This module collects a lot of data from your vCenter(s) and/or ESXi Host(s). Having single Check commands with lots of parameters and thresholds wouldn't be very efficient, that's why we opted for shared responsibility:
- Check Commands are available as the glue between this module and the Icinga Core
- Monitoring Rule Definitions can be configured in the UI, and have a direct influence on related Check Commands
Our simple Check Commands have been available since a long time, but since v1.4 they learned many new tricks, and their behavior can be tweaked directly in the Web frontend. Via Monitoring Rules you can reach the related overview page:
Please navigate to Hosts, Virtual Machines or Data Stores for a related tree representation:
This depends on whether and how you organized your vSphere Objects in folders. At every level in this hierarchy, you can configure, override and also disable related Checks:
Some Rules allow for multiple instances, currently Disk Checks are the only such implementation:
You can add as many variants as you want at every node, and you can still extend, override or even disable them for a specific subtree.
All changes, once stored, have immediate effect on related Check Commands:
Virtual Machines are the object type with the most available Rule Types for now. They offer a related Monitoring tab to show what the Check Command would tell you:
You can show applied settings in case you need to investigate a specific Check:
icingacli vspheredb check host [--name <name>]
Checks the given Host, according the configured rules, with the Host matching the given name.
icingacli vspheredb check vm [--name <name>]
Checks the Virtual Machine with the given name. If none is found, the check tries to load a VM with such a guest hostname.
icingacli vspheredb check datastore [--name <name>]
Checks the given Datastore object.
These Checks allow to query the overall VMware object state for all instances of a specific object at once. This might not be very useful in larger environments, but might help to get a quick overview in smaller ones.
icingacli vspheredb check hosts
icingacli vspheredb check vms
icingacli vspheredb check datastores