This codebase can be run locally using either containers or bare metal.
- Install Docker Compose
- Install Mutagen Compose
- Create
with the following contents, replacing{AUTH_TOKEN}
with a GitHub personal access token:registry= @github:registry= //{AUTH_TOKEN}
- Initialize the services with
- Start containers with
- Stop containers
- Observe running containers with
1 - Update service dependencies with
- Remove all orchestration artifacts with
Common commands can be easily executed inside a running container from your
shell using the scripts inside the given service’s bin/
directory. For
example, calling bin/mix deps.get
from ./
will download the dependencies
for the server. Calling bin/npx prettier --write .
from ./client/
format the client files using Prettier.
When executing the mix
tasks referenced in this README, use bin/mix
- Install and start PostgreSQL. In development, use "postgres" for the username and password.
- Install and use asdf to manage Erlang and Elixir dependencies
- Run
asdf install
to install the language versions in the.tool-versions
- Install server dependencies with
mix deps.get
- Create and migrate your database with
mix ecto.setup
- Start Phoenix endpoint with
mix phx.server
or inside IEx withiex -S mix phx.server
Run the following commands to create a local user and a test hub:
mix dash.create_account local-user-uid
mix dash.create_hub local-user-uid "Dev Hub"
Go to http://localhost:3000/subscribe?redirect=false
and paste the following in your browser console to login as a local user.
The email associated with this token is "[email protected]".
// If being redirected to auth server, we need to run mix dash.generate_local_token to refresh the cookie
curl -X POST "http://localhost:4000/api/v1/events/fxa" -H "authorization: Bearer {\"iss\":\"\",\"sub\":\"local-user-uid\",\"aud\":\"REMOTE_SYSTEM\",\"iat\":12345,\"jti\":\"e19ed6c5-4816-4171-aa43-56ffe80dbda1\",\"events\":{\"\":{\"changeTime\":1663196637000,\"capabilities\":[\"managed-hubs\"],\"isActive\":true}}}"
curl -X POST "http://localhost:4000/api/v1/events/fxa" -H "authorization: Bearer {\"iss\":\"\",\"sub\":\"local-user-uid\",\"aud\":\"REMOTE_SYSTEM\",\"iat\":12345,\"jti\":\"e19ed6c5-4816-4171-aa43-56ffe80dbda1\",\"events\":{\"\":{\"changeTime\":1663196637000,\"capabilities\":[\"managed-hubs\"],\"isActive\":false}}}"
There are a bunch of dev utility tasks defined in lib/mix/tasks/dash_tasks.ex
, including a generate_local_token
task, if you want to modify the contents of the token.
Run mix dash
and mix help dash.<task_name>
for more info.
- AUTH_PUBLIC_KEY - Public key for JWT auth provided by auth server. Used in authentication.
- AUTH_SERVER - Server used for login links. e.g. ""
- BASIC_AUTH_USERNAME - Username for site-wide basic auth.
- BASIC_AUTH_PASSWORD - Password for site-wide basic auth.
- CORS_ORIGINS - Comma separated list of origins to allow CORS requests.
- DASHBOARD_ACCESS_KEY - Access key for communicating with reticulum. Should be a strong secret that is shared with reticulum.
- FXA_JWK_STRING - Used to verify token in FxA webhook, the payload from the Subplat/FxA endpoint with the live public keys is stringified by Jason.encode!()
- FXA_SERVER - Mozilla Accounts (previously Firefox Accounts) server used for account management links. e.g. ""
- SECRET_KEY_BASE - Base secret key. This should be a strong cryptographcially generated secret.
- PLANS - Used in getting currency and amount, MUST BE IN THIS FORMAT: "plan_id1,USD,10;plan_id2,EUR,20"
program files in the user’s path ↩