This application uses the Google Cloud Firestore client libraries and is compatible with Native Image compilation.
This sample runs through basic operations of creating a new document, running queries, and then deleting the created resources.
Follow the GCP Project and Native Image Setup Instructions.
If you wish to run the application against the Firestore emulator, make sure that you have the Google Cloud SDK installed.
In a new terminal window, start the emulator via
:gcloud beta emulators firestore start --host-port=localhost:9010
Leave the emulator running in this terminal for now. In the next section, we will run the sample application against the Firestore emulator instsance.
Navigate to this directory and compile the application with the Native Image compiler.
mvn package -P native
(Optional) If you're using the emulator, export the
as an environment variable in your terminal.export FIRESTORE_EMULATOR_HOST=localhost:9010
The Firestore Client Libraries will detect this environment variable and automatically connect to the emulator instance if this variable is set.
Run the application.
The application will run through some basic Firestore operations and log some output statements.
Created user alovelace. Timestamp: 2020-12-15T20:19:28.444070000Z The following users were saved: Document: alovelace | Ada Lovelace born 1815 Number of users born before 1900: 1 Number of users born earlier after 1900: 0 Number of users whose first name is 'Ada': 0