To start the sample application, it does require Prometheus server running to collect the statistics from SRT Prometheus Exporter. There are several ways to install and run Prometheus server, it is up to user to set this up.
Run Docker image
docker pull prom/prometheus
Install Debian package
Snap pacakge
sudo snap install prometheus
Default configuration file would be found at
. please, edit the configuration file, so that Prometheus can find the correct url to scrape. If we want to change the command line option for Prometheus,/var/snap/prometheus/<numbers>/daemon_arguments
needs to be modified accordingly, and then restart the prometheus snap package.
and sample_srtlistener
can be compiled.
cd srt-prometheus-exporter/sample
Make sure that current directory is srt-prometheus-exporter/sample
because those samples will read the configuration file for SRT Prometheus Exporter with relative path ../config/srt_exporter.yaml
cd srt-prometheus-exporter/sample
A sample of SRT source application.
It creates SRT socket and updates SRT socket information to SRT Exporter library.
Its SRT Exporter object's name is sample_srt_caller
It tries to connect port 8888
with this SRT socket. Once connection is accepted, this application keeps sending packages to the destination each second.
from a browser to trigger an http request to it manually.
cd srt-prometheus-exporter/sample
A sample of SRT destination application.
It starts listening to port on 8888
when application started. Once an SRT source wants to connect this port, it accepts the connection and starts receiving packages from this connection.
The SRT socket of this connection would be updated to SRT exporter once the connection is established. Thus, SRT socket statistic requested from Prometheus can be collected from SRT library.
Its SRT Exporter object's name is sample_srt_listener
from a browser to trigger an http request to it manually.
- Docker (Recommended)
cd srt-prometheus-exporter
cp -rf ./config/prometheus.yml /tmp/prometheus.yml
docker run -d \
-v /tmp/prometheus.yml:/etc/prometheus/prometheus.yml \
--network=host prom/prometheus \
--web.enable-lifecycle \
--config.file=/etc/prometheus/prometheus.yml \
--storage.tsdb.path=/prometheus \
--web.console.libraries=/usr/share/prometheus/console_libraries \
You should be able to see, Prometheus dashboard
and, statistics.