Write test cases which test the following actions/checks:
- Opening an URL
- Checking visibility
- Checking presence
- Checking text content
- Clicking on element
- Checking browser title
- Checking browser URL
- Checking input text
- Checking input placeholder
- Typing into input
- Checking checkbox state
- Clicking on checkbox
- Checking radio button state
- Clicking on radio button
- Checking dropdown selected value
- Checking dropdown option presence
- Selecting from dropdown
- Checking whether button is enabled
- Checking whether input is readonly
- Checking attribute of element
- Checking number of elements
- Selecting element by its text
- Checking whether element is in the viewport
- Scrolling page
- Any more action/check necessary...
- Given https://angular.io URL is opened
- Then Angular logo in the top navbar should be visible
- And Angular logo in the hero section should be visible
- And text in hero section should be "One framework. Mobile & desktop."
- And Get started button should be visible in the hero section
- When Get started button is clicked in the hero section
- Then the URL should be https://angular.io/start
- And the title on the content should be "Getting Started with Angular: Your First App"
- Given https://angular.io URL is opened
- Then Search input in the top navbar should be visible
- And it should be empty
- And it should be "Search" as placeholder
- When it is clicked in
- And "directive" is typed in it
- Then clear icon should be visible in it
- And "Directive" should be listed in the "API" section
- When "Directive" is clicked in the "API" section
- Then the URL should be https://angular.io/api/core/Directive
- And the title on the content should be "Directive"
- Given https://getbootstrap.com/docs/4.4/components/forms/ URL is opened
- Then title of the browser should be "Forms · Bootstrap"
- And The readonly input should not be in the viewport
- When The readonly input is scrolled into the viewport
- Then The readonly input should be in the viewport
- And The readonly input should be readonly
- Given https://getbootstrap.com/docs/4.4/components/forms/#checkboxes-and-radios URL is opened
- Then The default checkbox should be enabled
- And The disabled checkbox should be disabled
- And The default checkbox should be unchecked
- When The default chdckbox is clicked on
- Then The default checkbox should be checked
- Given https://getbootstrap.com/docs/4.4/components/forms/#checkboxes-and-radios URL is opened
- Then The default radio should be enabled
- And The disabled radion should be disabled
- And The default radio should be selected
- And The second default radio should not be selected
- When The second default radio is clicked on
- Then The default radio should be not selected
- And The second default radio should be selected
- Given https://getbootstrap.com/docs/4.4/components/buttons/#disabled-state URL is opened
- Then There should be a button with text "Primary button"
- And The primary button should be disabled
- When the page is scrolled down 1 page
- Then The active primary link button should not be disabled
- Given https://getbootstrap.com/docs/4.4/components/forms/#form-controls URL is opened
- Then The example select should be visible
- And The example multiple select should be a multiple select
- And The selected option in example select should be "1"
- And there should not be option like "hello" in example select
- And there should be option like "2" in example select
- When The option "2" is selected in example select
- Then The selected option in example select should be "2"
- And Thu number of options in example select should be 5