The service itself does not ship with any installation tools or commands and entirely relies on the Icinga PowerShell Framework being installed. The Framework will provide a bunch of tools to make this step easy and user friendly.
The most straight-forward way to install the service is by using the Kickstart Script or the installation wizard of the Framework. In case you already run the wizard during installation, you most likely have chosen to install the service already. If not you can of course install the service manually.
In order to manually install the service, you can use the Icinga PowerShell Framework and the provided Cmdlets provided. There are two commands available dealing with the download and installation.
At first we can run Get-IcingaFrameworkServiceBinary
to start the download wizard asking a bunch of questions. By default, the Wizard will download the .zip
archive directly from Github, you can however also specify a custom location.
Please ensure for custom locations to enter the full path to the .zip
file, like
Start the service wizard asking us questions about location and install destination:
$ServiceData = Get-IcingaFrameworkServiceBinary;
For a more automated approach you can skip the entire wizard by providing an answer to both the download url and installation question as argument:
$ServiceData = Get-IcingaFrameworkServiceBinary -FrameworkServiceUrl '' -ServiceDirectory 'C:\Program Files\icinga-framework-service\';
Note: For the next step it is important that you store the output of Get-IcingaFrameworkServiceBinary
inside a variable for later usage, like ServiceData
in our example.
Now as we downloaded the Service binary and placed it into the correct location in the step above, we can use Install-IcingaFrameworkService
for the actual installation. The most easiest part is to store the result of Get-IcingaFrameworkServiceBinary
into a variable, like we did in our example with ServiceData
. We can now simply access the content of ServiceData
and provide the arguments to our Cmdlet. In addition we will have to specify which user the service will be running with. This can either be a custom local/domain user or one of the default Windows service users
- NT AUTHORITY\NetworkService
- NT AUTHORITY\LocalService
- NT Authority\SYSTEM
Install-IcingaFrameworkService -Path $ServiceData.ServiceBin -User 'NT AUTHORITY\NetworkService';
Note: For default Windows service users the Password
argument is not required. This will only apply to local/domain users. Please note that Password
is a secure string and you will have to parse it like this. The most easiest way is to use the dialog box for entering credentials and then using the returned object as arguments:
$cred = Get-Credential;
Install-IcingaFrameworkService -Path $ServiceData.ServiceBin -User $cred.UserName -Password $cred.Password;
As different method you could also use the Icinga custom Cmdlet ConvertTo-IcingaSecureString
for converting a String
to a SecureString
which might be handy for automated installations:
$SecurePassword = ConvertTo-IcingaSecureString 'my_secret_password';
Install-IcingaFrameworkService -Path $ServiceData.ServiceBin -User 'my_user' -Password $SecurePassword;
Important: For security reasons we do not recommend to use direct shell inputs on the PowerShell for entering the password. Please make always sure to use a method to make it impossible to read a password from the command line history!
For example you could use Read-Host
with the AsSecureString
$SecurePassword = Read-Host -Prompt 'Enter Service password' -AsSecureString;
Install-IcingaFrameworkService -Path $ServiceData.ServiceBin -User 'my_user' -Password $SecurePassword;
Regardless of the steps above, if everything works properly the service is now installed onto the system with the name icingapowershell
To validate if the installation was successful you can check if the service is installed and running by using Get-Service
Get-Service 'icingapowershell';
Status Name DisplayName
------ ---- -----------
Running icingapowershell Icinga PowerShell Service
As we are now finished with the service installation we can make use of it by registering background daemons.