diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index 803f6c7..6f9f807 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -41,4 +41,22 @@ This might be a bit slow, alternatively, you can use `cargo run --release`.
`backend-rust/download_data.sh` will download some data for the digital evelation model (DEM). Change `backend-rust/download_data.sh`
according to your needs if you do not want to download all the data.
-There is also an older (and slower) python backend in the `backend` folder.
\ No newline at end of file
+There is also an older (and slower) python backend in the `backend` folder.
+## Performance testing
+You can run performance tests using
+$ cargo bench
+A flamegraph can be generated by adding the following to `Cargo.toml`:
+#debug = 1
+and then running
+$ kernel.perf_event_paranoid = -1 #Only needed once to enable event counting for flamegraph
+$ cargo flamegraph --bench search_benchmark -- --bench
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/backend-rust/src/pqueue.rs b/backend-rust/src/pqueue.rs
index ebb0f87..11b5cc5 100644
--- a/backend-rust/src/pqueue.rs
+++ b/backend-rust/src/pqueue.rs
@@ -86,6 +86,13 @@ impl
> PriorityQueue
positions: map,
+ pub fn new_with_map_and_capacity(map: MapType, capacity: usize) -> Self {
+ Self {
+ heap: Vec::with_capacity(capacity),
+ positions: map,
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/backend-rust/src/search.rs b/backend-rust/src/search.rs
index c70547e..a438701 100644
--- a/backend-rust/src/search.rs
+++ b/backend-rust/src/search.rs
@@ -9,6 +9,7 @@ use ndarray::{linspace, s};
use crate::{
height_data::{get_height_at_point, get_height_data_around_point, HeightGrid},
+ line::Line,
pqueue::{MapLike, PriorityQueue},
@@ -245,18 +246,19 @@ impl SearchConfig {
pub fn get_neighbor_indices(ix: GridIx, height_grid: &HeightGrid) -> Vec {
- let mut result = Vec::new();
- let x = ix.0 as i32;
- let y = ix.1 as i32;
- for (a, b) in vec![(x + 1, y), (x - 1, y), (x, y + 1), (x, y - 1)] {
- if a >= 0
- && a < (height_grid.heights.shape()[0]) as i32
- && b >= 0
- && b < (height_grid.heights.shape()[1]) as i32
- {
- result.push((a as GridIxType, b as GridIxType));
- }
+ let mut result = Vec::with_capacity(4);
+ if ix.0 > 0 {
+ result.push((ix.0 - 1, ix.1));
+ }
+ if ix.1 > 0 {
+ result.push((ix.0, ix.1 - 1));
+ }
+ if ix.0 < (height_grid.heights.shape()[0] - 1) as GridIxType {
+ result.push((ix.0 + 1, ix.1));
+ }
+ if ix.1 < (height_grid.heights.shape()[1] - 1) as GridIxType {
+ result.push((ix.0, ix.1 + 1));
return result;
@@ -667,6 +669,47 @@ pub fn f32_usize(x: f32) -> usize {
usize::from(x as u16)
+pub fn is_line_intersecting_smart(to: &Node, ix: GridIx, config: &SearchConfig) -> bool {
+ let effective_glide = get_effective_glide_ratio_from_to(config, ix, to.ix);
+ if f32::is_infinite(effective_glide.glide_ratio) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ let length = l2_distance(to.ix, ix);
+ let grid_indices = Line::new((to.ix.0 as i16, to.ix.1 as i16), (ix.0 as i16, ix.1 as i16));
+ let distance = length * config.grid.cell_size;
+ let height_loss = distance * effective_glide.glide_ratio;
+ let final_height = to.height - height_loss;
+ let mut real_height = if grid_indices.iterator_reversed() {
+ final_height
+ } else {
+ to.height
+ };
+ let height_step = if grid_indices.iterator_reversed() {
+ height_loss / (grid_indices.num_pixels() - 1) as f32
+ } else {
+ -height_loss / (grid_indices.num_pixels() - 1) as f32
+ };
+ if config.safety_margin == 0.0 || to.distance + distance <= config.start_distance {
+ for (x_i, y_i) in grid_indices.iter() {
+ if real_height < config.grid.heights[(x_i as usize, y_i as usize)] as f32 {
+ return true;
+ }
+ real_height += height_step;
+ }
+ } else if to.distance < config.start_distance && to.distance + distance > config.start_distance
+ {
+ // TODO
+ } else {
+ // TODO
+ }
+ return false;
pub fn is_line_intersecting(to: &Node, ix: GridIx, config: &SearchConfig) -> bool {
let effective_glide = get_effective_glide_ratio_from_to(config, ix, to.ix);
if f32::is_infinite(effective_glide.glide_ratio) {
@@ -746,6 +789,7 @@ pub fn reindex(explored: Explored, grid: &HeightGrid) -> (Explored, HeightGrid)
let mut lat_max = GridIxType::MIN;
let mut lon_min = GridIxType::MAX;
let mut lon_max = GridIxType::MIN;
for node in explored.values.iter() {
if node.is_some() {
let n = node.as_ref().unwrap();