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File metadata and controls

265 lines (169 loc) · 15.8 KB

Jingwu Xu


Build a training data creation framework, say, using Snorkel for automatic ML schema extraction from data files for predicting feature type based on attribute name, sample values, and statistics. Compare with recent work on manually labeled dataset.

Talk on this project:


Machine learning(ML) engineers spend the majority of their time dealing with data pre-processing in order to fit the feature data into machine understandable data type, like numerical value or categorical value. However, one major step even before data pre-processing is understanding the feature data type. Traditionally, ML enigeers manually inspect the source file and specify the intended data type of each feature column. However, this is very time-consuming and expensive task in reality, and the problem goes worse when it comes with large data files. Here, we present a label creation framework which outputs the feature type by applying a set of labeling heuristics on feature data statistics. By comparing the performance of downstream model trained using programmatically generated feature type with that using manually labeled feature type, it turns out the label creation framework has significantly speed up the labeling process (months to days development efforts) with lower cost and the downstream model trained using generated feature type has comparable accuracy than that using manually labeled feature type, 87% compared to 93%.



Wednesday 1.30pm.

Rules for assigning labels

Category Case
Usable directly numeric Case a. Should be usable directly as a number feature for ML numeric
Usable with extraction Case b. A number present along with unit of measure string
Case c. A text corpus with semantic meaning
Case d. Date or time stamp
Usable directly categorical Case e. Yes/No type values, including binary 0/1 answers
Case f. Country names, city names, food type names, and other object type names that are not cases l or m below
Case g. Coded numbers that are short forms of names in case f that are not cases l or m below
Case h. Short names that indicate type from a known finite set/domain that are not case l below
Case i. Handful of coded numbers that repeat themselves but arbitrary arithmetic on them is not meaningful and that are also not case l or n below
Case j. A coded number that encodes real-world entities from a known finite domain set
Unusable Case k. A number indicating the position of a record in its dataset table
Case l. An attribute that is likely the primary key in its dataset table
Context dependent Case m. Person name, company name, or any entity name that is not generic
Case n. Coded numbers or id for people, company, or other entity names from case m that are not cases g, i, j, k, or l above.


Record_id y_pred y_act Reason y_Arun Check Attribute_name Total_val num of dist_val Num of nans mean std_dev min_val max_val sample_1 sample_2 sample_3 sample_4 sample_5
53 Unusable Unusable l Unusable id 50000 50000 0 44432.4548 15773.45744 17283 73469 17283 17284 17285 17286 17287
48 Unusable Unusable l Unusable BeerID 73861 73861 0 36931 21321.83411 1 73861 1 2 3 4 5
51 Unusable Context_specific n Context_specific check animal_id 29421 28209 95.88049353 0 0 0 0 0 A684346 A685067 A678580 A675405 A670420
34 Unusable Context_specific l Context_specific id 671205 671205 0 993248.5937 196611.129 653047 1340339 653051 653053 653068 653063 653084
50 Unusable Context_specific m Context_specific interesting ACTOR1_ID 165808 3032 1.828621056 25061 2587.796692 1030.062165 1 3960 1071 2037 1077 2191
37 Usable with extraction Context_specific n Context_specific check Loan Theme ID 15736 718 4.562785968 0 0 0 0 0 a1050000000slfi a10500000068jPe a1050000002X1Uu a1050000007VvXr a1050000000weyk

Regarding to Snorkel:

  1. If two labeling functions give two different labels, how does Snorkel deal with it? I assume the Snorkel model only generates one label for each data point. 'Once the model is trained, we can combine the outputs of the LFs into a single, noise-aware training label set for our extractor'

  2. Need more explanation on labeling function comparison generated by Snorkel? How do I tell which labeling function is better than the other? how do I tell which labeling function takes effect when doing the prediction.

Regarding to data:

  1. What does it mean when predicting '1,2,3,4,5'?

    1062	68.146296	hm15life	NaN	6540	a	350	9597	Usable directly numeric	NaN	NaN	...	NaN	NaN	1	5	7	2	1265.812302	NaN	Context_specific	1
    1063	68.219235	hm15owner	NaN	6547	a	350	9597	Usable directly numeric	NaN	NaN	...	NaN	NaN	3	1	2	0	0.486729	NaN	Context_specific	3
    > 1
    > 2
    > 3
    > 4
    > 5
    > Context_specific
    > Unusable
    > Usable directly categorical
    > Usable directly numeric
    > Usable with extraction

According the provided files, I noticed that there exists a lot of inconsistence. X-axis represents predicted label, Y-axis represents actual labels. And the Confusion Matrix is:

  1. Most problematic field is context specific, which is largely misclassified into usable directly numeric.

  2. Record 208-247 attribute name with 'xxxid' are classified into usable directly numeric

  3. Record 1041-1079 classified into numbers (1-5)?

  4. What does columns means?

    'Unnamed: 2',
    'Unnamed: 9',



  • walk through Snorkel tutorials
  • play around with data and get some insights
  • looking for related papers, suggestions from professor?


  • Extract features from raw data

  • Performed character level LSTM on variable name, (91% accuracy) (5000 train vs 1000 test)

    Problems: lots of duplicated records, hard to generalize on unseen names.

  1. How could I design hierarchical labelling functions?

  2. How to fit trained NN model into labeling function?

  3. Choices between RNN and CNN? Which fits best to different types of features?

  4. What else information from data could be valuable?

  5. Can I get some existing labeling functions from previous work?

  6. Plan to fit LSTM on histogram.

  7. Plan to fit CNN for other features.

  8. How to Fit the end model after snorkel?

  9. Extremely long time to extract features.


    ['name', 'total', 'nunique', '%unique', '#null', 'std', 'var', 'min', 'max', 'mean', 'median', 'mode', 'hist0', 'hist1', 'hist2', 'hist3', 'hist4', 'hist5', 'hist6', 'hist7', 'hist8', 'hist9']

def LF1:
  if values == strings:
    goto LF2
   if values == numbers:
    goto LF3


  • Get to know to snorkel takes in labeling function matrix

  • Writing labeling functions Usable with extraction

    LF RESULTS Explanations
    lf_date_extraction_name [ 6., 21., 149., 12., 1.] datetime, time, date in name
    lf_date_extraction_samples [ 5., 0., 187., 8., 16.] samples in datetime format
    lf_extractable_name [ 51., 16., 122., 32., 8.] url, comment etc. in name
    lf_extractable_list [ 2., 3., 26., 5., 0.] samples with list, dict, format
    lf_extractable_sample_length [123., 3., 274., 37., 57.] samples with long length
    lf_extractable_units [1., 0., 3., 0., 0.] samples in (unit) num, unit format
    lf_extractable_number_sci [1., 1., 0., 0., 0.] samples with scientific rep
    lf_extractable_pattern [25., 1., 78., 14., 14.] samples where texts follow pattern while differ in numbers
  • Q: a lF only produces one category or none?

  • TODO: Write more labeling functions

  • TODO: Feed m*n data into snorkel


LF CHECKS reasoning sample1 sample2
lf_cast_to_numbers Case a. Should be usable directly as a number feature for ML 4/5 Samples are of float values 12.34 24.54
lf_extractable_units Case b. A number present along with unit of measure string unit + number + unit 50 hz $10
lf_extractable_number_sci Case b. A number with scientific representation \d+[eE^,]\d+ 5,000 1e9
lf_extractable_pattern Case c A String representation following some pattern pg 1, pg 2, pg 5 HT-1, HT-2
lf_date_extraction_name Case d. Date or time stamp date, time in attribute name
lf_extractable_name Case c. A text corpus with semantic meaning, URL, address url, text in attribute name review text remarks
lf_extractable_list Case c. A list of items in a single sample separated by symbols start and end by {} [] () {man:clothing , woman:cloing}
lf_extractable_sample_length Case c extremely long textual data (integer could not be that long) len(str)>25 url
lf_date_extraction_samples Case d. Date or time stamp regex match dattime 7/11/2018 12:20
lf_binary_category Case e. Yes/No type values, including binary 0/1 answers dist == 2 / 3
lf_name_category Case f. Country names, city names, food type names, and other object type names 'city, state, country, ...' in Attribute_name
lf_coded_abbreviation Case g. Coded numbers that are short forms of names upper case + same length + only alpha CHN USA CS, MATH
lf_coded_number Case g. Coded numbers that are short forms of names
Case i. Handful of coded numbers that repeat themselves but arbitrary arithmetic on them is not meaningful
1. attribute name contains code
2. all codes are of the same length 3. all codes are consisted of numbers
80525, 92092 1995, 2018
lf_finite_set_name Case h. Short names that indicate type from a known finite set/domain
Case j. A coded number that encodes real-world entities from a known finite/ domain set
1. attribute names indicates the samples ['job title', 'type', 'gender']
lf_finite_set_sample Case h. Short names that indicate type from a known finite set/domain 1. attribute samples are usually with meadian length 10-25,
2. attribute samples are mostly composed by alphabeta letters

Usable With Extraction

  1. A number present along with unit of measure string: unit + number + unit
  2. Scientific representation: \d+[eE,^]\d+
  3. A String representation following some pattern among all its samples
  4. A text corpus with semantic meaning, URL, address in its attribute name
  5. A text corpus with date time in its attribute name
  6. A structured representation among all its samples
  7. Avg. length above 25 for all samples, long texts
  8. A structured date/time representation among all its samples
  9. Email or url in samples
CATE TOTAL MATCHED Mismatched Abstained Accuracy Coverage
Usable With Extraction 650 581 559 69 .5096 .8938
Usable Directly Categorical 2087 1482 823 605 .6430 .7101
Usable Directly Numeric 5063 5055 3459 8 .5937 .9984
Unusable 891 856 576 35 .5978 .9607


  1. argmax deterministic random forest
  2. prob distribution cnn
  3. argmax deterministic cnn


  1. The downstream model is highly dependent on the snorkel output?
  2. Should the CNN model output probabilities or category?
  3. What can I do to increase the labeling accuracy?
  4. Why snorkel model accuracy goes down? Refer to the table.
Categories Noisy Disc. Model Model Acc. ne md epoch
4 0.855 0.867 0.875 128 64 20
4 0.855 0.848 0.846 128 64 10
4 0.855 0.850 0.868 128 64 50
4 0.855 0.855 0.875 128 128 20
4 0.855 0.860 0.875 64 32 20
4 0.855 0.864 0.885 32 32 50

Downstream model

###1. Train a random forest based on argmax of probabilistic data.

The original probabilistic data has accuracy 0.68 by simply taking the argmax amongst all probabilities.

A random forest learning model was learnt mapping input features (9 features) into deterministic labels. The best learnt model is 92% on testing with 0.66 real accuracy.