From ef0b2e0b85485b79fe0216b221ee22f2937dccd1 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Calyx Hikari Date: Thu, 31 Oct 2019 23:56:18 +0800 Subject: [PATCH] Add support for PNX --- FlashingScript/generic_flash_script_pnx.bat | 473 ++++++++++++++++++++ 1 file changed, 473 insertions(+) create mode 100644 FlashingScript/generic_flash_script_pnx.bat diff --git a/FlashingScript/generic_flash_script_pnx.bat b/FlashingScript/generic_flash_script_pnx.bat new file mode 100644 index 0000000..719872c --- /dev/null +++ b/FlashingScript/generic_flash_script_pnx.bat @@ -0,0 +1,473 @@ +::[Bat To Exe Converter] +:: +::fBE1pAF6MU+EWH7eyGoTHChjczSsBCbuV+A+pbi2v7qwlQA/BLEAdpvU1LiXHO0S4UDbc8QrxTRfgM5s +::fBE1pAF6MU+EWH7eyGoTHChjczSsBCbuV+A+pbi2v7qwlQA/BLEAdpvU1LiXHO0Y7xfiZtgu2XRc+A== +::fBE1pAF6MU+EWH7eyGoTHChjczSsBCbuV+A+pbi2v7qwlQA/BLEAdpvU1LiXHO0Y7xfiZtgozn86 +::fBE1pAF6MU+EWH7eyGoTHChjczSsBCbuV+A+pbi2v7qwlQA/BLEAdpvU1LiXHPAS80nrdJIS0m9XiM4eQgtBHg== +::fBE1pAF6MU+EWH7eyGoTHChjczSsBCbuV+A+pbi2v7qwlQA/BLEAdpvU1LiXHPUD7kTwcKkg025bnMoYDSRIfEDlfhZU +::fBE1pAF6MU+EWH7eyGoTHChjczSsBCbuV+A+pbi2v7qwlQA/BLEAdpvU1LiXHMEX6HLte7c93zRelMds +::fBE1pAF6MU+EWH7eyGoTHChjczSsBCbuV+A+pbi2v7qwlQA/BLEAdpvU1LiXHMEX6HLte6M+1FtKkYUIABc4 +::fBE1pAF6MU+EWH7eyGoTHChjczSsBCbuV+A+pbi2v7qwlQA/BLEAdpvU1LiXHOMK7ULndqk+mysUnMcAbA== +::fBE1pAF6MU+EWH7eyGoTHChjczSsBCbuV+A+pbi2v7qwlQA/BLEAdpvU1LiXHOMK7VLte8dj0nZW+A== +::fBE1pAF6MU+EWH7eyGoTHChjczSsBCbuV+A+pbi2v7qwlQA/BLEAdpvU1LiXHOMK7V+qcZohtg== +::fBE1pAF6MU+EWH7eyGoTHChjczSsBCbuV+A+pbi2v7qwlQA/BLEAdpvU1LiXHOYS+VHmepk5mH9Cnas= +::fBE1pAF6MU+EWH7eyGoTHChjczSsBCbuV+A+pbi2v7qwlQA/BLEAdpvU1LiXHOcW5ED2fJUS0HZbi8MzHxhKdwK/UR86sSBAt3Dl +::fBE1pAF6MU+EWH7eyGoTHChjczSsBCbuV+A+pbi2v7qwlQA/BLEAdpvU1LiXHOke7Rf3fJsqmH9Cnas= +::YAwzoRdxOk+EWAjk +::fBw5plQjdCyDJGyX8VAjFDNdRwWQNUi7Coks4evv+viCsXEbVe4leZ2V07eBQA== +::YAwzuBVtJxjWCl3EqQJgSA== +::ZR4luwNxJguZRRnk +::Yhs/ulQjdF+5 +::cxAkpRVqdFKZSDk= +::cBs/ulQjdF+5 +::ZR41oxFsdFKZSDk= +::eBoioBt6dFKZSDk= +::cRo6pxp7LAbNWATEpSI= +::egkzugNsPRvcWATEpSI= +::dAsiuh18IRvcCxnZtBJQ +::cRYluBh/LU+EWAnk +::YxY4rhs+aU+IeA== +::cxY6rQJ7JhzQF1fEqQJhZksaHErTaAs= +::ZQ05rAF9IBncCkqN+0xwdVsFAlTMbCXrUtU= +::ZQ05rAF9IAHYFVzEqQIXLRVRXg2BfE22B6YU4eb8r9mEsEQNQKI5d52b6pq2QA== +::eg0/rx1wNQPfEVWB+kM9LVsJDAOHMm6oD7Yj7uT6/OK4sU4PXfIrR5/VwvqLOOVz +::fBEirQZwNQPfEVWB+kM9LVsJDCOkD1SKKI18 +::cRolqwZ3JBvQF1fEqQIXLRVRXg2BfE22B6YU4eb8r9mEsEQNQKI5d52b6pq2QA== +::dhA7uBVwLU+EWHGN/0MiIVt3TQibJCuOA7YUiA== +::YQ03rBFzNR3SWATE3Es7KQldDCeDMHKiRoEZ6+Cb +::dhAmsQZ3MwfNWATEphJhcVYGHFbSfCOZT/U04eP6/ePHgUwRTfp/TIrY0vrOAewfqlftcp45xTpondgJHg1delzL +::ZQ0/vhVqMQ3MEVWAtB9wSA== +::Zg8zqx1/OA3MEVWAtB9wSA== +::dhA7pRFwIByZRRnk +::Zh4grVQjdCiDJHGnwHEHFyt6dEnWbT6YS+VRuLjM2Kel8h4iWvYwdoPC5rOLLuUB40bbc5osxXJli8geBQtMQQKldkExsWsi +::YB416Ek+ZG8= +:: +:: +::978f952a14a936cc963da21a135fa983 +@echo off +title Flashing script for PNX +cls +echo. +echo. +echo Initializing... +rem Navigating these partitions +dir /b > list.txt +if exist prcsd.hikaricalyx goto otaflashinginitd +if not exist HCTSW*mlf ( +if exist modem.img goto otaflashinginitd +) +if exist payload.bin goto otaflashingbefore +:returnx +findstr "abl.elf" list.txt > tmp.txt +set /p abl_pnx= tmp.txt +set /p xbl_pnx= tmp.txt +set /p xblc_pnx= tmp.txt +set /p tz_pnx= tmp.txt +set /p aop_pnx= tmp.txt +set /p hyp_pnx= tmp.txt +set /p keymaster_pnx= tmp.txt +set /p cmnlib_pnx= tmp.txt +set /p cmnlib64_pnx= tmp.txt +set /p dsp_pnx= tmp.txt +set /p devcfg_pnx= tmp.txt +set /p storsec_pnx= tmp.txt +set /p systeminfo_pnx= tmp.txt +set /p modem_pnx= tmp.txt +set /p vbmeta_pnx= tmp.txt +set /p boot_pnx= tmp.txt +set /p systema_pnx= tmp.txt +findstr "dtbo.img" list.txt > tmp.txt +set /p dtbo_pnx= tmp.txt +set /p qupfw_pnx= tmp.txt +set /p bluetooth_pnx= tmp.txt +set /p persist_pnx= tmp.txt +set /p sutinfo_pnx= tmp.txt +set /p nvdef_pnx= tmp.txt +set /p hidden_pnx= tmp.txt +set /p cda_pnx= tmp.txt +set /p splash_pnx= tmp.txt +set /p zplash_pnx= tmp.txt +set /p vendor_pnx= tmp.txt +set /p logfs_pnx=nul +fastboot devices > tmp.txt +set /p devsn= tmp.txt +set /p devsn= tmp.txt +set /p actprojectcode=nul +:pass +cls +echo. +echo Your Phone's serial number is %devsn:~0,16% and the Project Code is %actprojectcode:~0,3%. +rem goto otapm2 +echo The firmware itself is used for %fwprojectcode:~0,3%. +:otapm2 +echo. +fastboot oem getversions +echo. +echo. +fastboot oem device-info +echo. +echo. +echo Please check information above. +echo If both "Device unlocked" and "Device critical unlocked" are +echo indicated as "true", press any key to proceed. +pause>nul +set /p fwver=<%systeminfo_pnx% +if "%fwver:~3,5%"=="PNX-0" set fuseissue=1 +if "%fwver:~3,5%"=="PNX-1" set fuseissue=1 +if "%fwver:~3,5%"=="PNX-2" set fuseissue=1 +if "%fwver:~3,5%"=="PNX-3" set fuseissue=1 +echo. +echo %fwver:~3,19% +echo. +pause +if "%fuseissue%"=="1" ( +echo. +echo WARNING. Your build may not have patched the fuse issue, thus your phone could not become +echo flashable after nofuse ABL overwritten. +echo If you want to overwrite nofuse ABL, please input "yes" (without quotes) and press enter. +echo Otherwise the script will skip abl flashing procedure. +echo. +set /p fconfirm= +if "%fconfirm%"=="yes" set fuseissue=0 +) + +echo. +echo Flashing critical partitions... +echo. +rem goto otaflashing +fastboot flash aop %aop_pnx% +if %errorlevel% equ 1 goto errorcritical +fastboot flash hyp %hyp_pnx% +fastboot flash keymaster %keymaster_pnx% +fastboot flash cmnlib %cmnlib_pnx% +fastboot flash cmnlib64 %cmnlib64_pnx% +fastboot flash devcfg %devcfg_pnx% +fastboot flash storsec %storsec_pnx% +fastboot flash xbl %xbl_pnx% +fastboot flash xbl_config %xblc_pnx% +fastboot flash tz %tz_pnx% +if "%fuseissue%"=="0" fastboot flash abl %abl_pnx% +echo. +echo Flashing non-critical partitions... +echo. +fastboot flash systeminfo %systeminfo_pnx% +echo. +echo Flashing system partition, please wait... +echo. +fastboot erase system +fastboot erase vendor +fastboot flash system %systema_pnx% +fastboot flash vendor %vendor_pnx% +fastboot flash modem %modem_pnx% +fastboot erase persist +fastboot flash persist %persist_pnx% +fastboot flash boot %boot_pnx% +if "%econfirm%"=="yes" fastboot format userdata +fastboot flash dsp %dsp_pnx% +fastboot flash bluetooth %bluetooth_pnx% +fastboot flash dtbo %dtbo_pnx% +fastboot flash qupfw %qupfw_pnx% +fastboot flash vbmeta %vbmeta_pnx% +fastboot flash logfs %logfs_pnx% +fastboot flash sutinfo %sutinfo_pnx% +fastboot flash splash %splash_pnx% +fastboot flash zplash %zplash_pnx% +fastboot flash nvdef %nvdef_pnx% +fastboot erase hidden +fastboot flash hidden %hidden_pnx% +fastboot flash cda %cda_pnx% +:normal3 +fastboot reboot +echo All done! Press any key to exit. +echo. +echo. +pause>nul +goto EOF + +:errorx +echo. +echo ERROR: You didn't place required Google Platform Tools executable here. +echo. +echo Please download it from following URL: +echo. +echo +pause>nul +goto EOF + +:errorcritical +echo. +echo ERROR: You didn't perform critical bootloader unlock, or the ABL has fuse issue. Please confirm again. +fastboot reboot +pause>nul +goto EOF + +:errorunlock +echo. +echo ERROR: You didn't perform bootloader unlock, or the ABL has fuse issue. Please confirm again. +fastboot reboot +pause>nul +goto EOF + +:otaflashingbefore +echo. +echo payload.bin detected. +echo. +echo You'll need to use Payload Dumper to dump the payload file. +echo. +echo The payload dumper can be downloaded from following URL: +echo. +echo +echo. +echo You must put and to the same directory +echo of this script. +echo. +echo.To use payload dumper, you must have Python 3 installed. +echo. +echo Please type lowercase "yes" to confirm, then press Enter Key to proceed. +echo. +echo Otherwise press Enter Key with nothing typed will ignore the payload.bin. +echo. +set /p econfirm= +if "%econfirm%"=="yes" goto startdump +set xconfirm=a +goto returnx +:startdump +set econfirm= +if exist payload_dumper.exe goto pdumperexe +pip3 install protobuf +if %errorlevel% equ 9009 goto nopython +if not exist goto errornoscript +if not exist goto errornoscript +python payload.bin +if %errorlevel% neq 0 goto errorscript2 +goto otaflashinginitd + +:errornopython +echo. +echo ERROR: Your PC doesn't have Python 3 installed. Therefore the payload dumping will be skipped. +echo. +pause +cls +goto returnx + +:pdumperexe +echo. +payload_dumper payload.bin +if %errorlevel% neq 0 goto errorscript2 +set xconfirm=1 +goto otaflashinginitd + +:errornoscript +echo. +echo ERROR: You didn't put both scripts to the same directory of this script. +echo Therefore the payload dumping will be skipped. +echo. +pause +cls +goto returnx + +:errorscript2 +echo. +echo ERROR: The script didn't process the payload.bin well. +echo Therefore the payload dumping will be skipped. +echo. +pause +cls +goto returnx + +:otaflashinginitd +if exist flashit.cmd del /q flashit.cmd +echo. +echo Processed payload.bin image files found. +echo. +:otaflashinginit +echo Current flashing mode: payload as fastboot images +echo. +echo Hi there! This script is designed for flashing FIH PNX device +echo back to factory stock without using OST LA. +echo. +echo Made by Hikari Calyx and written for following models: +echo Nokia X7 and Nokia 8.1. +echo. +echo Please choose a slot you wish to flash. ( a / b ) +echo. +:reselectslot +set /p cslot= +if %cslot%==A set wslot=a&goto chosenx +if %cslot%==B set wslot=b&goto chosenx +if %cslot%==a set wslot=a&goto chosenx +if %cslot%==b set wslot=b&goto chosenx +echo. +echo Incorrect slot, please type again. ( a / b ) +echo. +goto reselectslot +:chosenx +echo. +echo Generating flashing script... +echo. +dir /b *.img > list.txt +for /f "delims=." %%i in (list.txt) do set "%%i=%%i.img"&echo fastboot flash %%i_%wslot% %%i.img>>flashit.cmd +del list.txt +if not exist vendor.img.ext4 ren system.img system.img.ext4 +if not exist vendor.img.ext4 ren vendor.img vendor.img.ext4 +if not exist system.img echo Converting system image to sparse, please wait... +if not exist system.img img2simg system.img.ext4 system.img +if not exist vendor.img echo Converting vendor image to sparse, please wait... +if not exist vendor.img img2simg vendor.img.ext4 vendor.img +echo DO NOT DELETE ME > prcsd.hikaricalyx +goto reflash + +:reflash +cls +echo. +echo The payload.bin is already processed. +echo. +echo Please connect your powered off phone or phone that entered Fastboot mode +fastboot oem alive +cls +fastboot devices > tmp.txt +set /p devsn= tmp.txt +set /p devsn= tmp.txt +set /p actprojectcode=nul +echo. +echo Flashing, please wait... +echo. +call flashit.cmd +if %errorlevel% equ 1 goto errorunlock +if "%econfirm%"=="yes" goto erasing +:flashdone +set econfirm= +echo. +echo.Flashing done. +echo. +echo Do you want to switch to slot %cslot% right now? +echo. +echo.Please type lowercase "yes" to confirm switching, then press Enter Key to proceed. +echo. +echo.Otherwise, press Enter Key will only reboot your phone. +echo. +set /p econfirm= +if "%econfirm%"=="yes" fastboot --set-active=%wslot% +if "%econfirm%"=="yes" fastboot --set-active=_%wslot% +fastboot reboot +echo. +echo All done. Press any key to exit. +echo. +pause>nul +goto EOF + +:erasing +echo. +echo Erasing userdata... +echo. +fastboot format userdata +fastboot erase ssd +fastboot erase misc +fastboot erase sti +fastboot erase ddr +goto flashdone + + +:EOF