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Welcome to the ws23-youbot-manipulation-ros2 wiki!

1. Workspace setup:

  • Using Ubuntu: 22.04 (Jammy) and ROS2 Rolling as base. In this step you are going to setup a new workspace and install required dependencies to be able to simulate the youBot and move it using joint state publisher GUI.

1.1. Execute below commands to install dependencies

apt update
apt install gedit python3-pip ros-rolling-twist-mux ros-rolling-moveit ros-rolling-urg-node 
apt install ros-rolling-ros2-control ros-rolling-joint-state-publisher-gui

1.2. Install specified version of pip

pip install setuptools==58.2.0

1.3. Create a new workspace

mkdir -p /home/mir/src && cd /home/mir/src

1.4. Clone ROS packages

git clone -b rolling
git clone -b ros2
git clone -b rolling-devel
git clone -b foxy-devel
git clone -b foxy-devel
git clone -b b-it-bots

1.5. Source your ROS distibution

. /opt/ros/rolling/
cd /home/mir

1.6. Build your colcon environment

colcon build --executor sequential --parallel-workers 4
export ROBOT=youbot-brsu-2
source install/local_setup.bash

1.7. Launch youBot bringup:

ros2 launch mir_bringup

1.8. In another terminal, run below commands

source /opt/ros/rolling/
source /home/mir/install/local_setup.bash

1.9. Load rviz_conf into rviz

  • Workspace setup is completed, you should be able to see the youBot model now and control it with joint state publisher GUI


2. Installation of the customized package:

  • In this step, you are installing the customized package for youBot manipulation and configuring your system in a way that makes you able to control the real robot's arm using this customized package.

2.1. Clone the customized package from GitHub in your youBot workspace

git clone
  • Build source files:
colcon build --packages-select mir_youbot_manipulation
  • Source your local setup:
source install/local_setup.bash
  • For every new build, run below command:
sudo setcap cap_net_raw+ep install/mir_youbot_manipulation/lib/mir_youbot_manipulation/youbot_manipulation

2.2. Connect the ethernet cable to the youBot

  • There are two options:
    1. Connect the ethernet cable directly to the base
    2. Connect the ethernet cable to youBot's arm
  • Get your ethernet interface name
ip a
  • Navigate to below directory:
cd ./home/mir/install/youbot_driver/share/youbot_driver/config/
  • Interface name from ip a should match the content of youbot-ethercat.cfg file, otherwise, edit the config file and change the name.
  • Edit manipulator config file to set the joint ids
gedit youbot-manipulator.cfg
  • Modify youbot_manipulator.cfg according to:
    1. If ethernet cable is connected directly to the base controller, joint ids should start from 5 to 9
    2. If ethernet cable is connected to the arm, joint ids should start from 1 to 5

2.3. Edit ROS config file (one-time activity)

gedit /etc/
  • Create a new file with this name if doesn't exist.
  • Add below lines to the file
  • Execute this command:
sudo ldconfig

2.4. Installing KDL parser for ROS rolling

sudo apt install ros-rolling-kdl-parser

2.5. Defining new message types - Action Server

  • Navigate to mas_industrial_robotics/mir_interfaces/mir_manipulation

  • Create a new folder named action and open it.

  • Create a file with name: CartesianCoordinates.action, with the contents as:

# Request
geometry_msgs/PoseStamped cartesian_coodinates
# Result
bool cartesian_pose_reached
# Feedback
string message
  • Create a file with name: MoveToJointAngles.action, with the contents as:
# Request
brics_actuator/JointPositions joint_positions_setpoint
# Result
bool joint_postions_reached
# Feedback
string message
  • Open the CMakeLists of mir_interface directory, add the below lines to the set(manipulation_msg_files) attribute:
  • Rebuild colcon with select package - mir_interfaces :
colcon build --packages-select mir_interfaces

3. Using the Package and interacting with the Software

  • In this step, you would be running the commands to use the customised package for various user stories.

3.1. User-story 1 - Move arm to given joint angles using youBot driver interface.

  • Open the cloned youbot workspace (1.3) and source ROS rolling in three terminals
  • Make sure to be in development branch of the project. Use git checkout development
  • In first terminal, to run the customized package:
colcon build --packages-select mir_youbot_manipulation
source install/local_setup.bash
ros2 launch mir_youbot_manipulation
  • In the second terminal, to run the ROS lifecycle node:
source install/local_setup.bash
ros2 run lifecycle_controller lifecycle_controller --ros-args -p lc_name:=youbot_manipulation_node
  • In the third terminal, to provide joint angles input (you change the input joint angle values in the 'value' section of the below command, is 2 examples for input being in radians or in degrees):
source install/local_setup.bash

ros2 action send_goal /youbot_manipulation_node/joint_angles mir_interfaces/action/MoveToJointAngles '{ "joint_positions": { "positions": [
    { "joint_uri": "arm_joint_1", "unit":"rad", "value": 0.0 },
    { "joint_uri": "arm_joint_2", "unit":"rad", "value": 0.5 },
    { "joint_uri": "arm_joint_3", "unit":"rad", "value": 0.5 },
    { "joint_uri": "arm_joint_4", "unit":"rad", "value": 0.5 },
    { "joint_uri": "arm_joint_5", "unit":"rad", "value": 0.5 }
  ] } }'

ros2 action send_goal /youbot_manipulation_node/joint_angles mir_interfaces/action/MoveToJointAngles '{ "joint_positions": { "positions": [
    { "joint_uri": "arm_joint_1", "unit":"deg", "value": 10.0 },
    { "joint_uri": "arm_joint_2", "unit":"deg", "value": 10.0 },
    { "joint_uri": "arm_joint_3", "unit":"deg", "value": 10.0 },
    { "joint_uri": "arm_joint_4", "unit":"deg", "value": 10.0 },
    { "joint_uri": "arm_joint_5", "unit":"deg", "value": 10.0 }
  ] } }'

At this step, you should be able to see the youBot's arm movement to the desired joint angles.

3.2. User-story 2 - Move the arm to a given pose either by performing IK.

  • Open the cloned youbot workspace (1.3) and source ROS rolling in three terminals
  • Make sure to be in Feature/US2 branch of the project. Use git checkout Feature/US2
  • In first terminal, to run the customized package:
colcon build --packages-select mir_youbot_manipulation
source install/local_setup.bash
ros2 launch mir_youbot_manipulation
  • In the second terminal, to run the ROS lifecycle node:
source install/local_setup.bash
ros2 run lifecycle_controller lifecycle_controller --ros-args -p lc_name:=youbot_manipulation_node
  • In the third terminal, to provide pose as input (you change the input pose and orientation values as shown in the below commands):
source install/local_setup.bash

ros2 action send_goal /youbot_manipulation_node/cartesian_pose mir_interfaces/action/MoveToCartesianPose "{cartesian_coordinates: {pose: {position: {x: 0.0, y: 0.0, z: 0.0}, orientation: {x: 0.0, y: 0.0, z: 0.0, w: 0.0}}}}"

ros2 action send_goal /youbot_manipulation_node/cartesian_pose mir_interfaces/action/MoveToCartesianPose "{cartesian_coordinates: {pose: {position: {x: 0.25732, y: 0.0849215, z: 0.2807}, orientation: {x: 0.845497, y: 0.187442, z: 0.495722, w: -0.0652631}}}}"
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