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IRTX JSprit Implementation


The JSprit model makes use of the open-source route optimization library JSprit:

During the LEAD project it has been adapted to the specific use case of the Lyon living lab, but with the ambition to provide a generic route and fleet size optimization tool that can be applied to other cases. The individual uses and new developments around JSprit in LEAD have been documented in

Mahmoud, A., Chouaki, T., Hörl, S., Puchinger, J., 2022. Adapting JSprit for the Electric Vehicle Routing Problem with Recharging: Implementation and Benchmark. International Journal for Traffic and Transport Engineering 12 (3), 340-351.

The model has been streamlined to work on configurable scenarios that define:

  • Vehicle types with their individual properties such as daily and per-distance costs, speeds, energy consumption and emissions
  • Operators with their individual distribution centers (by coordinate) and demand to fulfill during one day (by coordinate) and a list of vehicle types that are available at their depots

Optionally, an Urban Consolidation Center (UCC) can be defined with its location (by coordinate) and its available vehicle types. For each conventional operator (see above), it can be defined whether deliveries should be shipped through the UCC if it is defined.

The model, hence, allows to build a rich set of shipment scenarios. In the baseline case, various operators can be defined. The model will then optimize the fleet composition (based on the available vehicle types) and the driven distance by minimizing the total cost of each operator individually. After, a consolidation scenario can be developed in which all or some operators need to pass their deliveries through the UCC, which, analogously to the operators, minimizes its total cost.

Additional scenarios can be constructed, for instance, by changing the cost structures and observing trade-offs between vehicle types.

Routing-based costs are either approximated using Euclidean distance or calculated directly based on OpenStreetMap road network data.


Software requirements

To run the model, the environment needs to be prepared:

  • A conda or mamba environment needs to be set up in which the Python code of the model is run. The LEAD repository provides environment.yml which describes the conda environment and all dependencies.

  • Note that some of the dependencies installed via conda > pip need a recent compiler available on the system. Additionally, the MATSim instances that are run in the pipeline need to have access to the fonts available on the system. On an Ubunutu system, it suffices to apt install build-essential fontconfig.

  • A Java runtime needs to be present on the executing machine. It is recommended to set up an Adoptium OpenJDK 11 (

  • A recent version of maven needs to be installed, version 3.6.3 has been tested:

  • Finally, osmosis needs to be installed, version 0.48.2 has been tested:

It is recommended to set up the environment on a Linux machine, the following executables should then be callable from the command line: java, mvn, osmosis.

Input / Output


The model needs various input data sets. First, network data needs to be provided to perform the distance routing, this includes defining the perimeter of the study area. Second, information on the operators needs to be provided including their distribution center locations and demand data. Finally, the operator data is merged into a scenario configuration. To ease the process of setting up a scenario, we provide a command line tool that makes it easy to join this operator information and change values in the scenario configuration using command line parameters.


In order to define the network topology on which the deliveries will be routed, data from OpenStreetMap needs to be provided in pbf format. Regular snapshots of OpenStreetMap data are available publicly from Geofabrik.

Processing the whole OpenStreetMap each time the model is run would take too much time, so it is recommended to trim the data to the specific use case area. This task can be achieved by the osmosis command line tool, which, however needs a specific non-standard format that describes the perimeter to cut. For that purpose, we provide the script, which can be called as follows once one has entered the conda environment:

python3 \
  --input-path /path/to/perimeter.gpkg \
  --output-path /path/to/perimeter.poly

The input perimeter can be provided in any common geographic data format that is understood by geopandas / fiona such as Shape file (shp) or GeoPackgage (gpkg).

The resulting poly file can then be passed to osmosis to cut the case study area. The command is packaged in which can be called as follows:

sh \
  /path/to/openstreetmap.osm.pbf \
  /path/to/perimeter.poly \

Note that these steps only need to be performed once per use case. Once the OpenStreetMap data has been converted they serve as input to any subsequent model execution. Concrete examples and data for the Lyon living lab of the LEAD project are given further below.


Data for multiple operators that are active on the territory can be provided. Each operator is represented in a separate json file with the following exemplary format:

  "id": "my_operator",
  "center": { "lat" : 45.7327, "lng" : 4.8245 },
  "vehicle_types": ["van"],
  "shipment_type": "delivery",
  "consolidation_type": "none",
  "demand": [
    { "lat" : 45.741532014731064, "lng" : 4.822740554809571 },
    { "lat" : 45.74407774585035, "lng" : 4.816946983337403 },
    { "lat" : 45.73954027356843, "lng" : 4.818427562713624 }

First, an internal identifier is given for every opeartor (id), second, the location of its distribution center is given as latitude and longitude. After, a list of available vehicle types is defined (see below). The file ends with the demand section which describes the individual shipments that need to be fulfilled by the operator during one day by coordinate.

An important part is the definition of the shipment type and the delivery type. The shipment type describes how goods are moved between the distribution center and the final destinations. If it is set to delivery, the operator will deliver (using the available vehicle types) all goods to the destinations. In case it is set to pickup, each destination will use one of the available vehicle types to pick up the delivery. Usually, this clearly leads to a much higher number of vehicles and movements (but allows, for instance, the representation of common logistics schemes for construction sites today). Finally, the value can be set to none indicating that no direct movements from the distribution center. This allows, for instance, to construct scenarios in which all operations are entirely moved to the a third-party consolidation center.

The consolidation type is set to none by default. This means that the relations between the distribution center and the destinations are handled directly by the receivers or the operator. In case it is set to delivery, the goods will be delivered to the final destinations from the UCC using its defined vehicle types. In case it is set to pickup, the receivers will use their defined vehicle types to pick up the goods at the UCC. In any case, if any UCC consolidation type is chosen, the shipment type of the operator defines how the goods arrive at the UCC in the first place. This means that one can define situations in which the operator either delivers the goods to the UCC, the UCC picks up the goods at the operator's distribution center, or no interaction between the operator center and the UCC is happening.


A scenario is described through a json file of the following format:

  "vehicle_types": [
      "id": "van",
      "capacity" : 20,
      "cost_per_day_EUR" : 85.0,
      "cost_per_km_EUR" : 0.15,
      "co2_per_km_g" : 130.0,
      "energy_per_km_Wh" : 120.0,
      "speed_km_h": 40.0,
      "euclidean_distance_factor": 1.3,
      "active_time": 28800.0
  "ucc": {
    "location": { "lat" : 45.74243052132232, "lng" : 4.824800491333009 },
    "vehicle_types": [ "cargobike", "van" ]
  "operators": []

On top, multiple vehicle types with individual identifiers can be defined that differ in their capacity (number of items that can be carried), their cost structure, emissions, energy consumption, and speed. The euclidean_distance_factor is added to any distance in case the model is run without specific network data (see below). The active_time parameter defines within which time limit (usually one work day, the vehicle can operatate). After, the characteristics of the ucc are defined by defining a location in latitude and longitude and its available vehicle types.

Finally, a list of operators is given. Each operator follows exactly the configuration scheme as presented above. One could, hence, manually build a complete scenario by copy-pasting the operator information directly into the scenario file. To ease the process, a command line-based utility is provided alongside the model (see below).


To configure a scenario, the provided script can be used which is called as follows:

python3 \
  --scenario-path /path/to/base_scenario.json \
  --output-path /path/to/output_scenario.json \
  --operator-path /path/to/operator1.json \
  --operator-path /path/to/operator2.json \
  --operator-path /path/to/operator3.json \
  --shipment-type:operator1 pickup \
  --consolidation-type:operator2 delivery \
  --vehicle-type:van:cost_per_km_EUR 0.3

The scenario preparation script has the following mandatory parameters:

The mandatory parameters are detailed in the following table:

Parameter Values Description
--scenario-path String Path to the baseline scenario
--output-path String Path to the updated output scenario

The following optional parameters exist that can be configured.:

Parameter Values Description
--operator-path String Integrates a new operator defined in a json file into the scenario. Can be set multiple times to integrate multiple operators.
--shipment-type:{operator} delivery* or pickup Sets the shipment type for operator {operator} (see above)
--consolidation-type:{operator} none* or delivery or pickup Sets the consolidation type for operator {operator} (see above)
--driver-salary:{operator} Real Sets the daily salary per driver in EUR
--vehicle-type:{vt}:{property} Any Sets a property of vehicle type {vt}, for instance speed_km_h

Concrete use cases for the utility in the context of the Lyon living lab will be provided further down in the Standard scenarios section.


The output of the model is provided as a json file of the following format:

  "cost_EUR" : 235.27880397887634,
  "energy_kWh" : 0.2788039788763593,
  "co2_kg" : 0.2788039788763593,
  "distance_km" : 0.2788039788763594,
  "runtime_s" : 7.006087272,
  "routes" : []

It contains various KPIs such as the total cost of the system, the energy consumed, the CO2 emitted, and the distance driven. Furthermore, the runtime of the model is given.

The routes part gives a more detailed analysis per vehicle, in the following format:

  "cost_EUR" : 65.27,
  "energy_kWh" : 0.27,
  "co2_kg" : 0.27,
  "distance_km" : 0.27,
  "vehicle_type" : "cargobike",
  "carrier" : "operator_id",
  "trajectory" : [
    { "lat" : 45.74243052132232, "lng" : 4.824800491333009, "t0" : 0.0, "t1": 60.0 },
    { "lat" : 45.74199624494206, "lng" : 4.820101261138917, "t0" : 900.0, "t1": 960.0 }

The first fields give the same information as the overall KPI analysis, but specifically for an individual vehicle. The vehicle type of that vehicle is given after, as well as the operator to which it belongs. The carrier may be $ucc$ to indicate that the vehicle is operated by the UCC. Finally, a detailed trajectory of the vehicle including coordinates and timestamps is given.

Building the model

The model is provided as Java code. To run it, it first needs to be built using the Maven build system. For that purpose, one needs to enter the java directory of the LEAD repository and package and call mvn package:

cd /irtx-jsprit/java
mvn package

The build process should download all necessary Maven dependencies including the JSprit library and finish without errors. After, the built model should be present in


The jar file can be saved in a fixed location. As long as the model is not changed, it can be reused for multiple model runs. To test whether the jar has been build successfully, call

java -cp /irtx-jsprit/java/target/lead-jsprit-1.0.0.jar fr.irtx.lead.jsprit.RunVerification

which should respond by the message It works!.

Running the model

Once the model is built, it can be called the following way:

java -Xmx12g -cp /irtx-jsprit/java/target/lead-jsprit-1.0.0.jar fr.irtx.lead.jsprit.RunSolver \
  --problem-path /path/to/scenario.json \
  --solution-path /path/to/solution.json \
  --crs EPSG:2154 \
  --osm-path /path/to/scenario.osm.pbf

The first line is mandatory with the path to the built jar file that needs to be adapted. The following lines represent parameters. The mandatory parameters are detailed in the following table:

Parameter Values Description
--problem-path String Path to the scenario file
--solution-path String Path to where the result will be saved
--crs String A geographic projection

The coordinate reference system (CRS) must be provided such that the model can performed Euclidean distance calculations on the coordinates and network data. The projection is use-case specific. For France, the standard geographic projection is EPSG:2154.

The following optional parameters are available:

Parameter Values Description
--osm-path String Path to the filtered OSM data.
--freespeed-factor Real (default 0.7) A factor that is added to the nominative road speeds to simulate congestion

Note that if no path to the OpenStreetMap data is given, the model will perform Euclidean distance calculations with a per-vehicle-type factor.

Finally, technical parameters exist that can be configured:

Parameter Values Description
--random-seed Integer (default 1234) Allows to perform ensemble runs by providing different initialization seeds of the optimization
--iterations Integer (default 10000) Sets the number of iterations per operator with higher accuracy with increasing values (but also higher runtime)
--threads Integer (default 1) Allows to set the number of threads that are used for the optimization

Note that the memory available to Java can be configured using the -Xmx option and by appending a size of the format 1024M to define the amount in megabytes or 20G to define the amount in gigabytes.

For test runs, it is recommended to divert from the standard value of 10000 iterations that is configured. Values like 1000 or 2000 will give results much quicker.

Standard scenarios

For the Lyon living lab, some standard scenarios can be run. Initially, the preparation steps need to be performed. After, individual scenarios can be evaluated/



In the specific case for Lyon, the latest snapshot of the Rhône-Alpes region provided by Geofabrik can be used:

For the specific case of Lyon, the perimeter is provided in the data directory in the LEAD repository. Hence, the correct poly file can be created by calling

python3 \
  --input-path /irtx-jsprit/data/perimeter_lyon.gpkg \
  --output-path /irtx-jsprit/output/perimeter_lyon.poly

This file can be used with osmosis to cut the relevant perimter for the Confluence study area in Lyon with the resulting file scenario.osm.pbf:

sh \
  /irtx-jsprit/input/rhone-alpes-latest.osm.pbf \
  /irtx-jsprit/output/perimeter.poly \

Operator For the Lyon living lab, an operator file is available in data as rexel_lyon.json. This file does not exactly describe the actual demand of the operator. Respective data will be integrated in the final platform.

Additionally, the downstream parcel generation model and its respective connector model can be used to generate a parcel shipment operator (laposte_*.json) based on synthetic population data.

Scenario execution

For the Lyon living lab, a scenario template is provided in the LEAD repository as data/template_lyon.json. Different configurations based on this template are described further below. The resulting configured scenario files can then be run using the following command:

java -cp /irtx-jsprit/java/target/lead-jsprit-1.0.0.jar fr.irtx.lead.jsprit.RunSolver \
  --problem-path /irtx-jsprit/output/scenario_{scenario}.json \
  --solution-path /irtx-jsprit/output/solution_{scenario}.json \
  --crs EPSG:2154 \
  --osm-path /irtx-jsprit/output/scenario.osm.pbf

Here, {scenario} should be replaced by {scenario} = baseline_2022 | ucc_2022 | ucc_2030. In each case, a different /irtx-jsprit/output/scenario_{scenario}.json can be generated using the configuration tool:

Baseline 2022

python3 \
  --scenario-path data/template_lyon.json \
  --output-path /irtx-jsprit/output/scenario_baseline_2022.json \
  --operator-path data/rexel_lyon.json \
  --operator-path /irtx-parcels-jsprit-connector/output/laposte_2022.json \
  --shipment-type:rexel pickup \
  --shipment-type:laposte delivery \
  --consolidation-type:rexel none \
  --consolidation-type:laposte none \
  --driver-salary:rexel 0.0

The driver salary for Rexel is put to zero, because it is a pick-up service, which means that employees are employed independent of their pick-up tasks.

UCC 2022

In this scenario consolidation is integrated by forcing the deliveries to be routed through the UCC. The postal distribution center is relcoated to the UCC. This is done by changing the last four lines.

python3 \
  --scenario-path data/template_lyon.json \
  --output-path /irtx-jsprit/output/scenario_ucc_2022.json \
  --operator-path data/rexel_lyon.json \
  --operator-path /irtx-parcels-jsprit-connector/output/laposte_2022.json \
  --shipment-type:rexel delivery \
  --shipment-type:laposte none \
  --consolidation-type:rexel delivery \
  --consolidation-type:laposte delivery

In this example, Rexel needs a driver, so the salary is kept at its default value.

UCC 2030

In this scenario the parcel demand for 2030 is used.

python3 \
  --scenario-path data/template_lyon.json \
  --output-path /irtx-jsprit/output/scenario_ucc_2030.json \
  --operator-path data/rexel_lyon.json \
  --operator-path /irtx-parcels-jsprit-connector/output/laposte_2030.json \
  --shipment-type:rexel delivery \
  --shipment-type:laposte none \
  --consolidation-type:rexel delivery \
  --consolidation-type:laposte delivery

Other scenarios

Other scenarios can be constructed by changing parameters in the upstream models (total number of parcels, for instance), by replacing the operator data sets for other years or even adding new operators, or by changing the vehicle parameters.

In the platform a user could, for instance, a list of prepared operator data sets that can then be tested in combination using the model.