# ---------------------- README ----------------------
# Consult 'anki-mine --help' for instructions on how to use the script.
# DEPENDENCIES: # - python 3.9 or higher, sox, ffmpeg, jp-mining-note (you only
# need to have the add-on installed; you do not have to use it as your note type).
# - For recording audio you'll need an audio loopback driver such as
# https://github.com/ExistentialAudio/BlackHole (Get BlackHole 2ch if you don't
# specifically need more channels for something else).
# You'll want to create a Multi-Output device that outputs audio to both your
# headphones/speakers and BlackHole.
# Instructions on how to set this up can be found here:
# https://github.com/ExistentialAudio/BlackHole/wiki/Multi-Output-Device.
# You can either configure it to be used as your system-wide default audio
# output (not recommended) or configure it to only be the default output for Wine
# (or any other application that you want to record from) by using the command 'winecfg'
# and, under the Audio submenu, choosing "Multi-Output Device" as the default audio
# output device.
# Contact me on Discord @gamefuzzy if you need any help with setting it up.
# NOTES: # The script will not work if you change the filename from
# "anki-mine.sh" to something else.
# You may need to change some of the configuration options below:
# ------------------ END OF README -------------------