Follow a Git workflow of branch -> pr -> merge
If you're new to Git look here
we're currently working off of the
- Keep file and folder names in
(godot 4 standard)
Make sure your godot code follows the GDQuest Style Guide, use the gdscript-toolkit-linter to automatically format your code.
Use Static Typing for variables and functions.
put scenes and their scripts in the same directory
Name scenes after the root node.
variable and function names should be in snake_case, scenes/nodes referenced through code should be in camelCase
Name scripts the same name as the node they attach to
Label custom data structures with Class names for type hint support
Connect signals and groups through code, NOT through the GUI.
Each Scene should do one thing, each function should do one thing
Make static classes when able.
If a custom class/node doesn't have a position on screen or is instanced then removed, then pass it into the script as a object instead of putting in in the scene tree.
^ reach out to jayden if you need elaboration on this one