A Swing application for looking at PST files on any platform that supports Java. It includes all components necessary to run it; there is no need to download any other libraries.
The PST library is a memory hog; you may need to increase the available heap to read some PST files.
java -cp target\explorer-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar [pst-file]
java -cp target/explorer-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar [pst-file]
The Explorer application lets you explore a pst file from several conceptual levels to view:
The pst file header information
The list of properties, including names or GUIDs as required
The message store
The node B-tree, as a tree with nodes that can be expanded to show sub-nodes.
- The node's contents are shown if you select the node.
The block B-tree, as a tree with nodes that can be expanded to show to show sub-node blocks.
- The block's contents are shown if you select a block's node.
The pst file's folders (e.g. Deleted Items, Inbox, Outbox, and Sent Items) as a tree. Expanding the tree shows the folder contents (mail items, contacts, calendar entries, sticky note entries, or tasks).
Folder information:
- Raw data
- The heap for the folder information
- The B-Tree in the heap for the folder information
- The property context for the folder information
Folder contents:
- Raw data for the folder contents
- The heap for the folder for the folder contents
- The B-Tree in the heap for the folder for the folder contents
- The table context for the folder contents
Folder associated data
- Raw data for the folder associated data
- The heap for the folder for the folder associated data
- The B-Tree in the heap for the folder for the folder associated data
- The table context for the folder associated data
Initial version.
- Targets Java 11
- Uses Version 1.1.0 of pst library
- Javadoc
- pom file and dependency inclusion info
- Download from Sonatype OSS Maven Repository
No changes to functionality, but all code has undergone a thorough review and static analysis.
Fixes several problems:
- Issue #6: Popup menus (Save Attachment, Save HTML) not working in Explorer application
- Issue #7: Node and Block right-side displays don't clear on close or loading a new file
- Issue #8: Exception when saving attachment from Node display The application has also been run through several automated code scanners and security checkers, and all issues found have been resolved.
- Provide structured view of contents of intermediate node and block B-tree entries
- Provide structured view of XBLOCK / XXBLOCK / SIENTRY / SLENTRY internal blocks
- Fix removal of heap-on-node display which was throwing an exception
- Only show B-Tree-on-Heap display for Property Context and Table Context objects