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OpenAirInterface Core Network Docker Deployment : Generating Traffic

I will not explain here:

  • how to start/stop EPC nor
  • how to start/stop eNB or gNb nor
  • how to attach an UE

Once your UE is attached, you can either see if you have internet connection.

0. Common issues if your UE is connected but without any access to Internet

0.1. Have you properly configured the DNS in SPGW-C ?

YOUR_DNS_IP_ADDRESS shall have a correct value.

from your EPC Docker Host:

$ route -n
Kernel IP routing table
Destination     Gateway         Genmask         Flags Metric Ref    Use Iface         UG    300    0        0 ens3

In this example, the DNS IP address is

In the docker-compose.yml file:


0.2. May you need to enable "NATTING" on the UE pool

In the docker-compose.yml file:

            NETWORK_UE_NAT_OPTION: 'yes'

0.3. Last trick: enable PUSH-PROTOCOL on SPGW-C.

In the docker-compose.yml file:

            PUSH_PROTOCOL_OPTION: 'yes'

But us for testing purposes (not use our Internet bandwidth) we prefer to manage traffic internally.

1. Build a traffic generator image

$ cd openair-epc-fed
$ cd ci-scripts
$ docker build --target trf-gen --tag trf-gen:production --file Dockerfile.traffic.generator.ubuntu18.04 .
$ docker image prune --force
$ docker image ls
trf-gen         production             bfdfe4e7ac51        1 minute ago      217MB

2. Instantiate a container

$ docker run --privileged --name prod-trf-gen --network prod-oai-public-net -d trf-gen:production

3. Redirect the traffic from the UE Allocation pool(s) to SPGW-U container

$ SPGWU_IP=`docker inspect --format="{{range .NetworkSettings.Networks}}{{.IPAddress}}{{end}}" prod-oai-spgwu-tiny`
$ docker exec -it prod-trf-gen /bin/bash -c "ip route add via ${SPGWU_IP} dev eth0"

4. Ping an attached UE

$ docker exec -it prod-trf-gen /bin/bash -c "ping -c 20"

5. Iperf versions

Depending on the iperf version that is installed on your UE, use:

$ docker exec -it prod-trf-gen /bin/bash -c "iperf --version"
iperf version 2.0.10 (2 June 2018) pthreads
$ docker exec -it prod-trf-gen /bin/bash -c "/iperf-2.0.5/bin/iperf --version"
iperf version 2.0.5 (08 Jul 2010) pthreads