CropJS is a lightweight soft crop tool for to integration into other projects. It uses TrackingJS to enable automatic feature and face detection based cropping for a preset number of predefined crop dimensions.
npm install @infomaker/cropjs
<div id="crop_impl"></div>
// Get div where cropjs is loaded
var div = document.getElementById('crop_impl');
// Get access to the editor object
if (typeof editor == 'undefined') {
editor = new IMSoftcrop.Editor(
autocrop: true,
detectWorkerUrl: '/cropjs/js/imcrop.worker.detect.js',
detectThreshold: 20,
detectStepSize: 2.5,
debug: false,
debugElement: document.getElementById('imc_debug')
// Add save handler
editor.onSave(function (cropdata) {
// Add cancel handler
editor.onCancel(function (cropdata) {
function (addedImage) {
this.addSoftcrop('1:1', true, 1, 1);
this.addSoftcrop('16:9', false, 16, 9);
this.addSoftcrop('3:2', false, 3, 2);
this.addSoftcrop('fixed', false, 800, 400, 100, 20);
npm install
npm run dev // Start development server located at http://localhost:8000, and file watch
npm run build // Build and minify files for project
npm run release:[major||minor||hotfix] // Bump version in package.json and package-lock.json then commit files
./ // Publish a new version to NPM
Simply change index.html in Writer project.
Swap this:
<script src="/dist/cropjs/js/tracking.min.js?v=2.1.0"></script>
<script src="/dist/cropjs/js/cropjs.min.js?v=2.1.0"></script>
<link href="/dist/cropjs/css/imcrop.css?v=2.1.0" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
for this:
<script src="/dist/cropjs/js/tracking.min.js?v=2.1.0"></script>
<script src="/dist/cropjs/js/cropjs.min.js?v=2.1.0"></script>
<link href="/dist/cropjs/css/imcrop.css?v=2.1.0" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
<script src="http://localhost:8000/cropjs/js/tracking.js"></script>
<script src="http://localhost:8000/cropjs/js/cropjs.js"></script>
<link href="http://localhost:8000/cropjs/css/imcrop.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
Using tracking.js for feature and face detection.