Get the latest ANUGA viewer source via git.
Download OpenSceneGraph-2.8.2 from sourceforge: You want the full dev package:
Unzip wherever you want and remove the major and minor versions from the path name - ie, rename C:<3rd party lib folder>OpenSceneGraph-2.8.2 to C:<3rd party lib folder>OpenSceneGraph
Go to Control Panel/System/Advanced/Environment Variables and add the following variable. OSG_ROOT => C:<3rd party lib folder>
These are painful to build; you can download the DLLs here instead:
Set the environment variable NETCDF_DIR to the location of binary netcdf.dll and netcdf.lib.
You can download source from here:
Build it in MSVC. The build should be relatively painless - makegdal90.vcproj is the correct project for MSVC 2008. The build will dump all the build artifacts in the gdal root folder.
Go to Control Panel/System/Advanced/Environment Variables and add the following variable. GDAL_DIR => C:<3rd party lib folder>
Within VisualStudio, Open the solution in viewer visualstudio subdirectory
Build the solution
The binary (viewer.exe on Windows) lives in the distribution's bin directory. Test the build with any of the sample datasets in the distribution's data subdirectory, e.g.:
cd bin; ./viewer ../data/laminar.sww