Prepare the application config.
RA erlang application requires a data directory to store write-ahead log file. You should set it using the
application environment variable.ok = application:set_env(ra, data_dir, "."), % Sets data directory to a current working directory
Write a state machine.
Before you can do anything you need to write a state machine to run inside a Ra cluster. State machines operate on incoming message and return an updated state. The simplest possible statemachine is one that accepts integers as command messages and simple adds them to the state and return the result. In short
fun erlang:'+'/2
would do the trick.initial_members should
Now you've got a state machine function you can create a
map:NodeId = {server1, node()}, UId = <<"server1">>, Config = #{id => NodeId, uid => <<"server1">>, log_init_args => #{uid => UId}, initial_members => [{server1, node()}, {server2, node()}, {server3, node()}], machine => {simple, fun erlang:'+'/2, 0}}, % the "apply" function + the initial state
Start a cluster
ok = ra:start_server(Config), ok = ra:start_server(Config#{id => {server2, node()}, uid => <<"server2">>}), ok = ra:start_server(Config#{id => {server3, node()}, uid => <<"server3">>}), % new ra servers are completely passive % trigger election ok = ra:trigger_election({server1, node()}).
Now you should have a working ra cluster.
Process a command
{ok, Reply, Leader} = ra:process_command({server1, node()}, 5),
Perform a query
As we know the previous command achieved consensus a local query to the leader is fine.
{ok, {IdxTerm, 5}, Leader} = ra:local_query({server1, node()}, fun (S) -> S end),