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206 lines (133 loc) · 7.55 KB

File metadata and controls

206 lines (133 loc) · 7.55 KB

Service container

A service container have been added (extracted from the symfony dependency injection component.
More details about the integration on symfony core.


Many issues have been fixed for embedded form included:

  • You can use sfFormObject::updateObject() without save, all embedded form objects are updated.
  • You can use file upload into your embedded forms, files will be correctly removed in embedded forms using sfWidgetFormInputFileEditable.
  • sfFormObject::updateObject() and sfFormObject::saveObject() methods are call recursivly from embeded forms.
  • You can use integer in name argument of sfForm::embedForm.

This fixes the following tickets :

[BC Break] The form is not cloned anymore when you passed it to sfForm::embedForm.

The method sfForm::embedFormForForeach() have been removed.

A new method sfForm::getErrors() have been added.
This method returns an array with label as key and the validation error message as value (included embedded form errors).

The CRSF protection is now disable in cli environement.


A new parameter default have been added to the method sfWidget::getOption.

New widget sfWidgetFormInputRead have been added.
This allow you to display a readonly input without border, with the value of your choice AND an hidden input with real value and name for submit.

The method sfWidgetFormDateRange::getStylesheets() does not try to remove duplicate (fixes


A new sfValidatorIp have been added (extracted from symfony2).


Routing part receive a huge performance improvement. Routes declared in cache are unserialize on demand.
With the usage of combined lookup_cache_dedicated_keys and cache in factories.yml, only routes you use in page are instantiate.

When using routing cache, the cache key generated to identify a route or an URL can be customized bu extending the sfPatternRouting class.


When you overwrite a module from any plugin, it's not required anymore to copy all view files corresponding to the overloaded actions if you don't only need to modify action code.


Two new methods have been added :

  • sfWebResponse::clearJavascripts()
  • sfWebResponse::clearStylesheet()

This allow you to remove all stylesheets and/or all javascripts added into the global view.yml from action files without added a view.yml with [-*] in your module.


A new option trust_proxy have been added to sfWebRequest.
You can set to false by adding trust_proxy: false in request section of your factories.yml.

If set to false, the following methods will not use the HTTP_X_FORWARDED_* server indication:

  • getHost()
  • isSecure()
  • getClientIp()

The new sfWebRequest::getClientIp() method returns the client IP address that made the request.
It takes a proxy parameter. If set to false, the IP will never come from proxy that passed the request.


A new method sfWebResponse::prependTitle have been added.
This allow you to prepend title to the previous defined title, split by default by a - separator.


sfFilesystem::copy() and sfFilesystem::rename() methods now return the result from copy() or rename() php functions (boolean).


The method sfValidatorSchema::preClean now returns cleaned values (fixes
This allow you to modified into validotors defined in your form `preValidator.

The method sfValidatorErrorSchema::addError accept all possible name different of null as second argement.
This allow you to set integer name for named error (fixes

Also, the method sfValidatorErrorSchema::addError uses much less memory for complex form with many (recursive) embedded forms.

[BC Break] The method sfValidatorErrorSchema::addErrors only accept an sfValidatorErrorSchema instance as argument.

The second argument (an array of errors) of the sfValidatorErrorSchema constructor should not be use anymore (mark as deprecated).

A new sfValidatorEqual have been added.
It take one required value option an an optional strict to compare strictly or not.

The sfValidatorFile now returns size error in Kilo Byte instead of Byte.

A new method sfValidator::resetType() have been added.

[BC Break] The trim option of sfValidatorBase is set to true by default.


The sfAction::renderJson have been added.


The debug mode of a task is now configurable.
You can pass --no-debug option to any task, wish will desactivate debug mode.

A new sf_cli configuration is available.
This configuration is now use to detect cli context (instead of using only debug mode).
This allow to run task in non-debug mode, usefull for using cache or using project:optimize for production environnement.

A new method sfBaseTask::withTrace() have been added.
This a proxy method to sfCommandApplication::withTrace() if available, returns false otherwise.

A new method sfBaseTask::isVerbose() have been added.
This a proxy method to sfCommandApplication::isVerbose() if available, returns false otherwise.

A new method sfBaseTask::showStatus() have been added.
This allow you to display a status bar with the progression, elapsed and reamaining time for repetitive actions in part of your task.



Two new arguments truncate_pattern and max_lenght (used only when truncate_pattern is set) have been added to the truncate_text function.
See unit tests for usage examples.


Two new functions clear_javascripts and clear_stylesheets have been added.
This allow you to remove all stylesheets and/or all javascripts added into the global view.yml from view files.


A new configuration sf_upload_dir_name contains 'uploads' have been added.


A new option test_path have been added.
This allow you to use another directory for unit tests temporary files storage.



A new sfWidgetFormDoctrineArrayChoice have been added.
This allow you to use an array builded by a table method of a model to increase performance.
See unit tests for usage examples.

Form generation

Added column name for foreign key colums.
This allow you to add foreign key on a non primary key (works only for indexed columns on Mysql).


A new option skip-build have been added to sfDoctrineCreateModelTablesTask.
This option allow you to skip the build model subtask called before the model creation.

The doctrine:compile task has been added and the generated file is automaticaly detect and use by symfony.


The project:optimize task has been fixed.

php test/bin/coverage.php take an optional argument to define only one file for coverage of a symfony class:

php test/bin/coverage.php sfWebRequest