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正式开始前请确保你在身体上和精神上都处于合适的状态,请刻意练习,残酷面对 🆒。 报名需要按要求认真填写下面 [ YourName ] 自我介绍部分,方便大家互相认识,报名通过审核即可开始自主学习。
Paxon Qiao 乔鹏军, Web3开发者,区块链技术爱好者,现居住于中国陕西,对Web3、区块链、智能合约、去中心化应用开发等领域有深入研究和实践。学习英语是我个人的兴趣爱好,希望通过共学,提高自己的英语水平,同时也能结识更多的朋友。
- A-Programmers-Guide-to-English 重新认识英语这门语言 ❤️ 预计 1 天,已学的可忽略
- 从 0 开始学习英语语法 构成英语的基石:语法 ❤️ 预计 1 天,已学的可忽略
- 每日英语听写 Daily English Dictation 1-400 「听写」对于「听和说」是最有效的方式 ❤️ 预计 18 天,进度是每天至少 2-5 节,每次听写尽量写出来具体的内容,可以总结生词/概述所学/复盘。最后 1 天对本期残酷共学复盘总结
- 其它:扩展资料或其它你认为适合自己的英语学习资料。
CP 组队: 希望大家主动认识,互相监督学习和打卡,好好享受这 21 天英语共学之旅。
Notes Proof : 格式仅供参考
- 问题思考示例:
- 英语音标发音有哪些值得注意的(易错的或难读的)?
- 英语听说读写哪个板块你比较擅长或者不擅长,基于自己情况制定学习计划,和大家交流的方向?
- 听写笔记示例:
- Dictation:将自己听到的内容记下。
- Fix: 对照原句看看哪些听错了进行标记并总结,比如:是单词不认识、还是发音不熟悉、或是断句不正确、或是其它。
- 笔记证明 Notes Proof 下方的
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不要删除。 - 每天的学习证明记录格式:以时间年月日
### 2024.10.08
- 语言的学习,是学习双方都能理解的表达方式和表达思维。 比如:apple 对于你是苹果,对于对方也是苹果;英文的思维习惯是从细节到具体(地址先说门牌号最后是国家,日期先说天最后是年份)而中文思维习惯是从大到小。
- 语言的表达不能通过转换为自己熟悉的语言再转换。 比如:在实际交流中,你不能将一段英语翻译成中文,理解了意思再想出中文,再翻译成英文表达出去。一是信息有损,二是思考的过程太慢影响交流的时效性。 实际上有些英文句子只可意会不可翻译,所以很多熟悉两门语言的人会常常混用表达。
做好 Benchmark 并设置目标 无论是做性能优化还是做什么事情,第一件事肯定是先做当前状态的记录,并设置一个目标和期限。 抱着怀疑、认真严谨的态度
英语学习最关键的内容就是语料库,其次就是语法(识别引擎 ),最后是词汇(数据结构)。 语料库并不只是词汇,训练学习方法也并非简单的背单词。 语料库里的每个语料通常需要以下信息:
- 多种口音的声音
- 不同词性和时态下,不同的发音和重音位置变化
- 单词的多重含义
- 同义词及其对比、反义词等
- 语料相关的俚语、文化、衍生词等
- 相关的常见固定搭配和用法。
- 名词的单复数形态和动词的各种时态变形及其发音规则。
Anki 发音错题本 听力单词本 常见名词本 拼写错题本 新单词本 熟词生僻意思单词本 连读训练本
音标要刷到熟练、准确为止 只有音标才是一个单词最精确的发音,涉及到口音以及发音者水平等等因素,你不确定听到的发音是绝对正确的,只有看到音标你才能确定。 训练音标最重要的目的是补充你之前发不出的声音,并且可以辨音。 纠音经验总结:
- 发音训练时务必要有纠音。 最好是人,最差是 Google 翻译语音识别。在没有纠音之前,很多发音发错了自己是察觉不到的,即便是自己音标很熟悉也有可能在组合起来的时候出错。如果出错没人纠正自以为正确继续训练,还不如不练,后期更难纠音。
- 大量训练。 在这个过程中可以明显感觉到,单个音标读准读对,并不意味着组合起来的单词就可以读对,同样单个单词可以发音很准,并不意味着在读一个句子的时候这个单词可以读的准。从小到大,大量训练才能真正无意识读出来。
精听和泛听是扩展听力语料库的重要方法 精听的训练方法:
- 播放一个句子,并尝试默写下来
- 再重复听这个句子,不断补充和完善你的句子,直到你再也无法继续完善
- 对照答案,查看原句是什么样的
- 分析为什么没有写出原句,这一步最重要。问下自己: 是遇到了生词? 是单词拼错了? 漏了或者加了 -s、-ed 后缀?漏了或者听错了 a、the?
- 再听一遍,默写下来,最好再跟读几遍
- 随便找一份听力材料。
- 听,并尽可能想你听到了什么、它说了什么。 听力训练最重要的还是去找到你听不出来的东西并将其练到能听出来,精听是一个好方法,如果有精力,泛听也可以部分辅助。
- 输入一段英文材料,一段文字或者一篇文章。听力或者文本。
- 在一定时间内听或者阅读,并试图理解。
- 想象你将对第三个人介绍这段材料的内容,用自己的表达去说或者写出。
- 对照原材料,查看是否有表达出错、不够准确的地方,总结学习原材料的表达方式和词句
- 过段时间重复尝试转述这段素材,重复第 4 步
句子, 句子成分, 词性 单词是句子成分最小的单位,而每一个单词都有词性。
- 非重点类:代词、数词、感叹词
- 重点类
- 实词:名词、副词、形容词、动词
- 虚词:介词、连词、冠词
代词(pron.) pronoun 代词,代词是代替名词的词,代词本身没有意义,代词的作用是代替名词,使句子更简洁。 = pro (代替) + noun (名词) she 她 he 他 it 它 they 他们 we 我们 you 你 my 我的 your 你的 his 他的 her 她的 our 我们的 their 他们的 themselves 他们自己 this 这些 who 谁 which 哪一个 what 什么 anyone 任何一个 英语中的代词(pronouns),它们用来代替名词或名词短语,避免重复。下面是它们的分类:
人称代词(Personal pronouns):
- 主格:用于句子的主语位置。
- she (她), he (他), it (它), they (他们), we (我们), you (你)
- 宾格:用于句子的宾语位置。
- her (她的), him (他的), it (它), them (他们), us (我们), you (你)
- 主格:用于句子的主语位置。
物主代词(Possessive pronouns):
- 形容词性物主代词:用于修饰名词。
- my (我的), your (你的), his (他的), her (她的), our (我们的), their (他们的)
- 名词性物主代词:直接代替名词。
- mine (我的), yours (你的), his (他的), hers (她的), ours (我们的), theirs (他们的)
- 形容词性物主代词:用于修饰名词。
反身代词(Reflexive pronouns):
- themselves (他们自己), ourselves (我们自己), yourself (你自己), himself (他自己), herself (她自己), itself (它自己)
指示代词(Demonstrative pronouns):
- this (这些), these (这些复数), that (那个), those (那些)
疑问代词(Interrogative pronouns):
- who (谁), which (哪一个), what (什么)
不定代词(Indefinite pronouns):
- anyone (任何一个), everyone (每一个), somebody (某个人), nobody (没有人)
- 基数词(Cardinal numbers):表示数量。
- 序数词(Ordinal numbers):表示顺序。
- 分数词(Fractional numbers):表示分数。
- 倍数词(Multiple numbers):表示倍数。
- 小数词(Decimal numbers):表示小数。
基数词(Cardinal numbers):用于表示数量的多少。
- 例子:one (1), two (2), three (3), ten (10), twenty (20)
序数词(Ordinal numbers):用于表示顺序。
- 例子:first (第一), second (第二), third (第三), tenth (第十)
分数词(Fractional numbers):用于表示分数。
- 例子:one-half (1/2), one-third (1/3), three-quarters (3/4)
倍数词(Multiple numbers):用于表示倍数。
- 例子:double (两倍), triple (三倍), quadruple (四倍)
小数词(Decimal numbers):用于表示小数。
- 例子:1.5 (one point five), 2.75 (two point seven five)
这些分类准确地反映了数词在不同场景中的使用方式。 感叹词 名词 动词 形容词 副词
- 例子:beautiful flower (美丽的花), big house (大的房子)
- 例子:very tall (非常高), extremely difficult (极其困难)
- 例子:run quickly (跑得快), speak loudly (大声说话)
总结:形容词用来修饰名词,副词可以修饰形容词、动词以及其他副词。 冠词 介词 连词
主谓 主系表 主谓宾 主谓宾宾 主谓宾补
主语 谓语 宾语 定语 状语 补语 同位语 表语 状语是干啥的?作修饰,说明地点,时间,原因,结果,条件,方式,方向,程度等。
名词短语 中,用形容词修饰一个 名词 ,通常结构为 「限定词+形容词+名词」 当多个 形容词 修饰一个 名词 时, 大家记住一个大原则: 「观点形容词 + 描绘形容词」
在修饰「some,any,no,every」 和「one,thing,body」的 合成词 时, 形容词 要后置。
副词修饰形容词时, 形容词要副词在前。 副词和副词在一起的时候, 修饰的那个在前。
注意:唯有enough这个副词,必须后置 通常情况, 副词 放在 动词 后面 一般情况放在 动词 后面, 但是如果放后面有歧义, 那 副词 就要放在 动词 前面。 如果修饰的副词表现语气很强烈,那就要放在动词前。 这样的副词还有 only/ merely/ also/ especially/ even/ particularly/ utterly/ almost/ surely 等等
Mother Teresa, who received a Nobel Peace Prize for her work on behalf of the pool, dies in Calcutta, India - she was 87 years old.
特蕾莎修女因其为贫困群体的工作而获得诺贝尔和平奖,她在印度加尔各答去世,享年87岁。 这句话的英语语法结构可以分为几个部分进行解释:
"Mother Teresa" 是句子的主语,指的是特蕾莎修女。 -
- "who received a Nobel Peace Prize for her work on behalf of the poor" 是一个定语从句,用来修饰主语 "Mother Teresa"。
- 这个从句的结构是:
- "who" 是关系代词,指代 "Mother Teresa"。
- "received" 是动词,表示“获得”。
- "a Nobel Peace Prize" 是宾语,表示特蕾莎修女获得了诺贝尔和平奖。
- "for her work on behalf of the poor" 是介词短语,解释她获得诺贝尔奖的原因,意思是“因为她为贫困群体所做的工作”。
- "dies in Calcutta, India" 是主句,动词 "dies" 表示她去世了。
- "in Calcutta, India" 是地点状语,说明她在印度加尔各答去世。
- "she was 87 years old" 是插入语,用来提供额外信息,说明她去世时的年龄。
- 定语从句 ("who received...") 用来补充说明主语特蕾莎修女的背景信息。
- 主句 中,动词 "dies" 用的是一般现在时,这种时态在新闻标题中很常见,即使描述的是过去的事件。
- 插入语 "she was 87 years old" 使用的是一般过去时,表示她去世时的年龄。
- 主句 (Mother Teresa dies) + 定语从句 (who received... poor) + 插入语 (she was 87 years old)。
Jerry, what time do you have? I have 5 o'clock.
he his her had him has have 7 H 不发音
there are three things never
really great
in表示在里面, 强调在其的内部。 in是强调事物被包含在内部。 on表示在上面, 强调在平面上。 on强调事物在其表面上。 at把位置当作一个“点” at强调把事物看成一个点。
There are 3 things I have learned Never to discuss with people religion politics and the great Pumpkin
listen and write forever never somebody you can do
Don't ever let somebody tell you you can't do something
s n l d t th
listen and write i have come here to and and
I have come here to chew bubblegum and kick ass... and I'm all out of bubblegum
listen and write secret life just live
please say that again
wash your face brush your teeth look at yourself in a mirror
The secret of life is just to live every moment
listen and write another
Why is that 是一个疑问句,用于询问原因。 This is why 是一个陈述句,用于解释或总结原因。
Another rogue trader has cost a bank billions
listen and write rolf the most
calculator 计算器 German, Rolf Buchholz, is the man with the most piercings; he's got 453
listen and write twenty years ago but nobody
A satellite that was carried to space aboard the shuttle Discovery 20 years ago is about to fall to Earth, but nobody knows where the debris will hit.
listen and write it's
It's a lofty probably impossible goal!
listen and write and wednesday
New York swept the Tampa Bay Rays by identical 4-2 scores in a day-night doubleheader wednesday
listen and write muppet
Jim Henson, creator of The muppets -- from kermit the frog to sesame Street - is born in Greenville, MS.
listen and write mosquitos Arian tiger years south the unit states
involve 卷入 牵涉 包含 involve in involve with
more than 超过 不只是
Asian tiger mosquitoes are native to the tropics of Southeast Asia, but in the past few years they've spread all across the southeastern United States
Listen and write cats nice live new young city
Cats reputedly have nine lives and he clearly wanted to spend at least one of them here in New York City
listen and write Sponge Bob the frantic 11
The frantic pacing -- scene changes every 11 seconds on average -- often leaves kids zoned out and spun up unable to concentrate
wound up Listen and write the typhoon second in the week
comfortable 舒服的 I just washed my ---------- technology 科技 技术 工艺 工程技术 information technology 信息技术 The weather is nice today. it's very clear and the sun is warm. Study hard and make progress every day. You will make progress if you study hard every day. Learning English is too difficult for me. locate 定位 blind to 看不见的
Battered soaked and flooded; the Philippines is being hit by the second typhoon in a week
Listen and write a few years ago there were to be not now shelter
be prone to do face to face 面对面 start from scratch 从头开始
A few years ago, there were thought to be useless -- past their prime -- not now
Listen and write if you were it is not too late
If you are breathing it is not too late Get up and get going
Listen and write it's 67 years old grandpa
- 问对方的行程:“Where have you been?” 或 “Where are you coming from?”
- 询问去过的地方:“What places have you visited?” 或 “Have you traveled to other cities in this country?”
- 谈到住宿体验:“How do you like this hostel?” 或 “What do you think of the area?”
- 讨论美食:“Have you tried any local food?” 或 “What's your favorite food so far?”
- 感兴趣的地方:“What’s been your favorite place so far?” 或 “Is there a place you’d love to visit again?”
- 印象深刻的体验:“Any memorable experiences during your trip?” 或 “What surprised you the most about this country?”
- 旅程建议:“Do you have any travel tips for here?” 或 “Would you recommend this place to others?”
- 喜欢的地方:“I loved visiting...” 或 “My favorite place so far has been...”
- 美好的体验:“One of my best experiences was…” 或 “I’ll never forget the time I…”
- 文化差异:“I was really surprised by…” 或 “It’s been amazing to see how people live here.”
- 愉悦的氛围:“The vibe here is amazing!” 或 “I really enjoy the relaxed atmosphere in this place.”
- “Where have you been on your trip?”
- “Where are you coming from?”
- 示例:
- Qiao: Where have you been?
- Response: I have been to Guilin! It was beautiful.
- “Where have you gone/been in [地名]?”
- “What places did you visit there?”
- 示例:
- Qiao: Where have you gone in Guilin?
- Response: I went to Yangshuo. We explored the rivers and mountains—stunning views!
- “Have you tried any local food?”
- “What’s been your favorite dish so far?”
- 示例:
- Qiao: What have you tried in Guilin?
- Response: I tried Guilin rice noodles; it was delicious!
- “What’s been your favorite part of the trip?”
- “Is there a place you would love to visit again?”
- 示例:
- Qiao: How do you like your trip to Guilin?
- Response: I loved it! Yangshuo was incredible, and I’d definitely go back someday.
- “What surprised you the most about this place?”
- “Any memorable experiences you’d like to share?”
- 示例:
- Qiao: Any memorable experiences in Bali?
- Response: Yes, I joined a traditional healing class in Bali—it was so unique!
- “Do you have any plans for your next trip?”
- “Where would you like to go next?”
- 示例:
- Qiao: Do you have any plans for your next trip?
- Response: I’d like to go to Singapore next.
- “I loved visiting [地名].”
- “My favorite place was [地名] because…”
- 示例:
- Qiao: I loved visiting Xi’an, especially the Terra-cotta Warriors. It was amazing!
- “One of my best experiences was…”
- “I’ll never forget when I…”
- 示例:
- Qiao: One of my best experiences in Xi’an was visiting the ancient city wall.
- “The vibe here is amazing!”
- “I really enjoyed the relaxed atmosphere in [地名].”
- 示例:
- Qiao: The vibe in Xi’an’s Datang Everbright City was fantastic, especially at night!