Screen: copyBitcoin
Headline: If Bitcoin is digital money, can’t someone just copy it — and create free money?
Reward: 3
Text: The value of a bitcoin can never be copied. This is the very reason why Bitcoin is such a powerful new invention!! Most digital files — such as an iPhone photo, an MP3 song, or a Microsoft Word document — can easily be duplicated and shared. The Bitcoin software uniquely prevents the duplication — or “double spending” — of digital money. We will share exactly how this works later on!
Question: If Bitcoin is digital money, can’t someone just copy it — and create free money?
Answer: No — it is impossible to copy or duplicate the value of bitcoin
Feedback: copy or duplicate the value of bitcoin
Correct: true
Answer: Yes, you can copy bitcoins just as easily as copying a digital photo
Feedback: You know that it is not true. Try again.
Correct: false
Answer: Yes, but copying bitcoin requires very specialized computers
Feedback: Incorrect. There is no way for anyone to copy, or create a duplicate, of bitcoin.
Correct: false