report Enum Enumerated values:speed1, speed2, speed3, speed4, speed5
5 Filter usage Filter Only report Integer Values range:0-100, Pitch1, Scale0, Unit:%
6 Fresh Anion Issue and report Boolean
7 Child lock Lock Issue and report Boolean
9 UV light UV Issue and report Boolean
11 Filter reset FilterReset Issue and report Boolean
12 indoor temp Temp Only report Integer Values range:-20-50, Pitch1, Scale0, Unit:℃
13 Indoor humidity Humidity Only report Integer Values range:0-100, Pitch1, Scale0, Unit:%


DP ID Function points Identifier Data type Function type Properties
1 Switch Power Issue and report Boolean
2 Target temperature TempSet Issue and report Integer Values range:0-37, Pitch1, Scale0, Unit:℃
3 Current Temperature TempCurrent Only report Integer Values range:-9-99, Pitch1, Scale0, Unit:℃
4 Mode Mode Issue and report Enum Enumerated values:m, p
5 Fault alarm Fault Only report Fault Barrier values:1, 2, 3
6 Gear position gear Issue and report Enum Enumerated values:low, mid, high, off
7 Conservation eco_mode Issue and report Boolean

Smart fan

DP ID Function points Identifier Data type Function type Properties
1 Switch switch Issue and report Boolean
2 Wind Speed Level fan_speed Issue and report Enum Enumerated values:1, 2, 3, 4
3 Left-and-Right Swing fan_horizontal Issue and report Enum Enumerated values:on, off
4 Up-and-Down Swing fan_vertical Issue and report Enum Enumerated values:on, off
5 Fault Alarm fault Only report Fault Barrier values:1, 2
6 Anion anion Issue and report Boolean
7 Humidify humidifier Issue and report Boolean
8 Oxygen oxygan Issue and report Boolean
9 Child Lock lock Issue and report Boolean
10 Cool fan_cool Issue and report Boolean
11 Set Temperate temp Issue and report Integer Values range:0-50, Pitch1, Scale0, Unit:℃
12 Current Temperature temp_current Only report Integer Values range:0-50, Pitch1, Scale0, Unit:℃


DP ID Function points Identifier Data type Function type Properties
1 Working switch start Issue and report Boolean
2 Heat to target temperature shortcut (°C) temp_setting_quick_c Issue and report Enum Enumerated values:50, 65, 85, 90, 100
3 Heat to target temperature shortcut (°F) temp_setting_quick_f Issue and report Enum Enumerated values:122, 149, 185, 194, 212
4 Cool to the target temperature shortcut after boiling (°C) temp_boiling_quick_c Issue and report Enum Enumerated values:50, 65, 85, 90, 100
5 Cool to the target temperature shortcut after boiling (°F) temp_boiling_quick_f Issue and report Enum Enumerated values:122, 149, 185, 194, 212
6 Temperature scale switching temp_unit_convert Issue and report Enum Enumerated values:c, f
7 Insulation switch switch_keep_warm Issue and report Boolean
8 Holding time setting keep_warm_setting Issue and report Integer Values range:0-360, Pitch1, Scale0, Unit:min
9 Mode work_type Issue and report Enum Enumerated values: setting_quick, boiling_quick, temp_setting, temp_


DP ID Function points Identifier Data type Function type Properties
1 Switch Power Issue and report Boolean
2 Target temperature TempSet Issue and report Integer Values range:0-37, Pitch1, Scale0, Unit:℃
3 Current Temperature TempCurrent Only report Integer Values range:-9-99, Pitch1, Scale0, Unit:℃
4 Mode Mode Issue and report Enum Enumerated values:m, p (wip)
102 Floor Temperature FloorCurrent Issue and report Integer Values range:0-37, Pitch1, Scale0, Unit:℃

Inkbird ITC-308-Wifi Temperature controller with individual plug in sockets for heating/cooling

DP ID Function points Identifier Data type Function type Properties
101 Temperature unit Cf Issue and report Integer 0=C, 1=F
102 Calibration Ca Issue and report Integer Unit is 0.1C
104 Temperature sensor Issue and report Integer Unit is 0.1C
106 Temperature set point Ts Issue and report Integer Unit is 0.1C
108 Compressor delay time Pt Issue and report Integer Unit is minutes
109 Alarm high temperature Ah Issue and report Integer Unit is 0.1C
110 Alarm low temperature Al Issue and report Integer Unit is 0.1C, For negative values use -(0xFFFFFFFF - value)
115 Relay status Only report Integer 01=cool, 02=off, 03=heating
116 Temperature sensor Issue and report Integer Unit is 0.1F
117 Heating differential value Hd Issue and report Integer Unit is 0.1C
118 Cooling differential value Cd Issue and report Integer Unit is 0.1C

The unit will constantly be sending the temperature sensor value in celcius and fahrenheit: 104 and 116. To trigger the unit to send all settings, send any value to a non-used register, e.g. TuyaSend1 2,1


Tasmota command Result
TuyaSend1 2,1 Trigger the unit to reveal all settings
TuyaSend2 106,250 Change set-point to 25.0C
TuyaSend2 101,1 Change units to Fahrenheit

Further Reading