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Basic Examples Legacy

Ben Murray edited this page Apr 19, 2021 · 3 revisions

Basic Examples - Legacy ExeTera (pre 0.5)

These examples are intended to help you understand scripts written using pre-0.5 versions of ExeTera. We don't recommend that you develop new scripts using versions of ExeTera prior to 0.5, as the API has undergone major usability improvements.


Creating a session object

Creating a Session object can be done multiple ways, but we recommend that you wrap the session in a context manager (with statement). This allows the Session object to automatically manage the datasets that you have opened, closing them all once the with statement is exited. Opening and closing datasets is very fast. When working in jupyter notebooks or jupyter lab, please feel free to create a new Session object for each cell.

from exetera.core.session import Session

# recommended
with Session() as s:

# not recommended
s = Session()

Loading dataset(s)

Once you have a session, the next step is typically to open a dataset. Datasets can be opened in one of three modes:

  • read - the dataset can be read from but not written to
  • append - the dataset can be read from and written to
  • write - a new dataset is created (and will overwrite an existing dataset with the same name)
with Session() as s:
  ds1 = s.open_dataset('/path/to/my/first/dataset/a_dataset.hdf5', 'r', 'ds1')
  ds2 = s.open_dataset('/path/to/my/second/dataset/another_dataset.hdf5', 'r+', 'ds2')

Closing a dataset

Closing a dataset is done through Session.close_dataset, as follows

with Session() as s:
  ds1 = s.open_dataset('/path/to/dataset.hdf5', 'r', 'ds1')

  # do some work



A typical ExeTera datastore is partitioned into logical tables representing a collection of closely related fields. This can be viewed as being very similar to a SQL data table or a pandas DataFrame.

with Session() as s:
  ds = s.open_dataset('/path/to/dataset.hdf5', 'r', 'ds')

  # list the tables present in this dataset
  for k in ds.keys():


Get a field

The field being loaded must represent a valid field (see Concepts)

r = session.get(dataset['patient_id'])
print(len(r)) # writes out the length of the field without loading the values

Load all of the data for a field

r = session.get(dataset['patient_id'])
values =[:]

Create a field

patients = dataset['patients']
timestamp =
isf = session.create_indexed_string(patients, 'foo')
fsf = session.create_fixed_string(patients, 'bar', 10)
csf = session.create_categorical(patients, 'boo', {'no':0, 'maybe':2, 'yes':1})
nsf = session.create_numeric(patients, 'far', 'uint32')
tsf = session.create_timestamp(patients, 'foobar')

Write to a field in chunks

for c in chunks_from_somewhere:

Write to a field in a single go


Referring to fields

Most of the session functions accept various representations of fields. The ones that are a bit more restrictive will be made more flexible in future releases. The following calls to apply_index are equivalent.

index = index_from_somewhere()
raw_foo = a_numpy_array_from_somewhere()
result = session.apply_index(index, src['foo']) # refer to the hdf5 Group that represents the field
result = session.apply_index(index, session.get(src['foo']) # refer to the field
result = session.apply_index(index, session.get(src['foo'].data[:]) # refer to the data in the field
result = session.apply_index(index, raw_foo) # refer to a numpy array
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