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Shallow WAter Like Solvers (SWALS) computes solutions to several variants of the 2D shallow-water equations (linear/nonlinear) in Cartesian and Spherical coordinates, on "multidomains" represented as a set of connected and/or nested rectangular grid domains.

A number of different numerical methods are implemented, suitable for a range of flow regimes, with particular emphasis on tsunami-like problems. This includes:

Two-way nesting allows for the use of higher-resolution domains in specified areas. Nested domains may use different numerical solvers, take different timesteps, and have grid sizes that are any integer divisor of the coarser domain(s) they communicate with. There are no hard limits on the number of domains or the depth of refinement. In models with multiple domains, the finest-resolution domain at any particular point is the "priority domain" and is interpreted as containing the SWALS numerical solution. Information on the priority domain solution is communicated between domains as required to enable seamless evolution of the flow.

Flux correction is used to enforce the conservation of mass and advected momentum through nested domain interfaces, for schemes that would conserve these quantities on a single grid. In practice we obtain excellent mass conservation in complex multidomains when using a combination of leapfrog and finite-volume schemes. This can be checked using the SWALS mass conservation tracking routine, which reports any unexplained mass change (i.e. differences between the time-integrated boundary fluxes and the volume change in the multidomain).

Parallel computation (shared and distributed memory CPU) is supported with a mixture of MPI (or Fortran coarrays) and openmp. Domains can be automatically split between MPI ranks, or the partition can be specified by the user at run-time. Static load balancing can be used to improve the efficiency of large parallel jobs.

The code includes various test suits that can be run automatically, including a unit test suite, a parallel unit test suite, and a validation test suite. The latter focusses on tsunami type problems; see here for various NTHMP tests (which are well known in the tsunami community) and here for other problems.

A paper using SWALS to model historic tsunamis in Australia is available here - this includes discussion of the range of equations that are solved, and the energy conservation properties of different solvers. It has been used to model historic tsunamis and inundation hazards in Tongatapu, and in Western Australia. The linear solver in SWALS was also used extensively for the 2018 Australian Probabilistic Tsunami Hazard Assessment and two associated papers: this one in GJI and this one in PAGEOPH.

Installation prerequisites

Fortran compiler

Compilation requires a version of GNU-Fortran or ifort, although the test-suite is setup for gfortran by default. The author hasn't comprehensively tested various compiler versions, but it is likely that gfortran versions 5 or greater will work (without coarrays), and ifort versions 19 and greater.

The code can run in parallel with both shared memory (openmp) and distributed memory approaches. Distributed parallel support requires that MPI is installed, and/or that the compiler has adequate coarray support. In general all these parallel approaches can be used together.

C compiler

The code also makes limited use of C to interface with the GDAL library (thus providing flexible raster-based input). Thus a C compiler is required, typically gcc.


The "make" program is used for compilation.


"NetCDF" and "GDAL" must also be installed. The command-line programs "gdal-config" and "nc-config" or "nf-config" should be available, because the makefiles use them to identify the associated libraries. The netcdf install should include Fortran support, and this requires building netcdf with the same Fortran compiler as you use to build SWALS.

ncview (optional)

The program 'ncview' is useful for quickly viewing animations of the netcdf outputs - but this is not essential.

R (to run the validation tests)

The validation tests and associated plots make heavy use of bash shell scripts, and the open-source language R (to post-process model outputs), both of which need to be installed to run the validation tests. Note R is not required to run SWALS itself. Any other language could be used similarly to process the output netcdf files.

Our validation test R scripts are also reliant on a number of packages. These can be installed from inside R with the following command:

# Start R and then execute this command
install.packages(c('ncdf4', 'fields', 'raster', 'sp'))

Compiling and testing

Step 0: Adapting the build scripts for your machine

The standard build scripts are based on src_standard_compiler_var and src_make_commands. These are 'included' in the application specific makefiles which compile SWALS.

The script src_standard_compiler_var tells SWALS where to find your compilers and other libraries. To make it easier to move between machines, src_standard_compiler_var simply includes another machine specific script. A few variants of these are provided, which use gfortran and ifort, and one that works on the gadi machine on NCI. Make sure you edit src_standard_compiler_var so the variables are suitable for your machine.

Variables in src_standard_compiler_var can be overridden in particular applications, by defining them in the application-specific makefile (see the examples). This is required in many situations (e.g. to use spherical coordinates; different compiler options; non-standard library locations). There are many examples of application makefiles in the examples folder (look for files with names beginning with make_). For instance this makefile builds a spherical-coordinates model with distributed-memory-parallel support, while this makefile builds an openmp-only model with Cartesian coordinates using single-precision reals and code-timing. To make a new makefile, you often just need to copy an existing one and change the 'mymodel' variable to correspond to your main f90 file.

See the validation test suite for examples, and documentation of compiler options below.

Step 1: Run the unit-tests

The unit test suite is in ./tests/unit_tests. These are most useful for ensuring that your install is working, and to help us avoid accidentally breaking features as the code evolves. When trying to install SWALS, the first thing to do is try to compile and successfully run the unit tests. To do this, open a terminal in that directory and do

make -B -f make_test
./unit_tests > outfile.log

This should take a minute, and write a lot of "PASS" statements to outfile.log. There should not be any "FAIL" statements or other warning messages. Open up outfile.log to check. You can count PASS or FAIL statements like this:

# Count the passes
grep "PASS" outfile.log | wc -w
# Count the failures (should be 0)
grep "FAIL" outfile.log | wc -w

Step 2: Run the parallel unit-tests

The parallel unit-test suite is in ./tests/parallel_tests. Note this only tests the distributed memory parallel code (MPI or coarray), not OpenMP; both are tested in the validation suite.

To run the tests, open a terminal in that directory and do:

# Look at this script to see the build/run commands
source > outfile.log

As above, you can count the PASS/FAIL reports in outfile.log, and eyeball it.

# Count the passes
grep "PASS" outfile.log | wc -w
# Count the failures (should be 0)
grep "FAIL" outfile.log | wc -w

Currently the parallel tests print out other information (e.g. nesting metadata) in outfile.log. That's OK -- but there should not be any FAILs or obvious error messages.

Step 3: Run the validation tests

These tests include a range of analytical flow solutions, and comparisons with laboratory and field data. They also check that results are consistent when running in parallel in different ways.

Before running the validation tests, you might need to modify ./src/test_run_commands to tell the validation test suite how to run MPI/openmp on your machine. This file points to another script to make it easier to move between machines. For instance the script ./src/test_run_commands_basic works on my home machine, while ./src/test_run_commands_gadi_1node works on a single node of NCI's gadi machine.

To run the validation tests, open a terminal in the ./tests/validation_tests folder, and run:

Rscript run_validations.R

This will run over a dozen tests in examples/, and report one or more PASS statements for each. There should be no FAIL statements if your install is working. If you are missing some prerequisites (e.g. R packages), then there will be some failures.

The code also generates various figures in the relevant directories in examples/, and these should be visually inspected to better understand the test results.

Note the validation test PASS/FAIL statements give a relatively crude indicator of model performance. They generally only check a few aspects of the results, and the PASS/FAIL criteria depend on arbitrary thresholds. Such tests are useful to catch changes in the model behaviour, and catastrophic errors. However they are not a replacement for eyeballing the figures and thinking about the results.

Running models

Examples to consider

A simple example that illustrates basic useage with a multidomain is in ./examples/radial_dam_break.

The validation tests in ./examples/ provide templates for developing other models. They illustrate driver programs, compilation, and model post-processing. Some of the more practical examples include:

The above models can be run with OpenMP and/or MPI (or coarrays), and illustrate use of the multidomain class.

Another useful example is:

  • ./examples/generic_model/ which can run basic single-grid spherical coordinate models, e.g. for oceanic-scale tsunami modelling. It permits a rise-time to be applied to the initial co-seismic deformation. This supports OpenMP but not MPI/coarray (for a broadly similar model with distributed memory support, see ./examples/periodic_multidomain/).

Advanced compilation

The script ./src/src_standard_compiler_var is included in build scripts to define compiler variables (e.g. see the example models above). The user can override most variables in this file by pre-defining them before it is included. This is required, e.g. to use spherical coordinates, single precision, unusual compiler options, etc.

A number of preprocessor variables can be defined to control features of the code. These are controlled by defining the variable SWALS_PREPROCESSOR_FLAGS in the makefile. See makefiles in the example projects for illustrations of their use. The most important cases include

  • -DTIMER Time sections of the code and report on how long they take, generally in the multidomain log file. This is useful for understanding run-times. It is also used for static load-balancing calculations - see the function make_load_balance_partition in ./plot.R which uses multidomain log-files to compute a more balanced distribution of work for multi-image MPI/coarray runs.
  • -DSPHERICAL Assume spherical coordinates. Otherwise cartesian coordinates are used
  • -DREALFLOAT Use single precision for all reals. Otherwise double-precision is used. This generally makes the code run faster, but beware - the nonlinear solvers generally need double-precision for accuracy, as do nested-grid models. If in doubt, test!
  • -DNOCORIOLIS Do not include Coriolis terms in spherical coordinates. By default, Coriolis terms are used when -DSPHERICAL is defined. They can ONLY be used in conjunction with spherical coordinates. But even in this case, sometimes it is useful to turn them off, hence this variable.
  • -DCOARRAY Build with distributed memory parallel support (in addition to shared memory support with openmp - which is enabled by default in any case). If ONLY this flag is provided then coarrays are used - alternatively, the coarray calls may be replaced with MPI by ALSO using flags below.
  • -DCOARRAY_USE_MPI_FOR_INTENSIVE_COMMS This uses MPI instead of coarrays for communication, which is useful because compiler support for coarrays is quite variable, while MPI is very mature. If using this option you MUST also use -DCOARRAY (even though MPI replaces coarrays).
  • -DCOARRAY_PROVIDE_CO_ROUTINES Provide implementations of coarray collectives using MPI. This is required for compilers that do not support Fortran coarray collectives such as co_min, co_max, co_sum, etc. If using this option you MUST also use -DCOARRAY, and -DCOARRAY_USE_MPI_FOR_INTENSIVE_COMMS if using MPI. To be clear; if this option and the previous 2 are provided, then the compiler does NOT need to support coarrays (i.e. all distributed-memory communication is done with MPI).
  • -DLOCAL_TIMESTEPPING_PARTITIONED_DOMAINS Allow domains in a multidomain to take larger timesteps than suggested by domain%timestepping_refinement_factor, if this would be stable according to their own cfl-limit. Currently it is only allowed for non-staggered-grid schemes (finite-volume and CLIFFS) because the logic of the staggered-grid schemes requires a fixed timestep. The use of local timestepping can speed up model runs, but also introduces load imbalance. The load imbalance can be dealt with by providing a load_balance_partition file (e.g. md%load_balance_file="load_balance_partition.txt"), which can be generated from a preliminary model run. See make_load_balance_partition in ./plot.R.
  • -DNETCDF4_GRIDS Use the HDF5-based netcdf4 format for grid-file output. This requires that the netcdf library is compiled with netcdf4 support -- if not it will cause compilation to fail.
  • -DTRACK_MULTIDOMAIN_STABILITY Insert calls to check_multidomain_stability into the multidomain evolve loop. This checks every domain in the multidomain for NaNs or unusually small/large values, repeatedly during each time-step. If issues are detected then the multidomain writes various output and calls error-stop. In practice this is useful to identify the root-cause of stability problems in complex models. Note that if instability is detected on one multidomain in a distributed parallel model, then the call to error-stop can cause stability issues to be detected on other images right after the call to the communication routines (tagged with step-after-comms). In this case, the multidomain that "really" caused the issue can be identified because its instability is not triggered right after the communication step; it is more likely to have a tag like inner or innerB. See evolve_multidomain_one_step for the tags that are used.
  • -DDEBUG_ARRAY Add an array domain%debug_array(nx, ny) to every domain, which is written to netcdf at every output timestep. This can provide a scratch space for debugging.

Other options that are less often useful include:

  • -DNOFRICTION Do not use friction terms in the nonlinear shallow water equations. This can improve the speed for frictionless cases.
  • -DNOOPENMP Do not use the openmp library, not even for timing the code. In this case the code will run on a single core (or a single core per-MPI process), and an alternative timer is used which measures time somewhat differently. This can occasionally be useful if you must avoid using an openmp library (e.g. in some debugging contexts). Note this is NOT required to run the code single-threaded; in that case just set OMP_NUM_THREADS=1.
  • -DNONETCDF Do not use netcdf for model outputs. This is occasionally useful if you cannot build with netcdf for some reason and want to test something else; however the output format is poorly supported and the validation tests will not pass. While occasionally useful this is NOT a sustainable way to use the code.
  • -DCOARRAY_MPI_USE_ALLTOALLV This has an effect if used in conjunction with -DCOARRAY_USE_MPI_FOR_INTENSIVE_COMMS. It makes the code use Mpi_AlltoAllv to do communication in the main timestepping routine, instead of point-to-point Mpi_isend/Mpi_ireceive calls. Typically this is slower, but I have seen some problems where it was faster.
  • -DLEGACY_CORIOLIS_PARAMETER Previously SWALS use a value for the earth's angular frequency assuming one rotation per day. Although this matches several other tsunami codes, it is slightly incorrect so was updated (the previous value was about 0.3% too small, because the earth rotates once in a sidereal day, which is slightly less than 24 hours). This flag makes SWALS use the slightly-too-small value. In principle this might help to compare with a previous run, or another model that uses the same treatment, although in practice I haven't seen a case where it matters.
  • -DEVOLVE_TIMER This adds an addition timer to every domain object, which times different parts of code within its time-stepping routine. This level of timing granularity isn't needed in general, but may be useful in understanding the performance of the code. The timer results are written to a domain-specific file within the domain output directory, named Evolve_timer_details.txt.
  • -DOLD_PROCESS_DATA_TO_SEND_B4FEB22 Use an older version of nesting, implemented prior to Feb 2022 (changes two_way_nesting_comms_mod::process_data_to_send). The newer version seems better for communication when a fine staggered-grid solver receives from a coarser solver, and similar in other cases.

Source-code html documentation

HTML documentation of the source-code can be generated using ford. Assuming ford is installed you can create the documentation by running:


in the current directory. This will make a folder doc. You can then browse the documentation by opening ./doc/index.html in your web-browser. It may be useful to start by looking at the derived type domain_type which solves the shallow water equations on a single grid, as well as the multidomain_type which holds multiple domains and manages communication between them.