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#PHP SDK - PromisePay API

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Note: The api only responds to the models which are included with the php package.

#1. Installation


You can include this package via Composer.

  "require": {
    "promisepay/promisepay-php": "2.*"

Install the package.

composer install

Require the package in the controller where you'll be using it.

use PromisePay;

###Manual Installation Download the latest release from GitHub, then require the package in the relevant controller.

use PromisePay;


  • PHP 5.3 or above
  • curl and json extensions must be enabled

#2. Configuration Before interacting with PromisePay API, you need to generate an API token. See for more information.

Afterwards, you need to declare environment, login (your email address) and password (token), thus:

PromisePay::Configuration()->environment('prelive'); // Use 'production' for the production environment.

#3. Examples ##Tokens

Example 1 - Request session token

The below example shows the request for a marketplace configured to have the Item and User IDs generated automatically for them.

$token = PromisePay::Token()->requestSessionToken(array(
	'current_user'           => 'seller',
	'item_name'              => 'Test Item',
	'amount'                 => '2500',
	'seller_lastname'        => 'Seller',
	'seller_firstname'       => 'Sally',
	'buyer_lastname'         => 'Buyer',
	'buyer_firstname'        => 'Bobby',
	'buyer_country'          => 'AUS',
	'seller_country'         => 'USA',
	'seller_email'           => '[email protected]',
	'buyer_email'            => '[email protected]',
	'fee_ids'                => '',
	'payment_type_id'        => '2'

#####Example 2 - Request session token The below example shows the request for a marketplace that passes the Item and User IDs.

$token = PromisePay::Token()->requestSessionToken(array(
	'current_user_id'        => 'seller1234',
	'item_name'              => 'Test Item',
	'amount'                 => '2500',
	'seller_lastname'        => 'Seller',
	'seller_firstname'       => 'Sally',
	'buyer_lastname'         => 'Buyer',
	'buyer_firstname'        => 'Bobby',
	'buyer_country'          => 'AUS',
	'seller_country'         => 'USA',
	'seller_email'           => '[email protected]',
	'buyer_email'            => '[email protected]',
	'external_item_id'       => 'TestItemId1234',
	'external_seller_id'     => 'seller1234',
	'external_buyer_id'      => 'buyer1234',
	'fee_ids'                => '',
	'payment_type_id'        => '2'


#####Create an item

$item = PromisePay::Item()->create(array(
    "id"              => 'ITEM_ID',
    "name"            => 'Test Item #1',
    "amount"          => 1000,
    "payment_type_id" => 1,
    "buyer_id"        => 'BUYER_ID',
    "seller_id"       => 'SELLER_ID',
    "description"     => 'Description'

#####Get an item

$item = PromisePay::Item()->get('ITEM_ID');

#####Get a list of items

$items = PromisePay::Item()->getList(array(
            'limit' => 20,
            'offset' => 0

#####Update an item

$item = PromisePay::Item()->update('ITEM_ID', array(
    "id"              => 'ITEM_ID',
    "name"            => 'Test Item #1',
    "amount"          => 1000,
    "payment_type_id" => 1,
    "buyer_id"        => 'BUYER_ID',
    "seller_id"       => 'SELLER_ID',
    "description"     => 'Description'

#####Delete an item

$item = PromisePay::Item()->delete('ITEM_ID');

#####Get an item status

$item = PromisePay::Item()->getStatus('ITEM_ID');

#####Get an item's buyer

$user = PromisePay::Item()->getBuyer('ITEM_ID');

#####Get an item's seller

$user = PromisePay::Item()->getSeller('ITEM_ID');

#####Get an item's fees

$fees = PromisePay::Item()->getListOfFees('ITEM_ID');

#####Get an item's transactions

$transactions = PromisePay::Item()->getListOfTransactions('ITEM_ID');

#####Get an item's wire details

$wireDetails = PromisePay::Item()->getWireDetails('ITEM_ID');

#####Get an item's BPAY details

$bPayDetails = PromisePay::Item()->getBPayDetails('ITEM_ID');


#####Create a user

$user = PromisePay::User()->create(array(
    'id'            => 'USER_ID',
    'first_name'    => 'UserCreateTest',
    'last_name'     => 'UserLastname',
    'email'         => '[email protected]',
    'mobile'        => '5455400012',
    'address_line1' => 'a_line1',
    'address_line2' => 'a_line2',
    'state'         => 'state',
    'city'          => 'city',
    'zip'           => '90210',
    'country'       => 'AUS'

#####Get a user

$user = PromisePay::User()->get('USER_ID');

#####Get a list of users

$users = PromisePay::User()->getList(array(
            'limit' => 20,
            'offset' => 0

#####Update a user

$user = PromisePay::User()->update('USER_ID', array(
    'id'            => 'USER_ID',
    'first_name'    => 'UserCreateTest',
    'last_name'     => 'UserLastname',
    'email'         => '[email protected]',
    'mobile'        => '5455400012',
    'address_line1' => 'a_line1',
    'address_line2' => 'a_line2',
    'state'         => 'state',
    'city'          => 'city',
    'zip'           => '90210',
    'country'       => 'AUS'

#####Get a user's card accounts

$accounts = PromisePay::User()->getListOfCardAccounts('USER_ID');

#####Get a user's PayPal accounts

$accounts = PromisePay::User()->getListOfPayPalAccounts('USER_ID');

#####Get a user's bank accounts

$accounts = PromisePay::User()->getListOfBankAccounts('USER_ID');

#####Get a user's items

$items = PromisePay::User()->getListOfItems('USER_ID');

#####Set a user's disbursement account

$account = PromisePay::User()->setDisbursementAccount('ACCOUNT_ID');

##Item Actions

#####Make payment

$item = PromisePay::Item()->makePayment('ITEM_ID', array(
	'account_id' => 'BUYER_ACCOUNT_ID'

#####Request payment

$item = PromisePay::Item()->requestPayment('ITEM_ID');

#####Release payment

$item = PromisePay::Item()->releasePayment('ITEM_ID');

#####Request release

$item = PromisePay::Item()->requestRelease('ITEM_ID');


$item = PromisePay::Item()->cancelItem('ITEM_ID');

#####Acknowledge wire

$item = PromisePay::Item()->acknowledgeWire('ITEM_ID');

#####Acknowledge PayPal

$item = PromisePay::Item()->acknowledgePayPal('ITEM_ID');

#####Revert wire

$item = PromisePay::Item()->revertWire('ITEM_ID');

#####Request refund

$item = PromisePay::Item()->requestRefund('ITEM_ID', array(
	'refund_amount' => 1000,
	'refund_message' => 'Refund please.'


$item = PromisePay::Item()->refund('ITEM_ID', array(
	'refund_amount' => 1000,
	'refund_message' => 'Refund please.'

##Card Accounts #####Create a card account

$account = PromisePay::CardAccount()->create(array(
   'user_id'      => 'USER_ID',
   'full_name'    => 'Bobby Buyer',
   'number'       => '4111111111111111',
   "expiry_month" => '06',
   "expiry_year"  => '2020',
   "cvv"          => '123'

#####Get a card account

$account = PromisePay::CardAccount()->get('CARD_ACCOUNT_ID');

#####Delete a card account

$account = PromisePay::CardAccount()->delete('CARD_ACCOUNT_ID');

#####Get a card account's users

$user = PromisePay::CardAccount()->getUser('CARD_ACCOUNT_ID');

##Bank Accounts #####Create a bank account

$account = PromisePay::BankAccount()->create(array(
    "user_id"        => 'USER_ID',
    "active"         => 'true',
    "bank_name"      => 'bank for test',
    "account_name"   => 'test acc',
    "routing_number" => '12344455512',
    "account_number" => '123334242134',
    "account_type"   => 'savings',
    "holder_type"    => 'personal',
    "country"        => 'USA',

#####Get a bank account

$account = PromisePay::BankAccount()->get('BANK_ACCOUNT_ID');

#####Delete a bank account

$account = PromisePay::BankAccount()->delete('BANK_ACCOUNT_ID');

#####Get a bank account's users

$user = PromisePay::BankAccount()->getUser('BANK_ACCOUNT_ID');

##PayPal Accounts #####Create a PayPal account

$account = PromisePay::PayPalAccount()->create(array(
    'user_id'      => 'USER_ID',
    'paypal_email' => '[email protected]'

#####Get a PayPal account

$account = PromisePay::PayPalAccount()->get('PAYPAL_ACCOUNT_ID');

#####Delete a PayPal account

$account = PromisePay::PayPalAccount()->delete('PAYPAL_ACCOUNT_ID');

#####Get a PayPal account's users

$user = PromisePay::PayPalAccount()->getUser('PAYPAL_ACCOUNT_ID');


#####Create a company

$company = PromisePay::Company()->create(array(
    'user_id'    => 'USER_ID',
    'legal_name' => 'Test edit company',
    'name'       => 'test company name edit',
    'country'    => 'AUS'

#####Get a company

$company = PromisePay::Company()->get('COMPANY_ID');

#####Get a list of companies

$companys = PromisePay::Company()->getList(array(
            'limit' => 20,
            'offset' => 0

#####Update a company

$company = PromisePay::Company()->update('COMPANY_ID', array(
    'id' => "e466dfb4-f05c-4c7f-92a3-09a0a28c7af5",
    'user_id' => "1",
    'name' => "Acme Co",
    'legal_name' => "Acme Co Pty Ltd",
    'tax_number' => "1231231",
    'charge_tax' => true,
    'address_line1' => "123 Test St",
    'address_line2' => "",
    'city' => "Melbourne",
    'state' => "VIC",
    'zip' => "3000",
    'country' => "AUS"

##Fees #####Get a list of fees

$fees = PromisePay::Fee()->getList(array(
            'limit' => 20,
            'offset' => 0

#####Get a fee

$fee = PromisePay::Fee()->get('FEE_ID');

#####Create a fee

$fee = PromisePay::Fee()->create(array(
    'amount'      => 1000,
    'name'        => 'fee test',
    'fee_type_id' => '1',
    'cap'         => '1',
    'max'         => '3',
    'min'         => '2',
    'to'          => 'buyer'

##Transactions #####Get a list of transactions

$transactions = PromisePay::Transaction()->getList(array(
            'limit' => 20,
            'offset' => 0

#####Get a transaction

$transaction = PromisePay::Transaction()->get('TRANSACTION_ID');

#####Get a transaction's user

$user = PromisePay::Transaction()->getUser('TRANSACTION_ID');

#####Get a transaction's fee

$fee = PromisePay::Transaction()->getFee('TRANSACTION_ID');

#4. Contributing 1. Fork it ( ) 2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature) 3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature') 4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature) 5. Create a new Pull Request