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Directory Structure

Folder Description
papers Scripts and instructions to reproduce results from published papers
cryptolib Crypto frameworks (programs under test)
 ↳common Shared DATA files that coordinate all phases of DATA
data-gui Graphical user interface (GUI) as git submodule
pin Root directory of the Intel Pin DBI framework
pintool DATA's Pintool extension to generate address traces
analysis DATA's Python analysis scripts
 ↳leakage_models Input transformations (leakage models) for leakage classification (phase 3)


DATA is actively tested on Ubuntu 20.04 LTS.

However, it should run at least on the following 64-bit x86 Linux systems too:

  • Ubuntu 19.04
  • Ubuntu 18.10
  • Ubuntu 16.04
  • Debian 9.8
  • Debian 9.4
  • Debian 8.3

Tested python versions:

  • Python 3.7
  • Python 3.5

DATA needs setarch in order to disable ASLR. Since Docker has issues with setarch, DATA cannot be run inside Docker.


On Debian/Ubuntu, the following packages are required to run DATA:

sudo apt-get install coreutils util-linux bash sed grep wget tar mawk time build-essential git python3 python3-setuptools python3-dev python3-virtualenv gcc-multilib

Build and install DATA by executing

make install

This creates a file in your HOME directory which needs to be sourced in order to activate DATA.

Setuptools Error

If you encounter a compile-time error related to setuptools, setting the following environment variable can help:



  1. Delete the DATA_ROOT directory listed in ~/
  2. Remove from your HOME directory via
rm ~/

Getting started

To run DATA on an existing library framework, follow these steps:

  1. Enable data
    • source ~/
  2. Choose a crypto framework to analyze and navigate into its folder
    • cd cryptolib/openssl
  3. Choose a result directory by setting the RESULTDIR variable
    • export RESULTDIR=/tmp/DATA_results
  4. List available algorithms by invoking the framework script
    • ./ -l
  5. Choose an algorithm of the list, and analyze it
    • ./ --phase1 -p -e --gui des-ecb 64

To test your own library, have a look at this template and read the next sections.

Using DATA

DATA components

Usage of DATA requires several interacting components. The analyst writes a framework script representing a program or library to test. The framework script is invoked from the command line and in turn invokes DATA. All results are collected in a single result directory.

Framework scripts

DATA is centered around a so-called framework script responsible for providing a wrapper for the program to test. It needs to provide a few bash callback functions interfacing with the program to test. In particular, the callback functions are responsible for:

  • building the program to test into an executable file
  • generating cryptographic keys or other necessary input files
  • invoking the executable

Also, the framework script embeds DATA with an easy-to-use command-line interface called DATA CLI.


DATA provides an easy-to-use command-line interface (CLI). The most important flags are:

  • --phase1 Run the first phase and produce result_phase1.pickle
  • --phase2 Run the second phase produce result_phase2.pickle
  • --phase3 Run the third phase and produce result_phase3.pickle
  • -p Run the analysis on all available CPU cores in parallel
  • -e Export framework files for the DATA GUI
  • --gui Open the DATA GUI to visualize the latest analysis results
  • -h Print the help

Detailed Steps

  1. Preparation: When invoking DATA CLI, it first compiles the library under test. To do so, it invokes the cb_prepare_framework callback specified in the framework script.

  2. **Phase 1 key generation (-g flag): ** DATA generates random cryptographic keys for later analysis. To do so, it invokes the cb_genkey callback specified in the framework script. In addition, the script specifies the number of generated keys via PHASE1_TRACES. Keys are named .key in the result directory.

  3. Phase 1 trace recording (-d flag): DATA records full-length address traces with Pintool. To do so, it invokes the callbacks cb_pre_run, cb_run_command and cb_post_run specified in the framework script. Each execution of the program under test uses one of the previously generated keys. Traces are named .trace in the result directory.

  4. Phase 1 difference detection (-ad flag): The DATA analysis script compares the full-length address traces pairwise to find control-flow and data differences. If a program under test yields no differences, the analysis is stopped and phases 2 and 3 are skipped. If differences occur, the results are stored in result_phase1.pickle. In addition, all leaking code locations are stored in leaks.bin for phase 2 and 3.

  5. Phase 2 trace recording (-ns flag): DATA records reduced address traces for one random-key set and multiple fixed-key sets with Pintool. For the random set, a random key is generated for each trace, as with phase 1. For the fixed sets, the program under test is executed repeatedly with the same secret input. PHASE2_TRACES specifies the number of traces per set. PHASE2_CONSTKEYS specifies the number of fixed-key sets. Thus, in total (PHASE2_CONSTKEYS+1)*PHASE2_TRACES traces are recorded. For every trace, the Pintool only monitors the instructions and memory loads listed in leaks.bin. This significantly reduces the instrumentation time and the trace sizes. All traces and keys are stored in the gen_* sub-directories within the result directory.

  6. Phase 2 leakage detection (-an flag): The DATA analysis script iterates over all differences from phase 1 and compares the observed addresses in the fixed and random trace sets. If the addresses do not have a similar distribution in both sets, the corresponding difference is flagged as an information leak. The results are stored in result_phase2.pickle in the result directory.

  7. Phase 3 trace recording (-sp flag): DATA records reduced address traces with Pintool, as with phase 2. The number of traces is specified via PHASE3_TRACES. To reduce computation time, traces and keys from phase 2 can be partially reused (-u flag). All traces and keys are stored in the spe_* sub-directories within the result directory.

  8. Phase 3 leakage classification (-as flag): The DATA analysis script iterates over all leaks from phase 2 (or from phase 1 if PHASE3_SKIP_PHASE2 is set) and tests them against a leakage model specified via SPECIFIC_LEAKAGE_CALLBACK. Available leakage models are listed in leakage models. The results are stored in result_phase3_<leakage-model>.pickle in the result directory.

  9. Finalization (-i flag): Depending on which previous phases were run, this option causes DATA to collect all results into a single result_final.pickle file. Moreover, as all statistical tests are already run, this option strips unneeded trace information from the pickle file.

  10. Framework export (-e flag): This option compresses all necessary framework files needed for the DATA GUI into a single archive. In particular, this archive contains disassembler dumps and source code (if available) of all code which exhibits phase one differences. Thus, the DATA GUI can be run on a different computer by giving it the archive, alongisde the .pickle report to analyze.

  11. DATA GUI (--gui flag): This option runs the DATA GUI directly from the DATA CLI on the last result pickle. It requires a framework export first.

Graphical User Interface (GUI)

DATA comes with a standalone graphical user interface (GUI) to visualize leakage results. You can launch the GUI either via the DATA CLI, or by running datagui directly on the command line.

The GUI asks for the result_*.pickle as well as the exported, which are both in the result directory. For more information about the GUI check out the README.

Usage Tips

The following sections contain usage recommendations that help improve your experience with DATA.

How To Start

  • Custom Wrappers: Sometimes, the program under test does not ship as binary. In this case, you need to develop a custom wrapper invoking the program, e.g. parametrized via the command line. When developing such a custom wrapper, avoid leakage in your wrapper code.

  • Debug Compile: Make sure to compile your program under test with debug information (gcc -g flag). DATA GUI will then be able to display source code, alongside discovered leakage.

  • Framework Script: Have a look at this template as a starting point for your own framework script. DATA tries to reduce non-determinism by disabling ASLR and clearing all environment variables. If your program under test requires certain environment variables, write them into ${ENVFILE} (see openssl/ as example). Use the --dry flag to test your script with extended output.

  • Reduce Non-Determinism: In your framework script or custom wrapper, it is recommended to set all non-secret or unrelated program inputs to fixed values. This reduces noise in the address traces of phase one and reveals leaks faster. If an input can't be fixed, DATA will filter out its effects in phase two and free. Simply record more traces in this case. The same holds for non-deterministic program behavior, which is for instance introduced by side-channel countermeasures that randomize code or data accesses. Any non-deterministic behavior with no relation to the secret will be filtered at the expense of increasing the number of traces.

Analysis Speed-Up

The DATA CLI currently offers two options for improved analysis speed:

  1. Parallel execution (-p flag): DATA performs various analysis steps in parallel via separate sub-processes. The number of sub-processes is limited by the number of processor cores available to the script. Make sure that sufficient system resources are available, as parallel execution might cause significant system load!

  2. Trace reuse (-u flag): This option forces DATA to reuse all random traces from phase 2 for the third phase. If phase three still requires more traces, DATA will automatically record the missing traces.

Number of Traces

The number of traces in each phase can be configured in the framework script of each tested program via the following environment variables:

Variable Description
PHASE1_TRACES number of keys / traces to generate in phase 1
PHASE2_FIXEDKEYS number of phase 2 repetitions (fixed key sets)
PHASE2_TRACES number of traces to generate per repetition in phase 2
PHASE3_TRACES number of traces to generate in phase 3

Always make sure that PHASE1_TRACES is larger or equal than PHASE2_FIXEDKEYS. Since it is not possible to provide reasonable measurement numbers that hold for arbitrary programs under test, we recommend to start with the default numbers that are pre-configured. Increase PHASE1_TRACES as long as new differences appear. Once the number of differences settles, increase PHASE2_TRACES as long as the leakage statistics contain untested differences. Increase PHASE2_FIXEDKEYS if there seem to be leaks among the dropped differences. Finally, increase PHASE3_TRACES to reveal faint relations in the specific leakage tests. Note that increasing NTRACE_DIFF requires new measurements for phases 2 and 3, if the additional traces in phase 1 reveal new differences.

XML Analysis Reports

This section is only relevant for more advanced analysis. In addition to the .pickle result files, the analysis script stores all results in readable XML reports. They show where differences and leaks occur, and give more details about generic and specific leakage tests than the DATA GUI. The XML reports can be found in each analysis directory as:

  • result_phase1.xml
  • result_phase2.xml
  • result_phase3_<leakage-model>.xml
  • result_final.xml

All generated reports have the same basic structure:



The CallHierarchy lists differences and leaks according to the call graph. Every function call in the execution creates a new context to which differences and leaks can be attributed. The following is an example of a function call during DES encryption in OpenSSL:

  CALL 7ffff6374872(+179872)[733]: PEM_read_bio(T)@/PATH/
  TO 7ffff634c570(+151570)[250]: EVP_DecodeUpdate(T)@/PATH/

The snippet reports that there was a call in PEM_read_bio() to EVP_DecodeUpdate(). For each code location, the report prints a set of properties:

Property Description
7ffff6374872 absolute (virtual) address
(+179872) relative address offset in the binary
[733] symbol size, if known (otherwise ? is printed)
PEM_read_bio symbol name, if known (otherwise ? is printed)
(T) symbol type, taken from nm --defined-only <binary>
/PATH/ the absolute binary path

In the <CallHierarchy> element, control-flow and data differences or leaks are always attributed to a context. They are printed before the return of the call, which is indicated by </context>, as shown:

  CALL ...
  TO ...

Individual differences and leaks are each presented with a separate entry. The following leak appears during DES encryption:

    7ffff62ea2e9(+1782e9)[1f]: OPENSSL_hexchar2int(T)@/PATH/
    7ffff6391a60: 36
    7ffff6391a61: 48
    7ffff6391a62: 12
    <result status='leak' type='generic,specific'>
      <generic result='leak' source='H_pos' kuiper='0.866667' significance='0.438291' confidence='0.999900'/>
      <generic result='leak' source='H_addr' kuiper='0.192708' significance='0.112697' confidence='0.999900'/>
      <specific result='leak' source='M_pos' leakagemodel='sym_byte_value' property='2' address='7ffff6391a96' rdc='0.4166' significance='0.4123' confidence='0.999900'/>
      <specific result='leak' source='M_addr' leakagemodel='sym_byte_value' property='2' address='7ffff6391a96' rdc='0.4577' significance='0.4123' confidence='0.999900'/>
      7ffff6391a60(+21fa60)[37]: CSWTCH.22(r)@/PATH/
      7ffff6391a96(+21fa96)[37]: CSWTCH.22(r)@/PATH/

The location of the leak is reported similar to a function call. In the example, the instruction at address 7ffff62ea2e9(+1782e9) in function OPENSSL_hexchar2int() in the library causes a data leak. In the analyzed traces, this instruction accesses address 7ffff6391a60 36 times, address 7ffff6391a61 48 times, and so on. We refer to these accesses as evidences of the leak. The <MIN> and <MAX> elements show the smallest and largest evidences, and thereby give the range of the leak. The location of these evidences is reported similar to function calls. In this example, the leaking instruction accesses a compiler-generated lookup table named CSWTCH.22.

The conclusions of the generic and specific leakage tests are given in the <result> element. The result status can be difference, leak, or dropped. Leaks are either generic, specific or both. Generic leaks are reported as follows:

Attribute Description
result test result, leak or none (if result is insignificant)
source leakage source, H_pos or H_addr
kuiper Kuiper test statistic
significance significance threshold for the test statistic
confidence probability with which test results are truly significant

The leakage source H_pos states that the total number of evidences leaks information about the secret input. In contrast, H_addr states that the number of accesses per address leaks. If the Kuiper statistic is above the significance threshold, the result is set to leak. The confidence level states the probability of this result being a true positive. Specific leaks are reported similarly, although more information about the leakage model is provided:

Attribute Description
result test result, leak or none (if result is insignificant)
source leakage source, M_pos or M_addr
leakagemodel leakage model, as loaded from the analysis directory
property part or property of the input that exhibits a relation to the accessed address
address accessed address that exhibits a relation to the secret input
rdc RDC test statistic
significance significance threshold for the test statistic
confidence probability with which test results are truly significant

M_pos and M_addr are two matrices that are used in the specific leakage test. These matrices are built individually for each leak. For every address that is accessed at a leak, a row is added to the matrices. In M_pos, the columns contain the positions at which an address is accessed. For example, if a leaking instruction performs three memory loads, the possible positions are 0, 1, and 2. If there is no access for an address, -1 is entered. If an address is accessed multiple times, the median of the positions is entered. In M_addr, the columns contain how often an address has been accessed. If there is no access for an address, 0 is entered.

The specific leakage test compares each row in M_pos and M_addr with the output of the leakage model. Depending on the model, there can be multiple properties of one input. For example, if individual bytes of a 64-bit DES key are compared to the rows in M_pos and M_addr, there are in total 8 properties (bytes 0 to 7) that may be reported for a leak.

If the test result is significant for a leak, the reported address reveals the part or property of the input that is specified by the leakage model. For instance, if the Hamming weight model shows significant relations, then an adversary can obtain the Hamming weight of the input from the leak. Again, the confidence level states the probability with which this relation is truly significant.


The LibHierarchy takes the same differences and leaks as contained in the CallHierarchy and splits them according to functions and corresponding binaries. For the data leak discussed in the previous section, the LibHierarchy representation looks as follows:

  /PATH/ 7ffff6172000-7ffff6619e97 (dynamic)
    7ffff62ea2d0(+1782d0)[1f]: OPENSSL_hexchar2int(T)@/PATH/
        7ffff62ea2e9(+1782e9)[1f]: OPENSSL_hexchar2int(T)@/PATH/

Next to the absolute path of the binary, the range 7ffff6172000-7ffff6619e97 denotes the location at which the binary was mapped in the virtual address space. If the binary was dynamically loaded, a (dynamic) flag is added. Instead of contexts, the LibHierarchy contains <Function> elements to which differences and leaks are attributed. Each element contains the absolute and relative location of the function as well as its symbol size, name, and type (if available). Leaks are then reported identically to the CallHierarchy.

Leakage Statistics

At the end of the <CallHierarchy> and each library in <LibHierarchy> there is a summary of all reported differences and leaks in so-called <LeakStats>. It is structured as follows:


The summary is split into two parts: <Differences> and <Leaks>. The <Differences> element looks as follows:

  cflow: 164
  cflow-drop: 12
  cflow-notest: 5
  data: 349
  data-drop: 39
  data-notest: 15

The exemplary results show that 164 control-flow differences have been detected in phase 1, out of which 12 have been discarded in phase 2. 5 differences have not been tested, because there weren't enough traces to perform the generic leakage test in phase 2. Similarly, out of 349 data differences, 39 were discarded and 15 weren't tested at all. We recommend to increase the number of measurements as long as differences show up untested in the leakage statistics (see Usage Tips).

The <Leaks> element provides generic and specific leakage test results from phases 2 and 3, respectively. Each element in <Leaks> distinguishes between data and control-flow results:

    cflow: 147
    data: 297
    leakage-model: dsa_privkey_hw
    cflow: 6
    data: 24

The <Generic> element shows that 147 control-flow differences have been flagged as information leaks. This correspond to the previous numbers, since 164 differences - 12 discarded ones - 5 untested ones = 147 leaks. Similarly, 295 data leaks have been found among 349 differences, of which 39 have been discarded and 15 have not been tested.

The <Specific> element shows that 6 control-flow and 24 data leaks exhibit significant relations to the Hamming weight of the secret input, a DSA private key in this example. Since multiple leakage models can be tested, reports can contain multiple <Specific> result elements.