The host where the Vega is installed has a GPU and meets the following requirements:
- Ubuntu 18.04 or later (other Linux distributions are not fully tested)
- CUDA 10.0
- Python 3.7
- pip
Before installing Vega, you need to install MMDetection and pycocotools in addition to some mandatory software packages through pip.
Execute the following command to install:
pip3 install --user noah-vega
Vega's dependent packages are not installed during the Vega installation process. After completing the Vega installation, you need to execute the following commands to install the dependent packages:
python3 -m
If the detection algorithm (SP-NAS) is required, install MMDetection and download
. Install the software according to the installation instructions on the home page of the software.
To support mixed precision and SyncBN, install Apex, download the Apex source code
, and install the software according to the installation instructions on the home page of the software.