is a Python script built upon BARF that lets you recover the
control-flow graph of a binary program.
usage: BARFcfg [-h] [-s SYMBOL_FILE] [-a] [-o RECOVER_ONE] [-f {graph,text}]
[-t] [-d OUTPUT_DIR] [-b] [-r]
Tool for recovering CFG of a binary.
positional arguments:
filename Binary file name.
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-s SYMBOL_FILE, --symbol-file SYMBOL_FILE
Load symbols from file.
-a, --recover-all Recover all functions.
-o RECOVER_ONE, --recover-one RECOVER_ONE
Recover specified function.
-f {graph,text}, --format {graph,text}
Output format.
-t, --time Print process time.
-d OUTPUT_DIR, --output-dir OUTPUT_DIR
Ouput directory.
-b, --brief Brief output.
-r, --show-reil Show REIL translation.