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Variational Autoencoder

A Variational Autoencoder is an autoencoder where we map the fixed bottleneck vector to a distribution.

Loss(Total) = MSELoss + KLDivLoss

The model contains:

  • The low-dimensional code learned for input x in the bottleneck layer is the output of encoder, let's call it z.
  • We split 'z' into 2 vectors, the mean vector and the standard deviation vector.
  • We then sample a vector of dimension same as the mean and standard deviation. This vector is sampled from the standard Gaussian distribution.
  • We multiply this vector with the standard deviation vector and add the mean vector to create a new vector 'w'.
  • We then pass the vector 'w' to the decoder.
  • We have used ResNet-like layers in the encoder and inverse ResNet-like layers in the decoder.

We have implemented the Variational Autoencoder using PyTorch. You need to install these external libraries before running our code:

  • pytorch(for model training)
  • matplotlib(for plotting graphs and images)
  • tqdm(for showing progress bars)
  • numpy(for displaying images)

Our model has already been trained on the MNIST dataset. To run our code, Open Terminal and navigate to this directory and run:


You can train a new model from scratch or load our pre-trained model to test.

Hyperparameters used for the Variational Autoencoder Training:

Parameters Values
Learning Rate 5 x 10-3
Epochs 10
Loss (MSE+KLDiv)

Our Training and Testing Losses were:

Type Value
Training Loss 2.0276
Testing Loss 1.9304

Our loss function value graph during training:

Graph Image

Our Input and Output on the Test set was:

Output Image

Our transition of Random generated images:


Our Final Output for randomly generated image:

Random Image