billingMode |
str, |
str, |
The billing mode of the project. It determines who pays for the costs linked to the project. |
must be one of ["PROJECT", "TENANT", ] |
regionId |
str, uuid.UUID, |
str, |
The region of the project. All data and pipeline executions will reside in this region. |
value must be a uuid |
storageBundleId |
str, uuid.UUID, |
str, |
value must be a uuid |
dataSharingEnabled |
bool, |
BoolClass, |
Indicates whether the Data and Samples created in this Project can be linked to other Projects. |
name |
str, |
str, |
shortDescription |
None, str, |
NoneClass, str, |
[optional] |
information |
None, str, |
NoneClass, str, |
Information about the project. Note that the value of this field can be arbitrary large. |
[optional] |
projectOwnerId |
None, str, uuid.UUID, |
NoneClass, str, |
Owner of the project. Defaults to the current user. |
[optional] value must be a uuid |
tags |
ProjectTag |
ProjectTag |
[optional] |
metadataModelId |
None, str, uuid.UUID, |
NoneClass, str, |
[optional] value must be a uuid |
storageConfigurationId |
None, str, uuid.UUID, |
NoneClass, str, |
An optional storage configuration id to have self managed storage. |
[optional] value must be a uuid |
storageConfigurationSubfolder |
None, str, |
NoneClass, str, |
An optional subfolder that determines the object prefix of your self managed storage. If not used, you will not be able to use this storage configuration for any future projects. |
[optional] |
analysisPriority |
None, str, |
NoneClass, str, |
Indicates the priority given to a project and its analyses within a single tenant, where MEDIUM is the default value. |
[optional] must be one of ["LOW", "MEDIUM", "HIGH", ] if omitted the server will use the default value of "MEDIUM" |
any_string_name |
dict, frozendict.frozendict, str, date, datetime, int, float, bool, decimal.Decimal, None, list, tuple, bytes, io.FileIO, io.BufferedReader |
frozendict.frozendict, str, BoolClass, decimal.Decimal, NoneClass, tuple, bytes, FileIO |
any string name can be used but the value must be the correct type |
[optional] |