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Bash Aliases & Shortcuts

Table of Contents

  1. Docker Aliases
  2. Docker Compose Aliases
  3. Docker Compose Profile Aliases
  4. CrowdSec Aliases
  5. Web Stack Aliases
  6. Docker Traefik 1 Swarm Aliases
  7. File Compression Aliases
  8. File Navigation Aliases
  9. Sync and Copy Aliases
  10. Search and Find Aliases
  11. Trash Aliases
  12. File Size and Storage Aliases
  13. Bash Aliases
  14. Git and Site Management Aliases
  15. Mail Server Testing Aliases
  16. UFW Firewall Aliases
  17. Systemd Start, Stop, and Restart Aliases
  18. Installation and Upgrade Aliases
  19. Cleaning Aliases
  20. Shutdown and Restart Aliases
  21. Networking Aliases
  22. Synology DSM Commands
  23. Miscellaneous Aliases
  24. System Monitoring Aliases
  25. Rclone Aliases
  26. YouTube-DLP Aliases
  27. Auto-Traefik Aliases
  28. Pi-Hole Aliases
  29. VNC Aliases


Fill in the environment variables in the bash aliases file:

The script already copies the bash_aliases.env.example file to $SHARED/config/bash_aliases.env. You just need to fill in the environment variables in $SHARED/config/bash_aliases.env.

nano $SHARED/config/bash_aliases.env

Docker Aliases

  • dstop: Stops a running Docker container.

    • Usage:

      dstop my_container
  • dstopall: Stops all running Docker containers.

  • drm: Removes a stopped Docker container.

    • Usage:

      drm container_name
  • dprunevol: Removes unused Docker volumes.

  • dprunesys: Removes all unused Docker data (volumes, networks, images).

  • ddelimages: Deletes all unused Docker images.

  • derase: Stops, removes containers, and prunes the system (Deletes everything!).

  • dprune: Safely cleans up Docker (unused images, volumes, and system).

  • dexec: Executes a command inside a running container (interactive mode).

    • Example:

      dexec my_container /bin/bash
  • dps: Shows all Docker processes.

  • dpss: Shows Docker processes in a formatted table.

  • ddf: Shows Docker data usage.

  • dlogs: Shows the latest 50 logs of a container.

    • Usage:

      dlogs container_name
  • dlogsize: Displays the size of Docker container logs.

  • dips: Shows IP addresses of Docker containers.

  • dp600: Locks down the permissions for $SECRETS and $ENV_FILE.

  • dp777: Opens permissions for $SECRETS and $ENV_FILE for editing.

Docker Compose Aliases

  • dcrun: Runs Docker Compose with the appropriate file.

  • dclogs: Displays the logs for Docker Compose containers.

  • dcup: Starts Docker Compose services and builds missing images.

  • dcdown: Stops and removes Docker Compose services.

  • dcrec: Recreates Docker Compose containers.

    • Usage:

      dcrec container_name
  • dcstop: Stops Docker Compose services.

  • dcrestart: Restarts Docker Compose services.

  • dcstart: Starts stopped Docker Compose services.

  • dcpull: Pulls the latest images for services defined in Docker Compose.

Docker Compose Profile Aliases

Manage "core" services as defined by profiles in Docker Compose:

  • startcore: Starts the "core" services.

  • createcore: Builds and starts "core" services (removing orphaned containers).

  • stopcore: Stops the "core" services.

Manage "media" services as defined by profiles in Docker Compose:

  • stopmedia: Stops the "media" services.

  • createmedia: Builds and starts "media" services (removing orphaned containers).

  • startmedia: Starts the "media" services.

Manage "downloads" services as defined by profiles in Docker Compose:

  • stopdownloads: Stops the "downloads" services.

  • createdownloads: Builds and starts "downloads" services (removing orphaned containers).

  • startdownloads: Starts the "downloads" services.

Manage Starr apps as defined by profiles in Docker Compose:

  • stoparrs: Stops the Starr apps services.

  • createarrs: Builds and starts the Starr apps services (removing orphaned containers).

  • startarrs: Starts the Starr apps services.

Manage "dbs" (database) services as defined by profiles in Docker Compose:

  • stopdbs: Stops the database services.

  • createdbs: Builds and starts the database services (removing orphaned containers).

  • startdbs: Starts the database services.

CrowdSec Aliases

  • cscli: Executes CrowdSec CLI commands.

  • csdecisions: Lists current CrowdSec decisions.

  • csalerts: Displays CrowdSec alerts.

  • csinspect: Inspect CrowdSec alerts in detail.

  • cshubs: Lists available CrowdSec hub resources.

  • csparsers: Lists available CrowdSec parsers.

  • cscollections: Lists CrowdSec collections.

  • cshubupdate: Updates CrowdSec hub resources.

  • cshubupgrade: Upgrades CrowdSec hub resources.

  • csmetrics: Displays CrowdSec metrics.

  • csmachines: Lists CrowdSec registered machines.

  • csbouncers: Lists CrowdSec registered bouncers.

  • csfbstatus: Shows the status of the CrowdSec firewall bouncer service.

  • csfbstart: Starts the CrowdSec firewall bouncer service.

  • csfbstop: Stops the CrowdSec firewall bouncer service.

  • csfbrestart: Restarts the CrowdSec firewall bouncer service.

  • tailkern: Tails the kernel log file.

  • tailauth: Tails the authentication log file.

  • tailcsfb: Tails the CrowdSec firewall bouncer log file.

  • csbrestart: Restarts both Traefik bouncer and CrowdSec firewall bouncer.

Web Stack Aliases

  • webrs: Recreates the web stack services (PHP 7, Redis, Nginx).

Docker Traefik 1 Swarm Aliases

  • dslogs: Shows the logs of the Docker service in real-time, tailing the last 50 entries.

  • dsps: Displays the processes running in the zstack Docker Swarm stack.

  • dsse: Lists the services in the zstack Docker Swarm stack.

  • dsls: Lists all Docker Swarm stacks.

  • dsrm: Removes a Docker Swarm stack.

    • Usage:

      dsrm stack_name
  • dsup: Deploys the zstack Docker Swarm stack using the specified Compose file.

  • dshelp: Displays a quick list of all Docker Swarm-related commands.

File Compression Aliases

  • untargz: Extracts a .tar.gz file.

    • Usage:

      untargz archive.tar.gz
  • untarbz: Extracts a file.

    • Usage:

  • lstargz: Lists contents of a .tar.gz archive.

    • Usage:

      lstargz archive.tar.gz
  • lstarbz: Lists contents of a archive.

    • Usage:

  • targz: Compresses files into a .tar.gz archive.

    • Usage:

      targz archive_name.tar.gz directory_or_file
  • tarbz: Compresses files into a archive.

    • Usage:

      tarbz directory_or_file

File Navigation Aliases

  • cd..: Moves up one directory.

  • ..: Moves up one directory (alternative shortcut).

  • ...: Moves up two directories.

  • .3: Moves up three directories.

  • .4: Moves up four directories.

  • .5: Moves up five directories.

Sync and Copy Aliases

  • scp: Copies files and directories recursively using scp.

    • Usage:

      scp source destination
  • rsynce: Executes rsync with progress, force, delete, and an exclude list.

    • Usage:

      rsynce source destination
  • rsyncne: Executes rsync with progress, force, and delete.

    • Usage:

      rsyncne source destination
  • cpn: Native copy with verbose output.

    • Usage:

      cpn source destination
  • cp: Copies files using rsync with progress.

    • Usage:

      cp source destination
  • mv: Moves files using rsync and removes the source files.

    • Usage:

      mv source destination
  • mvn: Native move with verbose output.

    • Usage:

      mvn source destination

Search and Find Aliases

  • gh: Searches your Bash history using grep.

    • Usage:

      gh keyword
  • findr: Finds files or directories by name.

    • Usage:

      findr filename
  • grep, egrep, fgrep: Grep commands with color-enabled output.

    • Usage:

      grep pattern file
      egrep pattern file
      fgrep pattern file

Trash Aliases (Using trash-cli)

  • rm: Moves files to trash instead of permanently deleting.

    • Usage:

      rm file
  • rmv: Deletes files with verbose output.

    • Usage:

      rmv file
  • tempty: Empties the trash.

  • tlist: Lists items in the trash.

  • srmt: Deletes files with sudo privileges using trash.

    • Usage:

      srmt file

File Size and Storage Aliases

  • fdisk: Lists disk partitions and sizes.

  • uuid: Retrieves the UUID of a volume.

    • Usage:

      uuid /dev/sda1
  • ls: Lists directory contents with color and sorting directories first.

  • ll: Lists all files in a detailed format with human-readable file sizes.

  • lt: Lists files sorted by size.

  • lsr: Lists files sorted by recently modified.

  • mnt: Lists mounted drives.

  • dirsize: Shows the size of directories.

  • dirusage: Shows the disk usage of the current directory.

  • diskusage: Shows total disk usage.

  • partusage: Shows partition usages excluding temporary memory.

  • usage10: Shows the top 10 items using the most space in the current directory.

Bash Aliases

  • baupdate: Reloads your Bash configuration.

  • baedit: Opens your Bash aliases file for editing.

  • bacopy: Copies your Bash aliases to the root directory.

  • baget: Downloads the latest Bash aliases from the internet.

Git and Site Management Aliases

  • gcpush: Pushes changes to the Docker-Traefik repository.

    • Usage:

      gcpush ../commits/date.txt
  • gpush: Pushes changes to your Git repository.

  • ggraph: Displays a visual Git log graph.

Mail Server Testing Aliases

  • nullsend: Sends a null mail to trigger the mail server.

  • tmail1: Sends a test email from tmail1.

  • tmail2: Sends a test email from tmail2 with a provided email address.

UFW Firewall Aliases

  • ufwenable: Enables the UFW firewall.

  • ufwdisable: Disables the UFW firewall.

  • ufwallow: Allows a service or port through the firewall.

    • Usage:

      ufwallow service_name_or_port
  • ufwlimit: Limits access to a service or port.

    • Usage:

      ufwlimit service_name_or_port
  • ufwlist: Lists firewall rules with numbered entries.

  • ufwdelete: Deletes a firewall rule.

    • Usage:

      ufwdelete rule_number
  • ufwreload: Reloads the firewall settings.

Systemd Start, Stop, and Restart Aliases

  1. Systemctl Aliases:

    • ctlreload: Reloads systemd daemon.

    • ctlstart: Starts a systemd service.

    • ctlstop: Stops a systemd service.

    • ctlrestart: Restarts a systemd service.

    • ctlstatus: Shows the status of a systemd service.

    • ctlenable: Enables a systemd service at boot.

    • ctldisable: Disables a systemd service at boot.

    • ctlactive: Checks if a systemd service is active.

    • Usage:

      ctlstart service_name
      ctlstop service_name
  2. Service-specific Aliases:

    • ShellInABox service management:

      • shellstart, shellstop, shellrestart, shellstatus
    • SSH service management:

      • sshstart, sshstop, sshrestart, sshstatus
    • UFW firewall management:

      • ufwstart, ufwstop, ufwrestart, ufwstatus
    • Webmin management:

      • webminstart, webminstop, webminrestart, webminstatus
    • Samba service management:

      • sambastart, sambastop, sambarestart, sambastatus
    • NFS service management:

      • nfsstart, nfsstop, nfsrestart, nfsstatus
      • nfsreload: Reloads NFS exports.

Installation and Upgrade Aliases

  • update: Runs apt-get update.

  • upgrade: Updates and upgrades packages.

  • install: Installs packages.

  • finstall: Fixes broken package installations.

  • rinstall: Reinstalls packages.

  • uninstall: Removes packages.

  • search: Searches for packages.

  • addkey: Adds a GPG key to the system.

    • Usage:

      install package_name

Cleaning Aliases

  • clean: Cleans the package cache.

  • remove: Removes unused packages.

  • purge: Purges packages.

  • deborphan: Removes orphaned packages.

  • cleanall: Runs all cleaning commands.

    • Usage:


Shutdown and Restart Aliases

  • shutdown: Shuts down the system immediately.

  • reboot: Reboots the system.

    • Usage:


Networking Aliases

  • portsused: Displays used ports.

  • showports: Shows listening ports using netstat.

  • showlistening: Displays active listening services using lsof.

  • ping: Pings a host 5 times.

  • ipe: Displays the external IP.

  • ipi: Displays the internal IP.

  • header: Fetches web server headers.

    • Usage:


Synology DSM Commands

  • servicelist: Lists services (DSM 6 only).

  • servicestatus, servicestop, servicestart, servicerestart: Manage Synology system services.

  • servicehstop, servicehstart: Hard stop/start services (DSM 6 only).

  • restartdocker: Restarts Docker on Synology.

    • Usage:


Miscellaneous Aliases

  • wget: Resumes downloads with wget.

  • nano: Edits files using nano with syntax highlighting.

  • scxterm: Starts an Xterm session.

    • Usage:

      wget url
      nano file

System Monitoring Aliases

  • meminfo: Displays memory usage.

  • psmem, psmem10: Shows processes consuming the most memory.

  • pscpu, pscpu10: Shows processes consuming the most CPU.

  • cpuinfo: Displays CPU info.

  • gpumeminfo: Displays GPU memory usage.

  • free: Displays memory in human-readable format.

    • Usage:


Rclone Aliases

  • rcdlogs, rcclogs: Tail Rclone logs.

  • rcupmedia, rcupmedialogs: Upload media to cloud.

  • rcupdump, rcupdumplogs: Upload database dump.

  • rcrestart, rcstop, rcstart: Manage Rclone service.

  • rcstatus: Check Rclone status.

  • rcps: List running Rclone processes.

  • rcupdate: Update Rclone.

  • rcpurge: Purge Rclone cache.

  • rcforget: Forget Rclone VFS cache.

    • Usage:


YouTube-DLP Aliases

  • ytupdate: Update yt-dlp.

  • ytlist: List formats available for download.

  • ytdump: Dump video information as JSON.

  • ytdv, ytdvc: Download videos using config.

  • ytda, ytdac: Download audio using config.

    • Usage:

      ytlist video_url
      ytda video_url

Auto-Traefik Aliases

  • sshagent: Starts the SSH agent and adds the GitHub key.

  • atpush: Pushes changes to the Auto-Traefik Git repository.

    • Usage:


Pi-Hole Aliases

  • pidis: Disables Pi-Hole.

  • pien: Enables Pi-Hole.

  • pi10: Temporarily disables Pi-Hole for 10 minutes.

  • piup: Updates Pi-Hole.

  • rpi3up, rpi0up: Updates Raspberry Pi systems.

    • Usage:


VNC Aliases

  • vnc1: Starts a VNC server session with specific resolution.

  • vnckill1: Kills the VNC session on display :1.

    • Usage:


These aliases are designed to optimize workflow and system management, making it easier to perform complex tasks with simple commands.