#Westwind.Utiltities ###A rich library of everyday utilities for .NET development###
Every .NET application requires small, common and ofen repeated tasks. This library is a collection of those things that I commonly need on a regular basis and have compiled over the years.
It includes tools for:
- Application Configuration class to create code-first strongly typed configuration classes for your applications
- Lightweight ADO.NET Data Access Layer ideal for components or apps that need data access but don't need the bulk of Entity Framework or similar ORM
- Application Logging that is integrated and easy to use and configure
- General Purpose Utility Classes:
- StringUtils
- HtmlUtils
- ReflectionUtils
- SerializationUtils
- DataUtils
- FileUtils
- TimeUtils
- XmlUtils
- StringSerializer
- Expando
- PropertyBag
- Scheduler (for background processing)
- DelegateFactory
and much, much more.
It's worthwhile to browse through the source code or the documentation to find out the myriad of useful functionality that is available, all in a small single assembly.
This assembly is the base for most other West Wind libraries.