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Usage: Generate BEDGRAPH Files for Single Analysis

GarrettJenkinson edited this page May 29, 2018 · 3 revisions

Command: [OPTIONS] -- PHENO

This function makes BED files from the methylation analysis results obtained after running for a given phenotype PHENO. By default, the input file (analysis file) is expected to be located in INTERDIR/chr#/PHENO_analysis.mat. In addition, the output files are stored in FINALDIR and have the following names and content:

  • MML-PHENO.bed: mean methylation levels

  • NME-PHENO.bed: normalized methylation entropy

  • METH-PHENO.bed: methylation-based classification (non-variable)

  • VAR-PHENO.bed: methylation-based classification (variable)

  • ENTR-PHENO.bed: entropy-based classification

  • ESI-PHENO.bed (if ESIflag = 1): entropic sensitivity indices

  • TURN-PHENO.bed (if MCflag = 1): turnover ratios

  • CAP-PHENO.bed (if MCflag = 1): channel capacities

  • RDE-PHENO.bed (if MCflag = 1): relative dissipated energies