diff --git a/vocabularies/SamplingMethod.ttl b/vocabularies/SamplingMethod.ttl index 196d04a..077bde8 100644 --- a/vocabularies/SamplingMethod.ttl +++ b/vocabularies/SamplingMethod.ttl @@ -3,9 +3,16 @@ PREFIX dcat: PREFIX dcterms: PREFIX owl: PREFIX rdfs: +PREFIX sdo: PREFIX skos: PREFIX xsd: + + a sdo:Organization ; + sdo:name "Geoscience Australia" ; + sdo:url "https://www.ga.gov.au"^^xsd:anyURI ; +. + a skos:Concept ; dcterms:identifier "RAB_drilling"^^xsd:token ; @@ -249,7 +256,7 @@ PREFIX xsd: a skos:Concept ; dcterms:identifier "core_mackereth"^^xsd:token ; skos:broader ; - skos:definition "The Mackereth is a complex coring system utilizing compressed gas to penetrate and recover single-drive moderate (up to 12 m) cores from lakes of diverse depths.  Mackereth cores can be deployed on virutally any small craft and and can be used in water depths up to 80 m."@en ; + skos:definition "The Mackereth is a complex coring system utilizing compressed gas to penetrate and recover single-drive moderate (up to 12 m) cores from lakes of diverse depths. Mackereth cores can be deployed on virutally any small craft and and can be used in water depths up to 80 m."@en ; skos:inScheme cs: ; skos:prefLabel "core Mackereth"@en ; . @@ -627,7 +634,7 @@ PREFIX xsd: a skos:Concept ; dcterms:identifier "sediment_trap"^^xsd:token ; - skos:definition "Sediment traps are containers placed in the water column to collect particles falling toward the sea floor. The traps collect tiny sediment or larger accumulations called marine snow - made up of organic matter, dead sea creatures, tiny shells, dust and minerals."@en ; + skos:definition "Sediment traps are containers placed in the water column to collect particles falling toward the sea floor. The traps collect tiny sediment or larger accumulations called marine snow - made up of organic matter, dead sea creatures, tiny shells, dust and minerals."@en ; skos:inScheme cs: ; skos:prefLabel "sediment trap"@en ; skos:topConceptOf cs: ; @@ -1143,4 +1150,3 @@ cs: skos:prefLabel "General Geology - Sampling Method"@en ; dcat:contactPoint "Team Lead - Information Services; Energy, Minerals and Groundwater Division" ; . -