- Deadline => Sunday 12th by 23:59
- Send it to => thibaud.bardin [at] gmail [dot] com
- Email all files in an .zip, .rar, .tar or .7z format (attach your "SQL Export" database)
- +1 point if the website is online (it's easy in fact)
- List all articles 6 by 6 with a pagination (show only enabled articles) [MANDATORY]
- Show one article by its id (show only enabled articles) [MANDATORY]
- Contact form which send an email via mail() function [OPTION]
- Login page with error display if I submit bad credentials [MANDATORY]
All back-office files will be protected (redirection or Not Authorized)
- CRUD for Article [MANDATORY] => ROLE_USER can only show and modify their own articles
- CRUD for Category [MANDATORY] => Not accessible by ROLE_USER
- CRUD for Tag [OPTION] => Not accessible by ROLE_USER
- CRUD for User (2 roles: ROLE_ADMIN & ROLE_USER) => Not accessible by ROLE_USER
id (int) / title (varchar) / content (text) / enabled (boolean) / [OPTION] image (varchar) / created_at (datetime) / updated_at (datetime) / category_id / user_id
ManyToOne => Many Articles can have One Category
ManyToMany => Many Articles can have Many Tags
ManyToOne => Many Articles can have One User
id (int) / name (varchar)
id (int) / name (varchar)
id (int) / username (varchar) / Password (varchar) / Role (varchar)
article_id (int) / tag_id (int)