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正式开始前请确保你在身体上和精神上都处于合适的状态,请刻意练习,残酷面对 🆒。 报名需要按要求认真填写下面 [ YourName ] 自我介绍部分,方便大家互相认识,报名通过审核即可开始自主学习。
m [Your self-introduction should include your nickname, profession, and motivation for learning English to ensure that everyone can clearly understand your situation.]
[Maybe 90%]
- A-Programmers-Guide-to-English 重新认识英语这门语言 ❤️ 预计 1 天,已学的可忽略
- 从 0 开始学习英语语法 构成英语的基石:语法 ❤️ 预计 1 天,已学的可忽略
- 每日英语听写 Daily English Dictation 1-400 「听写」对于「听和说」是最有效的方式 ❤️ 预计 18 天,进度是每天至少 2-5 节,每次听写尽量写出来具体的内容,可以总结生词/概述所学/复盘。最后 1 天对本期残酷共学复盘总结
- 其它:扩展资料或其它你认为适合自己的英语学习资料。
CP 组队: 希望大家主动认识,互相监督学习和打卡,好好享受这 21 天英语共学之旅。
Notes Proof : 格式仅供参考
- 问题思考示例:
- 英语音标发音有哪些值得注意的(易错的或难读的)?
- 英语听说读写哪个板块你比较擅长或者不擅长,基于自己情况制定学习计划,和大家交流的方向?
- 听写笔记示例:
- Dictation:将自己听到的内容记下。
- Fix: 对照原句看看哪些听错了进行标记并总结,比如:是单词不认识、还是发音不熟悉、或是断句不正确、或是其它。
- 笔记证明 Notes Proof 下方的
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不要删除。 - 每天的学习证明记录格式:以时间年月日
### 2024.10.08
bilibili eveyday study English. study at 12:00 to 13:00
What time do you have?
https://www.youtube.com/shorts/YS2Yhbn2NXQ 动词 crush spill bend roll squash squeeze pour drag twist smash wring shatter
学习英文句型 long face 愁眉苦脸 not even close 差太远
make sense(合理 It doesn't make sense. Does it make sense to you?)
sleep over(过夜) Toss and turn make no difference(都不重要了) keen on make up (捏造 编造) Says who(谁说的) Based on what?(评什么)
excels at(善长) Not a clue. go to waste(被浪费) I got your back.(Don't worr) sick of
What do you say get a cup of coffee ( toke)? studying
What do you want to do something? What do you wanna talk about?
What do you do when it gets cold?
https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1gK4y147wf/?spm_id_from=333.788.recommend_more_video.3&vd_source=62a605305028a88b357c9362523e8acf 学习对话 口语学习 1到10集
band-aid pimple soak
make-up calendar available
thrive a thriving industry. He thrives on hard work. Today his company continues thrive.. Many people thrive on a stressful lifestyle.
https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1C1421R7TD/?spm_id_from=pageDriver&vd_source=62a605305028a88b357c9362523e8acf 发音学习
what do you do? want to 发音 wanna grow up
口语练习一个小时 www.free4talk.com 用英文进行在线交流,学习单词 thrive obey mustache isolation negotiating snack guy honest effort
万能句型学习 What are you doing ... for?做什么
What are you talk about? 你们在胡说什么
What are you thinking about? 你们在想什么
What are you whispering about?
(gigling 笑什么, getting at说中点, looking at 你们在看什么,看什么, laughing at 嘲笑 在笑什么,looking for 查找什么== search find, playing with 玩什么, working on 在忙什么, planning on doing 你打算做什么)?
take it out sh
What are you thinking about that for? 你想这个干什么 What are you laughing about for me? (getting/ mad at me for 生什么)
What are you being such a drama queen. I don't like drama?
四 地点副词
What are you doing here(out here 一个人。。。在外面..干嘛?, over here 你跑到这里干嘛,本来, in here)?
What are you doing out there?( over there)
不规则的动词学习记忆 https://zhuanlan.zhihu.com/p/141507422
be (am, is, are) – was, were – been
I really and truly am in love this time.
I am new to the town.
There were 50 people there, at the very most. Where were they made. It's time the kids were in bed.
broadcast I don't like to broadcast the fact that my father owns the company. They began broadcasting in 1922.
How did you test go? What do you want to do tomorrom
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eg71e0xB8dw 口语学习 What are you reading ? What did you learn today?
沉浸式英文学习在bilibili 一个小时
I need a favor. I'll look into it. Let's take it follow. What's the status.I'am running late. Let's sync up.
I'll loop you in. Please keep me in loop. I'll give you a heads up. Thinks for th heads up. I'm out of loop.
I'll get back to you.I'll catch you later.Let's catch up soon. Let's get started.I'am on it. I'll take care of it.
I'll get it doen.I'll take it from here. I'am heading out.I'am in a meeting. Let's set a deadline. What's the bottom line?
I'am on a call.Can you share your thoughts.I'am working on it. Can you handle the follow-up. I'am out of the office.
I need more details. What's schedule a meeting.Can you reschedule? I'am good with that. Let's touch base tomorrom. That works for me.
I'll see you then.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eg71e0xB8dw 日常沟通技巧
What' your favorite place in our town?
单词强化 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zR0bCVEaoYM
absent absolute absorb abundant academy accelerate accessible accompany accomplish accord accumulate accurate accuse achieve acknowledge acquire activity actual adapt addiction adequate adjacent
adjust admission adopt advance advantage adventure adverse advertise advice advocate affect affection afford agency agenda aggressive agriculture aid aim aircraft alarm alien alike allocate
alternative ambition amend analysis ancestor ancient anger angle announce annual anticipate anxiety apology appetite appoint appreciate approach appropriate approval
bilibili 一个小时沉浸语句学习
effort sectet
Think's fom coming over. I readlly You're not that handsome. Tell me your favorite song and I'll play it for you. I haven't seen him arond lately.
thrilled . She have no time for that.
陌生单词学习 avenger endgmae shatter assemble precise predict debuts