NearDoc is an application that helps users to find nearby doctors. Users simply inserts the name of the disease in the search field and NearDoc locates all the nearby doctors based on the given disease category. Users can view doctors rating, biography and speciality. NearDoc allows users to contact the doctor via phone call or email, visit website if given, also helps them to navigate to doctor's location. In NearDoc user can easily update or delete their account. NearDoc is cost efficiency in terms of mobile data bandwidth, it switches in between wi-fi and mobile data(wi-fi connectivity is prioritized in this case). Aside from finding nearby doctors, NearDoc also provides few fun activities, such as breathing exercise, monitoring blood pressure, step counters to calculate calories burned each day. Step counter might not available in all devices, however, if its available and gives NearDoc the permission to observe their daily step count, NearDoc will calculate how much calories burned and will send notification in the end of each days.
Disclaimer: NearDoc uses api from, which is not supported anymore(Which I learned right before deploying the app to the google play store). Therefore, users would not be able to see doctors images. Also, some information might not up to date. Yet, NearDoc is a complete application that is still capable of providing good service and help users to find doctors.
Thank you so much for taking your time to read.
Sincerely, Abul Hashem Jr, Android Developer