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2019-01-23: on the density topology
2019-03-01: two ways to see the dual of ℓ^∞
2019-03-15: some interesting errors found while grading papers
2019-03-15: some thoughts on L^∞ and how to see it
2019-03-30: using the spherical law of cosines to compute length of day on the solstice
2019-03-31: an information-theory problem
2019-04-03: using the spherical law of cosines to compute length of day
2019-04-08: building a bijective copy of a set disjoint from another in ZF alone
2019-04-09: a long thread on Gödel's theorem {in French}
2019-04-15: a possible confusion about Boolean algebras and their Stone spaces
2019-05-31: from a distribution on complex projective space to one on the simplex
2019-06-07: maximal ideals of C(X) versus C*(X)
2019-06-10: attempting an intuitive explanation of what the Stone-Čech compactification of ℕ might look like
2019-06-17: graph of cosets of W(E₈)/W(D₈)
2019-08-05: on the sign of the cosmological constant
2019-08-23: sounds of the Riemannian symmetric spaces
2019-09-16: axiomatizing the arithmetical consequences of ZFC
2019-09-19: on the meeting of the three altitudes of a triangle in spherical geometry
2019-10-08: on the space of parallelotopes
2019-10-09: a measure of deviation from sphericity of an ellipsoid
2019-11-21: a recursive form of the Schröder-Bernstein theorem
2019-12-07: norm of the sum of randomly oriented vectors
2019-12-09: on the mean motion theorem
2019-12-10: graphical illustration of the mean motion theorem
2019-12-15: an explanation of why the Stone-Čech compactification of ℤ isn't commutative
2019-12-22: Fourier representation of the solution to Kepler's equation (and the Laplace limit)
2019-12-23: Fourier representation of the solution to tan(Φ) = p·tan(L)
2020-01-01: the complete ring of quotients versus the classical total ring of quotients
2020-01-07: what would happen to the Moon's orbit if the Earth's mass were to be suddenly multiplied by 2?
2020-01-14: there is a polytope in ℝ⁴ which is not combinatorially equivalent to one with rational vertex coordinates
2020-01-27: conformal mapping of the outside of the Mandelbrot set (Fourier coefficients of its boundary)
2020-01-29: images of the Mandelbrot set by iteration
2020-01-29: computing external arguments for the Mandelbrot set
2020-01-30: remarkable points in the Mandelbrot set
2020-02-01: remarks on the Doppler shift in general relativity
2020-02-04: two intriguing increasing functions with a jump discontinuity at every rational
2020-02-06: reconstruction of a sine wave using square waves
2020-02-06: reconstruction of a sine wave using triangular waves
2020-02-15: the value of the L² dot product of two scaled square waves
2020-02-17: how to recognize where the parameter of a Julia set lies in the Mandelbrot set
2020-02-18: Langley's adventitious angle problem
2020-02-19: analysis of the Julia set with parameter the center of the largest “baby Mandelbrot” set
2020-02-22: a few hyperbolic components of the Mandelbrot set
2020-03-01: identifying isomorphic objects can be problematic: algebraic closures
2020-04-19: increasing by x% should mean “multiplying by exp(x/100)”
2020-06-08: a theoretical gadget related to Bell inequalities
2020-06-18: a theoretical gadget related to Bell inequalities, II
2020-06-23: an apparent contradiction in complexity theory
2020-06-24: a remark on the power law of the electric field generated by a dipole
2020-07-12: on Popescu-Rohrlich boxes
2020-10-02: brief remarks on cardinalities in ZF without Choice {in French}
2020-10-02: on the Ji–Natarajan–Vidick–Wright–Yuen “MIP* = RE” paper and how I came across it
2021-01-01: remarks on the object represented by continuous real-valued functions
2021-02-06: constructive equivalence of two notions of converging to ∞
2021-02-10: various field-like rings in topoi
2021-02-12: decoding the principle of well-founded induction
2021-03-01: a course on Gale-Stewart games {in French}
2021-03-04: why do we use elliptic curves in cryptography?, and the quest for cyclic groups
2021-04-09: how to popularize the notion of groups
2021-04-25: generating random integers from random bits efficiently
2021-05-06: various questions on translation-stable bases
2021-06-24: the “ace of spades” probability paradox
2021-07-12: efficient arithmetic of finite field extensions
2021-08-24: median of three independent standard Gaussian variables
2021-08-25: variance of the median of three independent standard Gaussian variables
2021-09-20: a fun restatement of the 4-color theorem
2021-09-13: on Conway's field of “nimbers”
2021-09-28: pseudotopological spaces, convergence spaces, etc.
2021-09-30: an exercise related to Brouwer's continuity theorem
2021-10-03: four notions of convergence of continuous functions
2021-10-06: a set of natural numbers of which ZFC doesn't prove that the smallest is even or odd
2021-10-07: the double complement of ℚ in the effective topos
2021-10-19: a mathematical magic trick
2021-10-25: showing constructively that if f is an epimorphism then f is surjective
2021-10-25: if {a,b} is complete then a≤b or b≤a in constructive math
2021-10-26: various constructive principles around LLPO
2021-11-21: gauging exponential growth {in French}
2021-12-06: apartness relations
2021-12-15: a formulation of the Axiom of Choice
2021-12-17: writing in base 10 with digits −4 through 5
2022-01-16: six notions of “nonstandard computable”
2022-01-19: filters of various sets
2022-01-25: "orthogonality" to a dense subset of ℓ²
2022-01-27: a brief explanation of forcing {in French}
2022-02-01: thoughts on Ext between vector spaces in ZF
2022-02-15: approximating equilateral triangles in square lattices
2022-02-21: what does the differential closure of ℂ(t) look like?
2022-02-21: on operads
2022-03-02: a nice projective geometric construction
2022-03-03: a monster thread on the algebraic closures of fields, esp. of ℚ and ℂ(t)
2022-03-04: examples accompanying the monster thread on the algebraic closures of fields
2022-03-09: writing complex numbers in base 2−i using 0, 1, i, −1, −i as digits
2022-03-17: focal points of a conic, seen in projective geometry
2022-03-18: the q-analogue of binomial coefficients
2022-03-22: the q-analogue of counting faces of a hypercube
2022-03-23: generalized triangles, generalized quadrangles, generalized hexagons
2022-03-28: a continuous war game
2022-04-08: a labeling game
2022-04-11: on locally bounded functions
2022-04-16: defining integer sequences from the proportional voting algorithm
2022-05-02: the shape of the conjugacy classes in a Lie group
2022-06-11: algorithmically finding the rational with least denominator in a given interval
2022-06-13: why are there pseudorandom generators but not pseudogeneric generators?
2022-06-16: convexity of intervals in constructive math
2022-06-23: if ¬(a=0) and ¬(b=0) then ¬(a·b=0) in constructive math
2022-07-07: the Voronoi diagram of E₈, a visualization and more
2022-08-12: introduction to the Fabius function
2022-08-13: a,b∈U ⇔ a∧b,a∨b∈U in constructive math
2022-08-27: counting words with char weight
2022-09-01: a question in optics
2022-09-01: optics and geometry
2022-09-02: the ray equation in optics
2022-09-13: 2^(ℵ_α) = ℵ_(α+γ) is consistent iff γ is a natural number ≥1
2022-10-04: quantum correlations and nonlocality
2022-10-06: correction on quantum correlations, with proofs
2022-10-11: the Higgs involution theorem (if f:Ω→Ω is monic then f∘f=id)
2022-10-14: the Sierpiński space in constructive math
2022-11-17: proving equality between reals from P and ¬P in constructive math
2022-12-01: a very short definition of the Lebesgue integral {in French}
2022-12-02: if x_n→0 mod A for every A, does it follow that x_n→0 in ℝ?
2022-12-15: an exercise in probability (keeping the k best of n die throws)
2022-12-27: a caveat on subspaces of quotient topological spaces
2022-12-27: computing the curve at distance d from another one
2023-01-04: on the Lagrange spectrum and Freiman's constant
2023-01-11: on the determinant of the gcd matrix
2023-01-11: on the eigenvalues of the gcd matrix
2023-01-27: a riddle about hats
2023-01-27: a perfect information game (taking turns to pick items)
2023-01-27: summarizing Hartshorne's ‘Algebraic Geometry’ in 6 tweets (as a joke…)
2023-02-02: first-order Langevin diffusion
2023-02-27: plots of q-binomial coefficients
2023-03-31: on the unique f:ℕ→ℕ increasing such that f(f(n))=3n for all n, and generalizations
2023-04-18: on the notion of “nucleus”
2023-05-07: why one should use Shannon entropy to measure complexity of classifications
2023-06-01: on the Kreisel-Lacombe-Shoenfield theorem
2023-06-25: different kinds of (physically) measurable quantities {in French}
2023-11-03: on constructivism and the axion of Choice {pointing to end of thread}
2023-11-26: on random versus generic sequences
2023-12-21: a riddle about dragons and computability
2023-12-22: terms in system F which cannot be typed in the simply typed λ-calculus
2023-12-23: pictures of the dyadic and Stern-Brocot trees
2024-02-14: on propositional realizability {in French}
2024-08-19: an example topological space: the pointed rational extension of ℝ
2024-08-20: links on the history of the notion of compactness
2024-09-13: a riddle reconstructing a finite set S⊆X from a subset S′⊆S
2018-11-02: the international prototype of the kilogram is not “losing mass” as is sometimes claimed
2018-11-02: images of the international prototype of the kilogram
2019-04-03: the C standard is unreadable
2019-04-10: on the ZWNJ character
2019-04-27: on the “division” sign
2019-07-12: Olber's paradox, or why the night sky is dark
2019-09-01: bidirectionality in Unicode
2020-01-07: “native retweets” in Twitter
2020-02-27: pixel coordinates and the off-by-one-half problem
2020-04-23: reminder on Twitter “threads”
2020-12-04: trying to make Ubuntu useable
2021-01-30: five things missing from Twitter's interface
2021-08-18: RGB and the color of the human cone receptors
2021-08-21: why do smartphone compasses need recalibration?
2021-11-25: some (mostly typographic) conventions I try to follow
2022-01-17: on the color of something infinitely hot (and how it was computed)
2022-05-28: an algorithm for partitioning a country in two
2022-06-01: the bases of thermodynamics explained for the general public {in French}
2022-08-04: a proposal for dealing with leap seconds
2022-08-10: various illustrations of climate change
2022-08-16: scatterplot of various meteorological variables {in French}
2022-08-18: time seems to be rounded down rather than to closest
2022-08-27: amount of information in a tweet
2022-09-19: I would never have believed the Manhattan project in fiction
2022-10-26: “pointers are complicated”, why C semantics are a mess
2022-10-28: average mean temperature in France by season and year {in French}
2022-11-13: the entire HTTPS security model makes no sense
2022-12-03: sur la capacité de stockage STEP de l'électricité {en français}
2022-12-03: thoughts on the CGPM's decision to scrap seconds
2022-12-05: distribution of France's electrical power consumption and production {in French}
2022-12-06: distribution of France's electrical power consumption and production, part 2 {in French}
2022-12-06: power consumption in France versus mean temperature {in French}
2022-12-11: distribution of temperature by day of year in France {in French}
2022-12-16: autocorrelation of temperature in France at n days interval {in French}
2022-12-17: correlation of temperatures between various French cities {in French}
2022-12-23: maps of climate change in Europe {in French}
2022-12-25: temperature range in France by season and year {in French}
2023-01-06: writing a self-hosting interpreter
2023-01-17: how our cells produce ATP
2023-01-26: gravitation travels at the speed of light but still acts as intantantaneous action at a distance
2023-01-28: why forces in relativity appear to act as if instantaneously {in French}
2023-01-30: does arsenic have a biological role?
2023-01-31: how to obtain daily average temperatures in France {in French}
2023-01-31: a statistical analysis of daily temperatures in France {in French}
2023-02-02: Twitter is ending its free public API (and what this means)
2023-02-03: trying to reverse-engineer the format of the Android Twitter app's cache
2023-02-06: quick tuto for grabbing JSON data from Twitter through Firefox
2023-02-08: very quick notes about the Twitter “archive of your data”
2023-02-21: Perl scripts to process JSON data sent by Twitter to its web client and store in a PostgreSQL database
2023-02-23: on the process I use to scrape my own tweets' data from Twitter
2023-03-23: graphs of cumulative precipitations in France {in French}
2023-03-24: a curious discrepancy between sources on meteorological data {in French}
2023-03-30: using
to download videos from Arte's web site: the case of multiple subtitles {in French} -
2023-04-24: complaining that Android can't do backups
2024-07-24: a typology of superintelligent AIs
2020-03-07: on the attack rate predicted by the basic SIR model
2020-03-10: the two main strategies in dealing with an epidemic
2020-03-19: remarks on the Imperial College paper by Neil Ferguson &al
2020-03-22: numerical experiments on the influence of the social graph structure on the attack rate of epidemics
2020-04-13: why you can't expect epidemiological models to give you useful predictions
2020-04-16: varions problems around the definition of “herd immunity”
2020-04-20: how the hive mind gets nasty on the mere mention of “herd immunity”
2020-04-21: on superspreaders and superspreadees
2020-04-25: on the WHO claiming “no evidence” that recovery confers immunity
2020-04-25: estimating the basic epidemiological parameters of HCoVs
2020-05-07: attack rate as a function of the variance of infectious contacts for random graph models
2020-05-07: addressing the “armchair epidemiologist” accusation
2020-05-08: attack rate as a function of the variance of infectious contacts for random graph models, II
2020-05-12: the n-compartmented SIR model
2020-05-22: “bottom-up” and “top-down” heterogeneity
2020-09-01: the problem with outdoors mask mandates {in French}
2020-10-22: on the issues with devising a study on mask effectiveness
2020-10-25: on the meaning of effective reproduction number and how they are computed
2020-11-05: a clarification concerning R₀ and “herd immunity”
2020-11-13: quelques réflexions sur le documentaire complotiste “Hold Up”
2020-11-15: “listen to the experts” raises the question of which experts we should listen to
2020-11-24: life expectancy does not decrease by 1 year per year {in French}
2020-12-08: “herd immunity does not work because over 60% have been infected in place X”
2020-12-10: a misleading claim re life expectancy
2020-12-11: a comparison of hydroxychloroquine and lockdowns
2020-12-18: the difficulty of causal inference illustrated with magic wants {in French}
2020-12-28: “Sweden must be compared with its neighbors”
2021-02-03: the double standards of wanting to refer to peer-review {in French}
2021-03-19: multiple exaggerations on the herd immunity threshold {in French}
2021-03-21: SIR with variable susceptibility {in French}
2021-03-21: SIR with variable susceptibility
2021-03-31: a utilitarian thought experiment {in French}
2021-04-11: on a bunch of unfounded assumptions {in French}
2021-04-12: on resisting the temptation to predict the future {in French}
2021-04-15: numerical simulations of an epidemic with two viral variants and heterogeneity
2021-05-16: on the main hypothesis of variant theory
2021-06-21: on “indirect effects” of certani covid measures {in French}
2021-07-26: heterogeneity through vaccine efficacy
2021-08-18: on “herd immunity”
2021-11-04: meta-thread on epidemiology
2021-12-13: is it worse when a pathogen is more lethal or more transmissible? it depends on many things!
2023-12-23: why ER room visits are the best covid indicator {in French}
2021-12-27: on the silliness of outdoors mask mandates {in French}
2021-12-29: on the steady state of the SIR model
2022-03-13: when I will be wearing a mask {in French}
2022-09-20: weird coincidences about covid {in French}
2022-10-04: monkeypox stopped growing: why didn't anybody care?
2022-10-16: multiply infected having worse outcomes doesn't mean multiple infections tend to be worse
2023-02-26: thought on the Cochrane mask review and how we form beliefs
2019-03-18: allée royale de Villepreux
2019-04-07: le domaine de Méréville
2019-04-22: le domaine de Chamarande
2019-11-08: vaches des Highlands de Saint-Lambert-des-Bois
2020-06-06: remarques sur les types de forêts
2020-08-04: rencontres à moto
2020-09-20: jardin du Point du Jour à Verdelot
2021-03-21: arbres en fleur à Orsay
2021-06-06: vallée de la Louette et la Chalouette
2021-06-13: état de nos balades au 2021-06-13
2021-07-26: bizarrerie géographique à Lormaye (Eure-et-Loir)
2021-07-26: plan d'eau de Mézières-Écluzelles
2021-08-02: vallée de l'Eure du confluent à Anet
2021-09-05: donjon de Vez
2021-09-05: vallée de l'Automne
2021-10-24: les Andelys et alentours
2021-12-11: vaches des Highlands de Saint-Lambert-des-Bois, suite
2022-02-13: carrières de Feularde
2022-02-18: état de nos balades au 2022-02-18
2022-03-18: cerisiers en fleur à Versailles-Chèvreloup
2022-03-20: de Chevreues à Saint-Forget
2022-05-01: quelques vues de Honfleur
2022-05-21: autour du lac de Cergy
2022-05-22: parc André Malraux à Nanterre
2022-07-16: nouveau visite du jardin du Point du Jour
2022-07-16: entre Colombes et Nanterre
2022-08-09: sanatorium d'Aincourt
2022-09-03: entre Suresnes et Puteaux
2022-09-17: entre Dampierre et Senlisse
2022-09-18: jardin des impressionnistes à Rueil-Malmaison
2022-09-18: entre Nanterre et Bougival
2022-10-09: tour de Montlhéry
2022-10-22: désert de Retz
2022-11-13: le Plessis-Robinson
2023-05-14: la boucle de Moisson
2024-03-23: cerisiers en fleur à Versailles-Chèvreloup
2024-04-11: souvenirs de l'éclipse solaire du 1999-08-11
2024-05-20: arboretum des Grandes Bruyères
2018-08-26: what is totipsism?
2018-10-06: on linguistic prescriptivism {in French}
2019-03-29: the danger of seeing morals in black and white
2019-04-18: how journalists choose their experts {in French}
2019-04-23: the problem with counting science publications
2019-04-24: on incels and self-loathing
2019-05-02: opposite sides in a debate are often objective allies in keeping attention on the debate
2019-05-12: mode de scrutin en France pour les européennes {en français}
2019-07-18: is the Isle of Mann part of the UK?
2019-08-23: on the history of the term “Big Bang”
2019-10-22: une anecdote sur la maréchale de Richelieu {en français}
2019-12-01: les derniers mots de Marie-Antoinette {en français}
2019-12-18: modern roundabouts and traffic circles {in French}
2020-06-25: Google, Apple, Facebook and Amazon reimagined as supervillains
2020-07-08: équipement à moto {en français}
2020-07-09: le labyrinthe légal des “métropoles” {en français}
2020-07-30: an epistemological question: what does it mean to predict a coin flip?
2020-10-16: on the meaning of the all-too famous “essential Liberty” vs “temporary safety” quip by Ben Franklin
2020-10-17: concerning the £1M and £100M banknotes
2020-11-27: sur une émission d'Arte sur l'histoire de l'écriture {en français}
2020-11-28: sur une émission d'Arte sur l'histoire de l'écriture, suite {en français}
2021-01-12: “have epidemiologists said anything non-trivial?” {in French}
2021-01-21: la venue de Macron à Saclay pour annoncer son “plan quantique” {en français}
2021-02-05: marvel how the human brain manages to do things it never evolved to do
2021-02-24: on regenerative braking {in French}
2021-04-09: sur les Schtroumpfs {en français}
2021-04-18: identifiants territoriaux sur les plaques d'immatriculation {en français}
2021-05-19: please attack arguments at their strongest link, not the weakest
2021-05-20: on the use of technical terms and distinctions {in French}
2021-07-05: remarks on conspiracy theories
2021-07-06: dérivation d'une ligne électrique 225kV {en français}
2021-07-09: AI-generated images for a set of standard prompts
2021-07-12: people we follow can lock us in a content bubble, but so can people who follow us
2021-07-17: do governments trust their population?
2021-07-25: motorcycle gear shifting and muscle memory
2021-08-30: sur le pouvoir des préfets {en français}
2021-11-02: sur le concours général des lycées {en français}
2021-12-01: on the Apple TV Foundation series
2021-12-13: histoire des collectivités territoriales en France {en français}
2021-12-17: on the history of the “dangerous bend” symbol
2022-02-13: on the ‘Backrooms’ Internet meme/legend
2022-02-25: on Russian vs Ukrainian vowels
2022-03-20: mathematical terms that can be surprising to the general public
2022-04-11: on binding precedent {in French}
2022-05-09: the presentation of the IPCC reports is atrocious
2022-05-30: some (humorous) conspiracy theories that have yet to catch on
2022-06-20: conversations with customer helplines {in French}
2022-07-08: words whose etymologies are surprisingly unrelated {in French}
2022-07-09: on the order of adjectives
2022-07-12: re teachers sleeping with their students {in French}
2022-07-17: the ultimate question and the ultimate answer
2022-07-23: courrier au Parc naturel régional de la Vallée de Chevreuse au sujet des vaches des Highlands {en français}
2022-08-21: one-star and five-star reviews outnumber the rest
2022-08-31: videos of a rotating transparent dodecahedron
2022-09-09: 20 counterfactual statements (a poll)
2022-09-11: on the history of “God Save the King”
2022-09-11: we need more solarpunk movies
2022-09-23: can you say “I met King Charles III” if you met him before he was king?
2022-10-16: it's OK to “steal” jokes
2022-10-28: on Elon Musk buying Twitter
2022-11-03: driving at 110km/h vs at 130km/h {in French}
2022-11-06: propriété intellectuelle sur l'éclairage nocturne de la tour Eiffel {en français}
2022-11-09: billionaire tech bosses are not geniuses
2022-12-03: sur l'importance de comprendre la différence entre énergie et puissance {en français}
2022-12-09: accusative alignment versus ergative alignment
2022-12-20: the reason why carots are orange
2022-12-25: a collection of confusing facts, courtesy of the Context Club
2023-01-15: on the 1987 Soviet adaptation of ‘The End of Eternity’
2023-01-19: listing my 20 most popular tweets up to 2022
2023-01-23: what do the amino acids taste like?
2023-01-26: variations on the German eagle
2023-01-28: on an omniscient oracle, but with a twist (tripartite answers)
2023-01-30: on the taste of cysteine and phelylalanine
2023-02-07: on the fear and fascination of liminal spaces
2023-03-16: on ‘r’ vocalization in English vs German
2023-03-19: on the legality of “kettling” under European and French law {in French}
2023-03-26: answering the “one more lane will fix traffic” strawman
2023-04-07: are we willing to defend the freedoms of our enemies? {in French}
2023-04-08: why people change their minds about politicians {in French}
2023-04-09: Victor Hugo on Joseph Fourier versus Charles Fourier {in French}
2023-09-06: on the origin and citogenesis of a map claiming to show “androgenic hair” across the world
2023-11-05: on the barycenters of French regions computed with PostGIS {in French}
2024-05-20: various reasons motorcycles are dangerous
2024-05-28: gender categories in sports
2024-05-29: gender categories in sports: followup points
2024-06-11: correlations between results of differnt lists in the Europarl 2024 election in France {in French}
2024-06-13: a retrospective look at the French left {in French}
2024-06-21: on the name of the “Île-de-France” region {in French}
2024-06-24: defending my French and Canadian citizenship {in French}
2024-06-26: nationality is a matter of internal law {in French}
2024-07-18: on the current affairs government {in French}
2024-07-19: Paris during the olympics
2024-07-20: Paris during the olympics: a few followup points
- 2022-12-21: horny on main (a collection of guy pics)