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ARM Mesh networking stack

This repository contains the ARM mesh networking stack that provides support for the following mesh protocols:

  • 6LoWPAN with Neighbor Discovery (ND) and Mesh Link Establishment (MLE)
  • Wi-SUN

All networking stacks are using IEEE 802.15.4 based radios.

The full documentation is hosted in Mbed OS documentation.

On mbed OS, mesh networking stacks can be used through Mbed Mesh API and Network Socket API.

To see, how the mesh networking stack works, check the example application mbed-os-example-mesh-minimal.

6LoWPAN with ND and MLE

This networking stack is using standard 6LoWPAN and uses:


Wi-SUN (Smart Utility Networks) specification is standardized by Wi-SUN Alliance.


The software is partially provided under a Apache 2.0 license and partially BSD-3-Clause as described below.

This project also contains code from other projects as listed below. The original license text is included in those source files.

  • Public header files are provided under Apache 2.0 license.
  • Source code excluding Thread protocol, is provided under Apache 2.0
  • Source code implementing Thread protocol is provided under BSD-3-Clause
  • mDNS library is from FNET project and provided under Apache 2.0 license.