oc |
the permissions displayed as octal |
ur |
the user-read permission bit |
uw |
the user-write permission bit |
ux |
the user-execute permission bit for regular files |
ue |
the user-execute for other file kinds |
gr |
the group-read permission bit |
gw |
the group-write permission bit |
gx |
the group-execute permission bit |
tr |
the others-read permission bit |
tw |
the others-write permission bit |
tx |
the others-execute permission bit |
su |
setuid, setgid, and sticky permission bits for files |
sf |
setuid, setgid, and sticky for other file kinds |
xa |
the extended attribute indicator |
sn |
the numbers of a file’s size (sets nb, nk, nm, ng and nt) |
nb |
the numbers of a file’s size if it is lower than 1 KB/Kib |
nk |
the numbers of a file’s size if it is between 1 KB/KiB and 1 MB/MiB |
nm |
the numbers of a file’s size if it is between 1 MB/MiB and 1 GB/GiB |
ng |
the numbers of a file’s size if it is between 1 GB/GiB and 1 TB/TiB |
nt |
the numbers of a file’s size if it is 1 TB/TiB or higher |
sb |
the units of a file’s size (sets ub, uk, um, ug and ut) |
ub |
the units of a file’s size if it is lower than 1 KB/Kib |
uk |
the units of a file’s size if it is between 1 KB/KiB and 1 MB/MiB |
um |
the units of a file’s size if it is between 1 MB/MiB and 1 GB/GiB |
ug |
the units of a file’s size if it is between 1 GB/GiB and 1 TB/TiB |
ut |
the units of a file’s size if it is 1 TB/TiB or higher |
df |
a device’s major ID |
ds |
a device’s minor ID |
uu |
a user that’s you |
uR |
a user that's root |
un |
a user that’s someone else |
gu |
a group that you belong to |
gR |
a group related to root |
gn |
a group you aren’t a member of |
lc |
a number of hard links |
lm |
a number of hard links for a regular file with at least two |
ga |
a new flag in Git |
gm |
a modified flag in Git |
gd |
a deleted flag in Git |
gv |
a renamed flag in Git |
gt |
a modified metadata flag in Git |
gi |
an ignored flag in Git |
gc |
a conflicted flag in Git |
Gm |
main branch of repo |
Go |
other branch of repo |
Gc |
clean branch of repo |
Gd |
dirty branch of repo |
xx |
“punctuation”, including many background UI elements |
da |
a file’s date |
in |
a file’s inode number |
bl |
a file’s number of blocks |
hd |
the header row of a table |
lp |
the path of a symlink |
cc |
an escaped character in a filename |
bO |
the overlay style for broken symlink paths |
sp |
special (not file, dir, mount, exec, pipe, socket, block device, char device, or link) |
mp |
a mount point |
im |
a regular file that is an image |
vi |
a regular file that is a video |
mu |
a regular file that is lossy music |
lo |
a regular file that is lossless music |
cr |
a regular file that is related to cryptography (ex |
do |
a regular file that is a document (ex |
co |
a regular file that is compressed |
tm |
a regular file that is temporary (ex |
cm |
a regular file that is a compilation artifact (ex |
bu |
a regular file that is used to build a project (ex |
sc |
a regular file that is source code |
Sn |
No security context on a file |
Su |
SELinux user |
Sr |
SELinux role |
St |
SELinux type |
Sl |
SELinux level |
ff |
BSD file flags |