Create a test for the case where .fix_weights returns a warning.
Decide on notation upper vs aggregate
Add start in temporal aggregation
Remove bullet points from all argument descriptions
Vignettes: comparison between MCMC and BUIS on different hierarchies
Docs MCMC: add link/reference for MCMC convergence checks
update README with badges, installation
Once we make github public: add getting help and contribute sections to README
Change documentation of reconc_buis and reconc_mcmc: distr can be a list of strings (also in_type?)
Check on list of distributions (if a bottom is continuous, then all the upper must be continuous)
Control on effective sample size to check for weights collapse
Extension to batch-BUIS?
check use of parallel computation on local cores for batch BUIS.
Add zero-inflation
Add “fixed forecast” (i.e. Dirac delta)