diff --git a/src/nomad_ikz_omega_theta_xrd/schema_packages/omegascan.py b/src/nomad_ikz_omega_theta_xrd/schema_packages/omegascan.py
index 6c52318..5d6b975 100644
--- a/src/nomad_ikz_omega_theta_xrd/schema_packages/omegascan.py
+++ b/src/nomad_ikz_omega_theta_xrd/schema_packages/omegascan.py
@@ -185,6 +185,108 @@ class ParameterList(MeasurementResult, PlotSection, ArchiveSection):
+ def generate_scan_plot(self):
+ fig = go.Figure()
+ fig.add_trace(
+ go.Scatter(
+ x=self.Scan_Curves[0].omega,
+ y=self.Scan_Curves[0].intensity,
+ mode='lines',
+ name='Omega R',
+ )
+ )
+ fig.add_trace(
+ go.Scatter(
+ x=self.Scan_Curves[1].omega,
+ y=self.Scan_Curves[1].intensity,
+ mode='lines',
+ name='Omega L',
+ )
+ )
+ fig.update_layout(
+ height=400,
+ width=716,
+ title_text='Omega Theta XRD',
+ showlegend=True,
+ legend=dict(yanchor='top', y=0.99, xanchor='left', x=0.01),
+ template='plotly_white',
+ hovermode='closest',
+ dragmode='zoom',
+ xaxis=dict(
+ fixedrange=False,
+ # autorange=True,
+ title='Omega (°)',
+ ),
+ yaxis=dict(
+ fixedrange=False,
+ title='Intensity (a.u.)',
+ ),
+ )
+ return PlotlyFigure(label='Omega Scans', figure=fig.to_plotly_json())
+ def generate_stereographic_plot(self):
+ # Werte für Tiltwinkel (Rho) und Azimut (Theta)
+ rho = self.tilt.magnitude
+ theta = self.tilt_direction.magnitude
+ ref_axis = self.reference_axis
+ # Stereographische Projektion mit Plotly erstellen
+ fig_stereo = go.Figure(
+ go.Scatterpolar(
+ r=[0, rho],
+ theta=[0, theta],
+ mode='lines+markers',
+ marker=dict(size=8),
+ )
+ )
+ # Layout anpassen, 0 Grad auf 9 Uhr setzen
+ fig_stereo.update_layout(
+ polar=dict(
+ angularaxis=dict(
+ rotation=180, # Rotieren, um 0° auf 9 Uhr zu setzen
+ direction='clockwise',
+ ),
+ radialaxis=dict(
+ range=[0, 0.5], # Maximalen Radius anpassen
+ visible=True,
+ ),
+ ),
+ showlegend=False,
+ title='Stereographic Projection of the Tilt Angle',
+ template='plotly_white',
+ hovermode='closest',
+ dragmode='zoom',
+ )
+ # Add a thick grey bar at the edge of the polar plot (around 0°)
+ fig_stereo.add_shape(
+ type='rect', # Create a rectangle instead of a line for a thick bar
+ x0=0.1,
+ x1=0.11, # Define width of the bar
+ y0=0.2,
+ y1=0.8, # Full height of the plot area
+ xref='paper',
+ yref='paper', # Reference to the full plot area
+ fillcolor='grey', # Color of the bar
+ line=dict(color='grey', width=0), # No outline for the rectangle
+ opacity=0.7, # Adjust the transparency if necessary
+ )
+ # Add text label "Reference Axis" near the 0° position
+ fig_stereo.add_annotation(
+ x=0.1,
+ y=0.48, # Slightly outside the 0° circle label
+ text='(' + ref_axis + ')',
+ showarrow=False,
+ xref='paper',
+ yref='paper',
+ font=dict(size=12, color='black'),
+ )
+ return PlotlyFigure(
+ label='Stereographic Projection', figure=fig_stereo.to_plotly_json()
+ )
# def normalize(self, archive: 'EntryArchive', logger: 'BoundLogger') -> None:
# """
# The normalizer for the `ParameterList` class.
@@ -195,33 +297,6 @@ class ParameterList(MeasurementResult, PlotSection, ArchiveSection):
# logger (BoundLogger): A structlog logger.
# """
# super().normalize(archive, logger)
- # fig = go.Figure()
- # fig.add_trace(
- # go.Scatter(
- # x=self.Scan_Curves[0].omega,
- # y=self.Scan_Curves[0].intensity,
- # mode='lines',
- # name='Omega R',
- # )
- # )
- # fig.add_trace(
- # go.Scatter(
- # x=self.Scan_Curves[1].omega,
- # y=self.Scan_Curves[1].intensity,
- # mode='lines',
- # name='Omega L',
- # )
- # )
- # fig.update_layout(
- # height=400,
- # width=716,
- # title_text='Omega Theta XRD',
- # showlegend=True,
- # legend=dict(yanchor='top', y=0.99, xanchor='left', x=0.01),
- # )
- # # self.figures = []
- # self.figures.append(PlotlyFigure(label='figure 2', figure=fig.to_plotly_json()))
class SampleSpecifications(ArchiveSection):
@@ -275,6 +350,60 @@ class OmegaThetaXRD(Measurement, PlotSection, EntryData, ArchiveSection):
+ def generate_table_plot(self):
+ # Extract the values for each column from all self.results
+ x_pos_list = [result.x_pos for result in self.results]
+ y_pos_list = [result.y_pos for result in self.results]
+ tilt_list = [f'{result.tilt.magnitude:.3f}' for result in self.results]
+ tilt_direction_list = [
+ f'{result.tilt_direction.magnitude:.1f}' for result in self.results
+ ]
+ component_0_list = [f'{result.component_0:.3f}' for result in self.results]
+ component_90_list = [f'{result.component_90:.3f}' for result in self.results]
+ reference_offset_list = [
+ f'{result.reference_offset:.3f}' for result in self.results
+ ]
+ reference_axis_list = [result.reference_axis for result in self.results]
+ fig_table = go.Figure(
+ data=[
+ go.Table(
+ columnwidth=[1, 1, 1, 1.5, 1.5, 1.5, 1.5, 1.5],
+ header=dict(
+ values=[
+ 'X Pos.',
+ 'Y Pos.',
+ 'Tilt',
+ 'Tilt Direction',
+ 'Component 0',
+ 'Component 90',
+ 'Reference Offset',
+ 'Reference Axis',
+ ],
+ align='center',
+ ),
+ cells=dict(
+ values=[
+ x_pos_list,
+ y_pos_list,
+ tilt_list,
+ tilt_direction_list,
+ component_0_list,
+ component_90_list,
+ reference_offset_list,
+ reference_axis_list,
+ ],
+ align='center',
+ ),
+ )
+ ]
+ )
+ fig_table.update_layout(width=1000, height=200)
+ fig_table.update_layout(
+ margin=dict(l=10, r=10, t=10, b=10) # Set left, right, top, bottom margins
+ )
+ return PlotlyFigure(label='Table', figure=fig_table.to_plotly_json())
def normalize(self, archive: 'EntryArchive', logger: 'BoundLogger') -> None:
The normalizer for the `OmegaThetaXRD` class.
@@ -359,156 +488,17 @@ def normalize(self, archive: 'EntryArchive', logger: 'BoundLogger') -> None:
self.figures = []
- fig = go.Figure()
- fig.add_trace(
- go.Scatter(
- x=self.results[0].Scan_Curves[0].omega,
- y=self.results[0].Scan_Curves[0].intensity,
- mode='lines',
- name='Omega R',
- )
- )
- fig.add_trace(
- go.Scatter(
- x=self.results[0].Scan_Curves[1].omega,
- y=self.results[0].Scan_Curves[1].intensity,
- mode='lines',
- name='Omega L',
- )
- )
- fig.update_layout(
- height=400,
- width=716,
- title_text='Omega Theta XRD',
- showlegend=True,
- legend=dict(yanchor='top', y=0.99, xanchor='left', x=0.01),
- template='plotly_white',
- hovermode='closest',
- dragmode='zoom',
- xaxis=dict(
- fixedrange=False,
- # autorange=True,
- title='Omega (°)',
- ),
- yaxis=dict(
- fixedrange=False,
- title='Intensity (a.u.)',
- ),
- )
self.results[0].figures = []
- self.results[0].figures.append(
- PlotlyFigure(label='Omega Scans', figure=fig.to_plotly_json())
- )
+ self.results[0].figures.append(self.results[0].generate_scan_plot())
- fig_table = go.Figure(
- data=[
- go.Table(
- columnwidth=[1, 1, 1, 1.5, 1.5, 1.5, 1.5, 1.5],
- header=dict(
- values=[
- 'X Pos.',
- 'Y Pos.',
- 'Tilt',
- 'Tilt Direction',
- 'Component 0',
- 'Component 90',
- 'Reference Offset',
- 'Reference Axis',
- ],
- align='center',
- ),
- cells=dict(
- values=[
- self.results[0].x_pos,
- self.results[0].y_pos,
- f'{self.results[0].tilt.magnitude:.3f}',
- f'{self.results[0].tilt_direction.magnitude:.1f}',
- f'{self.results[0].component_0:.3f}',
- f'{self.results[0].component_90:.3f}',
- f'{self.results[0].reference_offset:.3f}',
- self.results[0].reference_axis,
- ],
- align='center',
- ),
- )
- ]
- )
- fig_table.update_layout(width=1000, height=200)
- fig_table.update_layout(
- margin=dict(
- l=10, r=10, t=10, b=10
- ) # Set left, right, top, bottom margins
- )
- self.figures.append(
- PlotlyFigure(label='Table', figure=fig_table.to_plotly_json())
- )
+ self.figures.append(self.generate_table_plot())
if self.results[0].tilt and self.results[0].tilt_direction:
- # Werte für Tiltwinkel (Rho) und Azimut (Theta)
- rho = self.results[0].tilt.magnitude
- theta = self.results[0].tilt_direction.magnitude
- # Stereographische Projektion mit Plotly erstellen
- fig_stereo = go.Figure(
- go.Scatterpolar(
- r=[0, rho],
- theta=[0, theta],
- mode='lines+markers',
- marker=dict(size=8),
- )
- )
- # Layout anpassen, 0 Grad auf 9 Uhr setzen
- fig_stereo.update_layout(
- polar=dict(
- angularaxis=dict(
- rotation=180, # Rotieren, um 0° auf 9 Uhr zu setzen
- direction='clockwise',
- ),
- radialaxis=dict(
- range=[0, 0.5], # Maximalen Radius anpassen
- visible=True,
- ),
- ),
- showlegend=False,
- title='Stereographic Projection of the Tilt Angle',
- )
- PlotlyFigure(
- label='Stereographic Projection',
- figure=fig_stereo.to_plotly_json(),
- )
+ self.results[0].generate_stereographic_plot()
- # Plot anzeigen
- # fig_stereo.show()
- # self.figures = []
- self.figures.append(
- PlotlyFigure(label='Omega Scans', figure=fig.to_plotly_json())
- )
- # fig_sub = make_subplots(
- # rows=2,
- # cols=1,
- # subplot_titles=('Plot 1', 'Plot 2'), # 'Plot 3'),
- # # specs=[
- # # [
- # # {'type': 'table'},
- # # ],
- # # [
- # # {'type': 'scatter'},
- # # ], # ,# {'type': 'scatter'}]
- # # ],
- # )
- # # Hinzufügen der beiden Polarplots zu den Subplots
- # fig_sub.add_trace(fig_table, row=1, col=1)
- # fig_sub.add_trace(fig, row=2, col=1)
- # # fig_sub.add_trace(fig, row=3, col=1)
- # self.figures.append(
- # PlotlyFigure(label='Sub plot', figure=fig_sub.to_plotly_json())
- # )
+ self.figures.append(self.results[0].generate_scan_plot())
elif (
extract_general_info(xrd_dict.get('MultiMeasurement', {}))['name']
@@ -655,12 +645,12 @@ def create_plot(x_coords, y_coords, values, title):
fig = go.Figure()
# Define the circle's center and radius
- circle_center_x = sum(x_coords) / len(
- x_coords
- ) # Center of x_coords
- circle_center_y = sum(y_coords) / len(
- y_coords
- ) # Center of y_coords
+ circle_center_x = 0 # sum(x_coords) / len(
+ # x_coords
+ # ) # Center of x_coords
+ circle_center_y = 0 # sum(y_coords) / len(
+ # y_coords
+ # ) # Center of y_coords
circle_radius = (
+ max(
@@ -933,12 +923,12 @@ def create_stereographic_projection_plot_cartesian(
fig = go.Figure()
# Define the circle's center and radius
- circle_center_x = sum(x_coords) / len(
- x_coords
- ) # Center of x_coords
- circle_center_y = sum(y_coords) / len(
- y_coords
- ) # Center of y_coords
+ circle_center_x = 0 # sum(x_coords) / len(
+ # x_coords
+ # ) # Center of x_coords
+ circle_center_y = 0 # sum(y_coords) / len(
+ # y_coords
+ # ) # Center of y_coords
circle_radius = (
+ max(
@@ -1023,6 +1013,7 @@ def create_stereographic_projection_plot_cartesian(
+ color='blue',
@@ -1080,6 +1071,251 @@ def create_stereographic_projection_plot_cartesian(
return fig
+ def create_stereographic_projection_plot_cartesian2(
+ x_coords,
+ y_coords,
+ tilt,
+ tilt_direction,
+ component_0_values,
+ component_90_values,
+ title,
+ ):
+ fig = go.Figure()
+ # Define the circle's center and radius
+ circle_center_x = 0
+ circle_center_y = 0
+ circle_radius = (
+ 3
+ + max(
+ max(x_coords) - min(x_coords),
+ max(y_coords) - min(y_coords),
+ )
+ / 2
+ )
+ # Add the circle to the plot
+ fig.add_shape(
+ type='circle',
+ xref='x',
+ yref='y',
+ x0=circle_center_x - circle_radius,
+ y0=circle_center_y - circle_radius,
+ x1=circle_center_x + circle_radius,
+ y1=circle_center_y + circle_radius,
+ line=dict(color='darkgrey', width=2),
+ fillcolor='grey',
+ opacity=0.3,
+ )
+ # Loop through each coordinate and plot its stereographic projection as an arrow
+ for x, y, rho, theta, comp0, comp90 in zip(
+ x_coords,
+ y_coords,
+ tilt,
+ tilt_direction,
+ component_0_values,
+ component_90_values,
+ ):
+ fig.add_shape(
+ type='rect',
+ x0=x - 1.5,
+ y0=y - 1.5,
+ x1=x + 1.5,
+ y1=y + 1.5,
+ line=dict(color='grey', width=2),
+ fillcolor='white',
+ opacity=0,
+ )
+ # Scaling factor for the projection
+ scaling_factor = 15
+ # Calculate projection points based on comp0 and comp90
+ x_projection = x + (comp0 * scaling_factor * (-1))
+ y_projection = y + (comp90 * scaling_factor)
+ # Add a line from (x, y) to the projected point
+ fig.add_trace(
+ go.Scatter(
+ x=[x, x_projection],
+ y=[y, y_projection],
+ mode='lines',
+ line=dict(color='blue', width=2),
+ showlegend=False,
+ )
+ )
+ # Add the origin point with hover info
+ fig.add_trace(
+ go.Scatter(
+ x=[x],
+ y=[y],
+ mode='markers',
+ marker=dict(
+ symbol='circle',
+ size=10,
+ color='blue',
+ ),
+ customdata=[
+ [x, y, rho, theta]
+ ], # Include custom data for hover at origin
+ hovertemplate=(
+ 'X: %{customdata[0]}
+ 'Y: %{customdata[1]}
+ 'Tilt Angle: %{customdata[2]:.3f}
+ 'Tilt Direction: %{customdata[3]:.1f}°
+ ''
+ ),
+ showlegend=False,
+ )
+ )
+ # Add the tip point with the same hover info
+ fig.add_trace(
+ go.Scatter(
+ x=[x_projection],
+ y=[y_projection],
+ mode='markers',
+ marker=dict(
+ symbol='arrow',
+ size=15,
+ color='blue',
+ ),
+ customdata=[
+ [
+ x,
+ y,
+ rho,
+ theta,
+ x_projection,
+ y_projection,
+ ]
+ ], # Hover data
+ hovertemplate=(
+ 'X: %{customdata[0]}
+ 'Y: %{customdata[1]}
+ 'Tilt Angle: %{customdata[2]:.3f}
+ 'Tilt Direction: %{customdata[3]:.1f}°
+ 'X Projection: %{customdata[4]:.1f}
+ 'Y Projection: %{customdata[5]:.1f}
+ ''
+ ),
+ showlegend=False,
+ )
+ )
+ fig.update_layout(
+ title=title,
+ xaxis_title='X Position',
+ yaxis_title='Y Position',
+ plot_bgcolor='white',
+ showlegend=False,
+ xaxis=dict(
+ showgrid=True,
+ zeroline=False,
+ ),
+ yaxis=dict(
+ showgrid=True,
+ zeroline=False,
+ scaleanchor='x',
+ scaleratio=1,
+ ),
+ )
+ return fig
+ import plotly.figure_factory as ff
+ import plotly.graph_objects as go
+ def create_stereographic_projection_quiver_plot(
+ x_coords,
+ y_coords,
+ tilt_values,
+ tilt_direction_values,
+ component_0_values,
+ component_90_values,
+ title,
+ scaling_factor=1,
+ ):
+ # Use quiver to plot arrows from the positions defined by x_coords and y_coords
+ # u (x-component) is component_0_values, v (y-component) is component_90_values
+ u = [
+ -comp0 * scaling_factor for comp0 in component_0_values
+ ] # Inverted x-component
+ v = [
+ comp90 * scaling_factor
+ for comp90 in component_90_values
+ ] # y-component
+ # Create quiver plot
+ fig = ff.create_quiver(
+ x_coords,
+ y_coords,
+ u,
+ v,
+ scale=20,
+ arrow_scale=0.2,
+ name='Tilt Direction',
+ )
+ # Define the circle's center and radius
+ circle_center_x = 0
+ circle_center_y = 0
+ circle_radius = (
+ 3
+ + max(
+ max(x_coords) - min(x_coords),
+ max(y_coords) - min(y_coords),
+ )
+ / 2
+ )
+ # Add the circle to the plot
+ fig.add_shape(
+ type='circle',
+ xref='x',
+ yref='y',
+ x0=circle_center_x - circle_radius,
+ y0=circle_center_y - circle_radius,
+ x1=circle_center_x + circle_radius,
+ y1=circle_center_y + circle_radius,
+ line=dict(color='darkgrey', width=2),
+ fillcolor='grey',
+ opacity=0.3,
+ )
+ # for x, y, tilt, tilt_dir in zip(
+ # x_coords, y_coords, tilt_values, tilt_direction_values
+ # ):
+ # fig.add_annotation(
+ # x=x,
+ # y=y,
+ # text=f'{tilt:.3f}, {tilt_dir:.1f}°',
+ # showarrow=False,
+ # font=dict(color='black', size=10),
+ # xanchor='center',
+ # yanchor='middle',
+ # )
+ # Add layout settings
+ fig.update_layout(
+ title=title,
+ xaxis_title='X Position',
+ yaxis_title='Y Position',
+ plot_bgcolor='white',
+ showlegend=False,
+ xaxis=dict(
+ showgrid=True,
+ zeroline=False,
+ ),
+ yaxis=dict(
+ showgrid=True,
+ zeroline=False,
+ scaleanchor='x', # Make sure x and y are on the same scale
+ scaleratio=1,
+ ),
+ )
+ return fig
# Creating plots for each parameter
fig_tilt = create_plot(x_coords, y_coords, tilt_values, 'Tilt')
fig_tilt_direction = create_plot(
@@ -1115,58 +1351,77 @@ def create_stereographic_projection_plot_cartesian(
'Stereographic Projection',
+ fig_quiver = create_stereographic_projection_quiver_plot(
+ x_coords,
+ y_coords,
+ tilt_values,
+ tilt_direction_values,
+ component_0_values,
+ component_90_values,
+ 'Stereographic Projection',
+ scaling_factor=1,
+ )
# Displaying the plots
# fig_tilt.show()
# fig_tilt_direction.show()
# fig_component_0.show()
self.figures = []
+ self.figures.append(self.generate_table_plot())
- label='tilt', index=1, figure=fig_tilt.to_plotly_json()
+ label='tilt', # index=1,
+ figure=fig_tilt.to_plotly_json(),
label='tilt direction',
- index=2,
+ # index=2,
label='component 0',
- index=3,
+ # index=3,
label='component 90',
- index=4,
+ # index=4,
label='reference offset',
- index=5,
+ # index=5,
label='stereographic projection',
- index=6,
+ # index=6,
- index=6,
+ # index=7,
+ self.figures.append(
+ PlotlyFigure(
+ label='quiver',
+ # index=8,
+ figure=fig_quiver.to_plotly_json(),
+ )
+ )
if not self.results: