- Takes a name of a dataset in the form below as input
├── class#1
│ ├── file11.wav
│ └── file12.wav
├── class#2
│ ├── file21.wav
│ ├── file22.wav
│ └── file23.wav
├── class#3
│ ├── file31.wav
│ ├── file32.wav
│ └── file33.wav
- Uses the class names (i.e. class#1) as labels names
- Uses 10% of the data for testing and prints evaluation results.
- Returns an keras model and (optional) the data in a json file.
- Python 3(recomended >=3.6)
- Pip (For installing other dependencies
- Linux:
$ git clone https://github.com/Haki-Malai/nn-audio
$ cd nn-audio
$ sudo bash install.sh
(Adds 'audio_model' as command. If it does not work try running 'source ~.profile')
- Windows:
- Rename audio_model to audio_model.py
- Linux:
$ audio_model --dataset_dir=dataset
(For example. dataset_dir is pwd for default but i don't think it is able to run this way as the script will read itself in the directory )
- Windows:
$ py audio_model.py --dataset_dir=dataset
- All options:
- --sample_rate (default=44100)
- --min_track_duration (default=10)
- --min_array_length (default=1000000)
- --from_json (default=False)
- --json_save (default=False)
- --output_json (default="data.json")
- --json_path (default="data.json")
- --model_name (default="model")
- --test_size (default=0.3)
- --epochs (default=50)
- --activation (default='relu')
- --dropout (default='True')
- --num_segments (default=5)