Add a DynamoDB table Reindeer
to our InfrastructureChristmasStack
CDK stack. Configure id
as partition key, and set provisioned read and write capacity to 12. Free tier allows up to 25 read and 25 write capacity units.
For more information, see Read/write capacity mode |
val tableName = "Reindeer"
val reindeerTable = Table.Builder.create(this, tableName)
//Note: for workshop DESTROY setting is good because when we clean up we do not want to retain anything.
//On production usually one would use RETAIN or SNAPSHOT so that the data is not lost if the stack is deleted.
//Setting to keep ourselves within the free tier
Because in this assignment we are not going to transform the event payload in any way, we can just reuse the data class Reindeer
as a database object.
Let us add AWS SDK DynamoDB enhanced client annotations to it. In addition, let us add schema and table definitions as statics to the same class.
data class Reindeer(
var id: String = "",
var name: String = "",
var speed: Int = 0,
var skill: String? = null,
var description: String? = null
companion object {
private const val TABLE_NAME = "Reindeer"
private val schema: TableSchema<Reindeer> = TableSchema.fromClass(
private val dynamoDbAsyncClient: DynamoDbEnhancedAsyncClient = DynamoDbEnhancedAsyncClient.builder()
val reindeerTable: DynamoDbAsyncTable<Reindeer> = dynamoDbAsyncClient.table(
Finally, we need to update the Lambda handler to save event payload to our new table.
Normally Lambda handler will not have business logic, but would call a controller that in turn calls one or more services, but for this simple workshop we are just going to update the code in the handler KotlinLambda
override fun handleRequest(event: EventBridgeMessage<Reindeer>, context: Context): String {
//if payload is present, add or replace it in the Reindeer table (put)
event.detail?.let {
reindeerTable.putItem(it).join()"Put item $it")
return "Merry Christmas!"
To build the changes locally you can run in the root of the project:
./gradlew build
Now we can commit and push our changes, and then after CI/CI pipeline in GitHub have succeeded, we can check that event payload has been saved to the database.
Send Reindeer event again, same as in section 3:
"id": "1",
"name": "Dasher",
"speed": 100,
"skill": "Sewing",
"description": "He loves to go fast!"
Check event has been processed by Lambda. The lambda log should have a log entry containing Reindeer event payload:
Now go to DynamoDB service, select Reindeer
The table item count is not real time, you can perform live item count which scans the whole table. This is not recommended when tables have a lot of data. |
Select button "Explore table items":
Press the refresh button to see your new item in the table:
If refresh button is disabled, you may need to refresh the browser page, as any query settings in the query form above disables the refresh button. |