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163 lines (149 loc) · 10.5 KB

File metadata and controls

163 lines (149 loc) · 10.5 KB

JECS Changelog

v1.2 | some time in the future probably

  • you can now save and load null
  • the Unity version can now use the main version's defaultFileText feature in addition to the Unity-exclusive defaultFile feature
  • changed some things about the API, it's possible your code will break sorry
  • fixed some bugs
  • if you supply a defaultFileText when creating a DataFile, if you use Get and you don't provide a default value, the default value will be searched for in the defaultFileText
  • base types can now be loaded when they are written in the file using complex type rules (#26)
  • multi-line strings can now be written in a file with line breaks while ignoring those line breaks when parsed. (#25)
  • added DistributedData class, and many extension methods for it
  • added DataFile.TryGet
    • todo: document this, add non-generic version, add path based versions
  • added ReadableWritableDataFile.ResetValueToDefault()
  • added ReadableWritableDataFile.ResetToDefaultData()
  • added BaseTypes.TryParseBaseType
  • fixed default data path on Mac OS (Unity version)
  • added ReadableDataFile.Identifier
    • when creating a MemoryDataFile, you can now supply an identifier
  • You can now override the serialization rules for types in assemblies you don't control (#15)
  • Renamed [DoSave] and [DontSave] to [SaveThis] and [DontSaveThis]
  • [SaveThis] can now be used to save members with a custom name (#27 -- thanks, pipe01!)
  • Improved type handling: non-generic methods now work properly when the given value is of a type derived from the given type
  • general code cleanup
  • added some tests
  • Official support for .NET Core 3.1
  • fixed exception when creating a new DataFile with default text in a non-existent directory
  • fixed improper file names when attempting to create a DataFile with . in the path
  • Fixed numbers with decimal places using , instead of . on systems set to European standards
  • Saving and loading Type variables is much nicer with generic types
  • System.Net.IPAddress has been added as a built-in base type
  • System.Version has been added as a built-in base type
  • Added FileInfo and DirectoryInfo as built-in base types
  • Added System.Numerics.BigInteger as a built-in base type
  • New and better system for adding custom base types; removed the kind of shitty old system
  • Vastly improved errors. Many more kinds of error are caught, and error messages have helpful information like the file path and line number.
  • Improved performance when working with generic collections (i.e. List<T>) by caching the runtime-compiled generic methods
  • Fixed DataFile.DeleteKey() not saving changes to disk when Autosave is true
  • AutoReload is much more reliable, especially on non-Windows systems
  • Use lock when reading or writing data to disk to prevent sharing violations
  • Improved logic for saving & loading System.Type so the strings look better
  • Added support for saving and loading nullable value types
  • Added support for saving and loading abstract types and interfaces
  • Gave the library a new name
  • Added ReadableWritableDataFile.DeleteAllKeys()
  • GetAsObject and SetAsObject now fully support all JECS types
  • All written files now end with a newline
  • Add ReadableWritableDataFile.DeleteKeyAtPath
  • Changed default property saving behavior: properties with public get are now saved by default, even if set is private

todo update the docs for 1.2

v1.1 | 2019-11-12

  • added GetAtPath and SetAtPath
  • added MemoryDataFile and MemoryReadOnlyDataFile (in the SUCC.MemoryFiles namespace)
  • added support for writing rational floats in files; you can now write 1/3 instead of 0.33333
  • adding custom base types is now much easier & done generically
    • // old way:
          (object mct) => mct.ToString(),
          (string text) => MyCustomType.Parse(text)
      // new way:
          mct => mct.ToString(),
  • added FileName property to DataFile and ReadOnlyDataFile, as a complement to FilePath
  • added SizeOnDisk property to DataFile and ReadOnlyDataFile
  • added an unordered TopLevelKeys property and renamed GetTopLevelKeys() to GetTopLevelKeysInOrder()
  • simplified repository branch structure; there is now only master for the standalone version and unity for the Unity version
  • made BaseTypes.ParseBaseType public
  • improved performance of saving files
  • added XML documentation for more things
  • various code cleanup
  • tests are much better and use the new MemoryDataFiles
  • prevent the user from saving strings with tabs in them (this is invalid SUCC)
  • fixed a few issues where invalid files could be generated
  • fixed custom base types sometimes not working
  • removed WebGL support from the Unity version
  • parsing error messages are slightly more helpful. There is still a lot of work to be done here though and this will likely be a focus of 1.2.

v1.0 | 2019-03-29

  • refactored a LOT; code is much better
  • added wiki
  • can now be installed as a package using the Unity Package Manager
  • added a version that doesn't use Unity
  • added tests
  • added custom base types
  • added ReadOnlyDataFile
  • added DataFile.GetAsDictionary and SaveAsDictionary
  • added DataFile.AutoReload and DataFile.OnAutoReload
  • added Custom Shortcuts
  • added Utilities.SuccFileExists()
  • added DataFile.GetRawText()
  • added AutoSave bool to DataFile, which is on by default
  • added FileStyle class to control various aspects of how generated files are formatted. Each DataFile can have its own Style, and there is a global default Style.
  • added DoSaveAttribute for saving private fields and properties of complex types
  • added Utilities.LineEndingStyle to control how line endings are saved in the files
  • booleans can now be loaded as "on"/"off", "yes"/"no", or "y"/"n" in addition to "true"/"false"
  • some error messages improved
  • no more restrictions on dictionary types
  • explicit support for generic collections: T[], List<T>, Dictionary<T1, T2>, HashSet<T>
  • moved Utilities.IndentationCount to FileStyle.IndentationInterval
  • renamed non-generic DataFile.Get and Set to GetNonGeneric and SetNonGeneric
  • renamed non-generic DataFile.GetAsObject and SetAsObject to GetAsObjectNonGeneric and SetAsObjectNonGeneric
  • an error will now be thrown if trying to set indentation interval to less than 1
  • an error will now be thrown if you try to set Utilities.DefaultPath to a path that is not absolute
  • usage of the DontSave attribute is now properly restricted to fields and properties
  • fixed issue where old data could stick around when new data was saved for collections
  • fixed complex type shortcuts not being erased when a new value is saved
  • fixed errors in Unity editor if you'd most recently compiled for webGL
  • fixed various issues relating to multi-line strings
  • fixed newly created data files beginning with an empty line
  • fixed error if file is deleted on disk while program is running
  • various performance improvements
  • the main branch is now independent from Unity
  • renamed the project from Sensible Unity/C# Configuration to Sensible and Utilitarian C# Configuration
  • changed the license from MIT to WTFPL
  • added new branches for development. The master, unity, and unity-package-manager branches will henceforth be kept at the latest stable release.

v0.3 | 2018-11-08

  • renamed library to SUCC
  • file extension of saved data is now .succ
  • added constructor shortcuts
  • added method shortcuts
  • added support for WebGL
  • improved the default file path and made it specific to different platforms - see for details
  • if trying to parse a custom type without all properties/fields defined, the undefined bits will now be left at their default value. Previously, an error would be thrown.
  • added DataFile.GetTopLevelKeys()
  • added DataFile.SaveAsObject and DataFile.GetAsObject as well as non-generic versions
  • added non-generic Get and Set methods to DataFile
  • DataFile.Get method no longer requires a default value - if none is provided, it will use default(T)
  • dictionaries can now be serialized and parsed properly
  • added comment character escaping in compliance with PENIS spec 0.2
  • added warning when trying to serialize null
  • updated documentation

v0.2 | 2018-09-26

  • added property shortcuts
  • added System.Type as a base type which can be serialized/parsed
  • will no longer save data to disk if the same data is already on the disk
  • will now throw an exception if a file contains the tab character (this is invalid PENIS)
  • relative files paths now work properly on non-windows OSs
  • fixed being unable to parse List<T>

v0.1 | 2018-09-22

  • Initial release