CSC8631 Assessment for Newcastle University
Instructions for loading this project in RStudio:
#Step 1) download the project files from GitHub (, for example, by selecting Code (green button in the middlet of the screen) and select Download to Zip file from the dropdown list
#Step 2) unzip the files if necessary and store to a folder location on your local computer
#Step 3) load RStudio and reset the working directory to the Exploratory_Analysis folder within the project files, at the location selected within Step 2
#Step 4) within a new R script load the ProjectTemplate library and load the project, using the script below:
library("ProjectTemplate") load.project()
#The README file within Exploratory_Analysis folder explains the structure of the project material. #The Overview Presentation, in PowerPoint, and Report in .pdf format are stored in the reports folder. To rerun the reports open the .Rmd versions and select Knit.