Releases: Ghostkeeper/SettingsGuide
- Added articles for new initial layer flow settings in Cura 5.2.
- Added articles for Tree Support Trunk Diameter.
- Updated French translations.
Bug Fixes
- The Settings Guide no longer alters the width of other pointing rectangles in Cura's interface, only the setting tooltip.
- Added articles for Enable Travel Acceleration and Jerk.
- Updated French translations.
- Updated Czech translations.
- Updated German translations.
2.9.0 - Spider's Reference
This update supports Cura 5.0. The interface is updated to mimic the new look, and articles are updated with Cura's new functionality. Also added a Czech translation.
New Features
- The interface when using Cura 5.0 now reflects the new look of the settings list.
- Added a Czech translation.
Bug Fixes
- The Settings Guide now loads in Cura 5.0.
- Fixed a parsing error when using conditional to conditionally show images.
- No longer use deprecated items in Cura 5.0 (except the category icons).
- Fixed crash if Cura's own QML fails to load.
- Added a lot of new articles for the new settings in Cura 5.0.
- Updated existing articles to reflect the new behaviour in Cura 5.0.
- Added missing replacement keys in the start g-code article.
- Updated almost all layer view renders with renders of Cura 5.0 (also when viewed from older Cura versions).
- Updated French translations.
- Updated German translations.
- The German translations have been completed.
- Added some information on the position of the build plate to the adhesion article.
- Updated name of Maximum Feedrate article.
2.8.0 - It's the Blitz
This update updates the articles for Cura 4.12, like Lightning Infill, and adds a German translation for many articles.
New Features
- New German translations are available for 148 articles.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed some articles not displaying proper formatting in the setting tooltips.
- Added articles for Lightning Infill settings.
- Expanded shrinkage troubleshooting article.
- Added layer splitting article.
- Added explanation of new combing mode in Cura 4.12
- Added new g-code replacement keys in Cura 4.12.
- Updated French translations.
- Fixed a bunch of broken links between articles.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed a rare crash if trying to load custom articles for which no English translation exists.
- Added articles for the new Monotonic Order settings.
- Expanded the Alternate Extra Wall article.
- Updated French translations.
2.7.0 - An Update for Ants
A small maintenance update to fix a few bugs and address some pain points.
New Features
- A new menu entry under the Extensions menu navigates directly to the preferences.
Bug Fixes
- The articles are now correctly displayed in the tooltips after switching printer types.
- If Cura's main window doesn't get created for some reason, the Settings Guide won't cause it to also crash any more.
- The diagrams for Slicing Tolerance are made more clear to understand.
- Updated French translations.
2.6.0 - Robot Overlords
In this update, all images have been re-made using an automated method that allows updating the images more easily in the future. Many articles have been expanded with additional details.
New Features
- Most screenshots are now automatically generated, making it easier to keep them up to date in the future.
- The guide is now loaded in the setting tooltips by default, allowing users to find it more easily.
Bug Fixes
- The translation menu of the guide is no longer empty if modified with additional translations (for all of Cura's own languages).
- The Settings Guide no longer creates its own theme, causing mix-ups with the original theme and bugs in Cura's interface if it is outdated.
- Almost all screenshots have been updated to how they look in Cura 4.9.
- Most screenshots have improved resolution. Some are changed to show the result better.
- Added articles for new settings in Cura 4.9.
- Updated dozens of articles with more information and corrections.
- Updated French translations.
- Updated Czech translations.
- Improved linking between different articles.
2.5.0 - In the Background
This is a maintenance update to document the new features of Cura 4.8, with just some minor adjustments.
New Features
- If the window was already open but gets opened again, it will now be brought to the foreground and get focus.
- Added a preference to keep the window always in focus (modal).
- Update for new features in Cura 4.8.
- Added a glossary of 3D printing terms and how they're used in Cura.
- Updated French translations.
- Updated Czech translations.
2.4.0 - Something to Hide
This is a maintenance update to document the new features of Cura 4.7. The articles can now also show different content depending on which version of Cura the user is running.
New Features
- Added a syntax to allow articles to display different content in different Cura versions.
- Added a syntax to be able to hide outdated content when viewed on Github.
- Automated tests have been put in place to make it easier for people to contribute articles and translations while ensuring quality.
Bug Fixes
- Some very short articles weren't displaying paragraphs properly. They are now.
- Added articles about new settings for Cura 4.7.
- Added a Czech translation.
- Updated French translations.
- Another pass over some old articles has been made to add advantages and disadvantages of some settings that were missing them.
- In old versions of Cura, information only relevant to new versions is no longer shown.
- In new versions of Cura and on Github, information only relevant to old versions is no longer shown.
- Notices at the end of the articles are consistently bold now, not italic.
- The contributors page is redesigned to give all contributors an equal position, not highlighting some with a picture but not others.