2.2.0 (2016-11-27)
Closed issues:
- Sensu Windows: sensu_rabbitmq_config type needs base_path param passed #489
- Trailing comma issue in config #492
- Check subdue modified every run #497
- Add support for Redis Sentinels Config #499
- Cannot create /etc/sensu/conf.d/redis.json without "password" #503
- Sensu puppet module causes invalid parameter prefetch on some runs of puppet #504
- Sensu plugin install fails when using URLs #506
- Sensu puppet module causes invalid parameter prefetch on some runs of puppet #507
- Travis builds failing even on no code change #511
- enable support for change in aggregates #512
- sentinel supports in sensu redis.json #514
- yum repository #519
- Using sensu_gem provider before sensu::client is installed? #520
- Add some new maintainers #522
- Tests still failing #533
- rake: uninitialized constant Syck with ruby 2.3.1 #539
- error while installing ruby_dep, Bundler cannot continue #540
- rabbitmq HA solution #541
- subdue should be optional for sensu check definition #548
- Add support for aggregates array #549
- Update subdue for 0.26 #553
- $::sensu::purge['config'] causes file path error on Windows agents #558
- sensu#558 #561
- Update README.md with compatibility #568
- Windows: Invalid Relationship #569
Merged pull requests:
- Updated config.pp to add base_path #490 (r0b0tAnthony)
- Install rake < 11.0.0 for ruby < 1.9.3 #487 (atrepca)
- fix issue #497 #498 (bovy89)
- Use instead of localhost for hosts, it could resolve to ::1 #494 (portertech)
- Fix tests #517 (jaxxstorm)
- add source to remote_file for urls in plugin.pp #486 (chrissav)
- Support redis sentinels and add master property #509 (modax)
- Better explain diff between diff sensu-plugin #526 (jaxxstorm)
- Add support for client deregistration #523 (jaxxstorm)
- Switch default vhost to /sensu #525 (jaxxstorm)
- Fixing tests #538 (jaxxstorm))
- validate subdue is a hash #536 (fessyfoo)
- Add support for stringified aggregates #524 (jaxxstorm)
- small puppet-lint fixes #513 (ttarczynski)
- Small fix in docs #510 (ttarczynski)
- Pin the package provider for RedHat osfamily #530 (thejandroman)
- Pin listen to a working pre-ruby2.2 version #529 (thejandroman)
- Add ruby 2.2 tests #552 (jaxxstorm)
- small fixes in docs #543 (ttarczynski)
- Allow undef handlers and subscribers #531 (thejandroman)
- Add support for new aggregates type in 0.26 #554 (jaxxstorm)
- Add an issue template #567 (jaxxstorm)
- Fixes for Windows clients with Enterprise #544 (jacobmw)
- remove subdue property with 'absent' #565 (ttarczynski)
- Remove subdue from handler #563 (ttarczynski)
- [enterprise dashboard] move package resource inside conditional #570 (cwjohnston)
- Add sensu compatibility info in README.md #571 (ttarczynski)
- pin semantic_puppet gem at < 0.1.4 on Ruby 1.8 or earlier #576 (cwjohnston)
- Tests for subdue 2.0 #564 (ttarczynski)
- fix tests on Ruby 1.8 #579 (ttarczynski)
- Small puppet-lint fix #575 (ttarczynski)
- use constant SENSU_CHECK_PROPERTIES instead of hardcoded check_args in sensu_check provider #572 (ttarczynski)
- Add support for multi-host Rabbitmq config #581 (dhgwilliam) & (cwjohnston) & (whermann)
2.1.0 (2016-02-29)
Closed issues:
- Error no parameter named socket in sensu_client_config #474
- Repuppet fails #469
- Could not start service - plugin file permissions #465
- redis.json removed on purge { config => true } #461
- Please put a Github Tag/Release on v2.0.0 commit #455
- should sensu:;plugin support purge for gems ? #450
- Error: Could not convert change 'socket' to string: undefined method `keys' for nil:NilClass #447
- Authentication issue when attempting to install sensu package #444
- Could not autoload puppet/type/sensu_filter: uninitialized constant PuppetX::Sensu::ToType #441
- Add option not to manage handlers dir #430
- manage_plugins_dir doesn't seem to do anything #429
- Please, push new version to forge with updated apt dependencies #413
- What version of puppet are you running? #404
- Client.json integers are saved as double quoted strings on first run #399
Merged pull requests:
- add support for configuring sensu-enterprise-dashboard audit logging #482 (cwjohnston)
- add support for configuring sensu-enterprise-dashboard gitlab auth #481 (cwjohnston)
- add support for configuring sensu-enterprise-dashboard ssl listener #480 (cwjohnston)
- Feature prefetch attribute #479 (chrissav)
- Add filters and filter_defaults to init with create_resources, missing puppetdoc #478 (dmsimard)
- Add tests when using checks parameter in init #477 (dmsimard)
- Added parameter sensu::install_repo as the first condition to manage … #475 (mrodm)
- Add support for using the same source for different sensu handlers #471 (salimane)
- add defaults for create_resources() #468 (EslamElHusseiny)
- add create_resources() for mutators the same way for handlers, checks #467 (EslamElHusseiny)
- Redaction support #466 (jaxxstorm)
- support purging with enterprise version #462 (jcochard)
- fix issue #399 #458 (bovy89)
- Fixing regression bug. #457 (zbintliff)
- sensu fails to start as client_port is a string. #456 (sathlan)
- Enterprise dashboard config password #449 (agarstang)
- Updating links in README.md to point to the right branch #446 (jlk)
- Ensure "apt-get update" runs after adding apt source #445 (jlk)
- update client config to use socket hash #443 (gsalisbury)
- Add ruby-dev to be installed whilst provisioning process. #442 (zylad)
- Added subdue attribute to sensu_check type #440 (liamjbennett)
- Adding option to manage the mutators dir #439 (gsalisbury)
- Adding windows support. #438 (liamjbennett)
- update supported puppet versions #437 (jlambert121)
- add ttl to check provider #436 (gsalisbury)
- Add functionality to configure mutators #230 #435 (gsalisbury)
- Update package repository URLs #434 (portertech)
- Adding option to manage the handlers dir #431 (jaxxstorm)
- strict_variables bugfix for redhat ::osfamily #427 (smithtrevor)
- version bump: 2.0.0 #426 (jlambert121)
2.0.0 (2015-09-24)
Closed issues:
- Setting handlers to undef for a checks does not trigger change in respective json config file. #414
- Pull request #407 breaks the show for me. #412
- Master requires apt module >= 2.0, not 1.8 #411
- How to keep the sensu-plugin gem installed ? #410
- Undefined variable "file_ensure" in sensu::handler #406
- json providers can not "unset" properties #394
- sensu-api not restarted when check definitions change #392
- issue with "Do not use 'handle' and 'handlers' together. Your 'handle' value has been overridden with 'handlers'" #391
- How to make sensu::plugins do an array merge in hiera #387
- plugins directory permissions inconsistent #385
- Invalid package provider 'sensu_gem' #383
- Create resources not doing deep merging in hiera #382
- sensu::checks failing when subscribers are specified #381
- need updates to support subdue and possibly other new config sections #380
- Error trying to apply a filter #375
- Filters throwing failed: 'undefined method `sort' for nil:NilClass' error #374
- getting Notice: Do not use 'handle' and 'handlers' together. Your 'handle' value has been overridden with 'handlers' #371
- Invalid parameter reconnect_on_error #369
- allow merging of hiera configs instead of only taking lowest in hierarchy #366
- Sensu_redis_config changes on every run #357
- Creating checks with hiera #354
- First run on a new client node fails checks which depend on plugins #353
- Client_custom overrides client_port #342
- sensu_gem provider proxy support #339
- sensu::client::config keepalives 'change' every run #336
- operatingsystemmajrelease is lsbmajdistrelease in puppet 3 #330
- Unable to purge handlers, extensions, or mutators #328
- Unable to install sensu without rubygems #322
- windows support #317
- sensu-plugin is "removed" every puppet run #298
Merged pull requests:
- allow setting of path #425 (fessyfoo)
- Add require on apt::update for puppetlabs-apt 2.x #424 (br0ch0n)
- Correcting issue #318 #423 (standaloneSA)
- allow handle and handlers together #422 (jlambert121)
- set sysconfig parameters when defined #421 (jlambert121)
- Make the sensu enterprise dashboard not show up unbidden #419 (hashbrowncipher)
- Move file_ensure out of conditional #418 (hashbrowncipher)
- update apt module dep #416 (jlambert121)
- fix redis_db type def #415 (crpeck)
- Fix Sensu Enterprise services when not using enterprise #409 (Pryz)
- Enable provider for sensu plugins #408 (rhoml)
- Added support to redis db and auto_reconnect parameters #407 (bovy89)
- Set fqdn for sensu client name #402 (mdevreugd)
- Add
parameter to control all purging, deprecate `purge_config… #401 (nhinds) - [WIP] Sensu Enterprise & Enterprise Dashboard support #400 (dhgwilliam)
- add *.swp (vim buffer files) to .gitignore #398 (jhoblitt)
- remove world readable permissions from redis.json #397 (jhoblitt)
- convert sensu_client_subscription Puppet::notice -> Puppet::debug #395 (jhoblitt)
- remove world readable permissions from <handler>.json #393 (jhoblitt)
- added subdue to sensu_handler type to handle properly subdue option #390 (bovy89)
- fixed 385, add owner group sensu:sensu to plugins dir and plugins files #386 (hurrycaine)
- change default for filters param of sensu::handler (fix #374) #379 (somic)
- Relax the apt module version restriction #378 (johnf)
- fix source param in sensu_check #377 (kam1kaze)
- fix subscribers parameter in sensu_check #376 (kam1kaze)
- fix filters docstring in sensu::handler #370 (somic)
- Added support for JIT clients #368 (rk295)
- update travis, gems, lint #364 (jlambert121)
- update yum repo location #363 (jlambert121)
- ensure plugins installed before client service started #362 (jlambert121)
- Updating APT source to use new apt module version #361 (bleuchtang)
- allow modification of hasrestart attribute for services #359 (somic)
- Filter attributes are a property, not a param #358 (bashtoni)
- Hiera Lookups #352 (bleuchtang)
- fixed spelling error in parameters descriptions #350 (paulpet)
- Fix problem introduced in #346 and simplification of create #349 (cataphract)
- Boolean properties and misc #346 (cataphract)
- Boolean checking/converting on sensu_redis_config #345 (superseb)
- Add install_options for (sensu-)gem provider(s) #344 (bjwschaap)
- Add port to check_args so it doesn't gets cleared by custom property #343 (superseb)
v1.5.5 (2015-04-10)
Closed issues:
- reconnect_on_error: reconnect_on_error changed 'true' to 'true' #338
- Unable to configure client port #335
- New configuration: gem uninstall sensu-plugin is failing in 1.5.0 #318
- Invalid parameter provider on Package[sensu-plugin] #308
- no support for redis_password #305
- The sensu purge_config option now removes rpm deployed plugins #304
- Cannot install gems to develop sensu-puppet #301
- Can't remove JSON keys by (un)setting class parameters #300
- sensu custom json reordered on each run #271
- Support defining extensions #157
Merged pull requests:
- Make client port configurable, issue #335 #341 (superseb)
- Apply same boolean checking/converting on sensu_rabbitmq_config as in sensu_client_config, fixes #338 #340 (superseb)
- adding ability to store rabbitmq cert/keys in hiera/vars instead of just... #337 (dkiser)
- Fix issue with array checking when no array present. #334 (jonathanio)
- Add support for :reconnect_on_error. #333 (jonathanio)
- Fix #318: Introducing custom uninstall in sensu_gem #332 (queeno)
- Allow configuration of the init MAX_TIMEOUT #331 (whpearson)
- Restrict access to the client config file to protect client tokens #329 (jinnko)
- catch blacksmith load issues #327 (jlambert121)
- Fix type typo #326 (bbanzai)
- to_type convert :undef into string #323 (keymone)
- add option to purge plugins directory #321 (yyejun)
- Fix redis noauth #316 (bashtoni)
- remove metadata-json-lint limitation #315 (jlambert121)
- Make sure filters dir exists before creating any #314 (bashtoni)
- Keepalived config not merged since you are specifying the json in the puppet hash variable #313 (victorgp)
- Fix dependency chain when deploy plugins directory #312 (bashtoni)
- typo fixed #311 (confiq)
- ensure erlang is installed for acceptance tests #310 (jlambert121)
- Revert "Add parameter to allow purging plugins, handlers, extensions and... #307 (jlambert121)
- Added Redis password support #306 (jamtur01)
- Sort array properties before comparison #303 (dpeters)
- Add parameter to allow purging plugins, handlers, extensions and mutators #302 (nhinds)
- Plugin version #299 (jlambert121)
v1.5.0 (2015-01-16)
Merged pull requests:
- Added support for loading and configuring extensions. #297 (jonathanio)
v1.4.0 (2015-01-13)
Closed issues:
- lint validation #282
- box file is 404 in Vagrant cloud #281
- Defining checks via hiera #279
- Missing release 1.3.1 from git? #275
- New version of amqp deployed today 1.5.0, breaks client mq connection #266
- Check defined on server (subscription check) results in changes on every run #265
- Invalid parameter ssl_transport on Sensu_rabbitmq_config #263
- Document what prerequisites are required #262
Merged pull requests:
- add ability to specify provider for sensu-plugin package #296 (jlambert121)
- enable travis container environment #295 (jlambert121)
- update gemfile #294 (jlambert121)
- fix for future parser #292 (jlambert121)
- add puppet requirements, dependency bounds, OS support #289 (jlambert121)
- update vagrantfile #288 (jlambert121)
- enhance acceptance tests, update spec tests #287 (jlambert121)
- Revert "Flapjack support for puppet" #286 (jlambert121)
- Fixes for dependencies and subscribers properties in sensu::check. #285 (jonathanio)
- Flapjack support for puppet #284 (poolski)
- lint fixes #283 (jlambert121)
- Made handle and handlers mutually exclusive #280 (jamtur01)
- Adds puppetforge version number #278 (spuder)
- Update sensu_gem provider #277 (adamcrews)
- Vagrant #276 (spuder)
- Add sensu_gem package provider #274 (adamcrews)
- Override path of yum repo if rhel or centos 7. #272 (semiletov)
- Update tests for unsupported OSes #270 (jlambert121)
- fix rabbitmq ssl config #268 (patrick-minted)
- fix filter json #267 (patrick-minted)
- add support for insecure HTTPS in sensu::plugin #264 (dhgwilliam)
v1.3.1 (2014-10-18)
Closed issues:
- Missing dependency #260
- Update README.md to include sensu version compatibility. #258
- Custom keepalive settings result in changes on every run #257
- Could not load downloaded file /var/lib/puppet/lib/puppet/provider/sensu_client_config/json.rb: no such file to load -- rubygems #256
- Add compatibility for Sensu 0.13 #209
- use_embedded_ruby doesn't work on centos #208
- checks: removing type => metric doesn't remove it from the config json #166
- sensu::check is trying to escape double quotes passed in a part of the check command #158
- SSL & rabbitmq config..? #143
Merged pull requests:
v1.3.0 (2014-10-12)
Closed issues:
- Add "What is Sensu" to the README.md #251
Merged pull requests:
- Use the command parameter if it's defined alongside the source parameter #255 (bodgit)
- Add custom variables to subscriptions #225 (bodgit)
v1.2.1 (2014-09-28)
Closed issues:
Merged pull requests:
v1.2.0 (2014-09-23)
Closed issues:
- Use of str2bool for a value that's already a bool #245
- setting install_repo to false breaks module #233
- how to configure logstash handler? #226
- Sensu_client_config and subscriptions are always retriggered at every puppet run, leading to no-checks being run under certain circumstances #216
- Needed apt-get update after adding new apt-key #201
- Plugin directory source doesn't work #197
- Sensu client config notify on no change #187
Merged pull requests:
- Add rabbitmq_ssl parameter to enable SSL transport to RabbitMQ #249 (misterdorm)
- A (better) fix for Issue #197 #248 (zanloy)
- Fix check of $sensu::install_repo #246 (octete)
- Fixissue197 #244 (zanloy)
- Revert "Fixissue197" #242 (jamtur01)
- Fixissue197 #241 (zanloy)
- Fixing dependencies parameter on sensu_check type #240 (Phracks)
- Support for transport pipe configuration #238 (sdklein)
- Add optional pipe property to sensu_handler #237 (yeungda)
- Basic working Beaker spec for Sensu #236 (petems)
- Add warning for dashboard #235 (petems)
- Fix for issue #233: accomodating for install_repo, with specs #234 (bjwschaap)
- Fix client keepalive cycling #232 (johnf)
- Fix filter attributes #229 (johnf)
- Fix handler filter #228 (johnf)
- Add condition if sensu::install_repo is false #227 (wallies)
- Set a GEM_PATH variable in /etc/default/sensu #203 (octete)
v1.1.0 (2014-08-16)
Closed issues:
- Invalid parameter bind on Sensu_api_config #223
- Sensu service needs to start before API service #219
- Passwordless dashboard not idempotent #205
- Dependency cycle when using sensu::handler in the same catalogue as sensu server #186
- Forge package contains 'hidden' OSX files #185
- Allow configuration of "bind" parameter for API and Dashboard #182
- Add support for service management via runit #181
- sensu-api should refresh when a new check is added #180
- $releasever in yum only works on redhat #179
- sensu::check notifies the server even when not running the service #171
- After updating/creating a check, puppet will not refresh sensu-client reliably. #169
- Filter definition requires a client subscription #167
- No way to configure bind for services? #163
- Idempotence problems with sensu_dashboard_config #162
- Feature: Add support for check dependencies #161
- Subscriptions don't have a require on the sensu package #159
- crashing check.pp and api/config.pp #154
- You've released v1.0.0 of your module but not tagged the SHA1 #150
- Intermittent catalog error #148
- Service['sensu-client'] doesn't get refreshed when checks are purged #145
- Standalone checks are default true? #144
- handler hash ordering causing unneeded changes #133
Merged pull requests:
- Fix conf base path #224 (johnf)
- Added the transport option as a supported handler type for Sensu 0.13 #222 (solarkennedy)
- Deprecate dashboard #221 (johnf)
- Apt key and Repo dependency #220 (johnf)
- fixes one final bug from #200 / #217 #218 (misterdorm)
- several fixes for things that were botched on #200 #217 (misterdorm)
- Remove default username for sensu #214 (rhoml)
- Remove unused $notify in check.pp #212 (max-koehler)
- Make the rabbitmq_vhost defaults match the docs #211 (bodgit)
- sensu-plugin: Allow one to install the gem #210 (Spredzy)
- plugin: Allow to retrieve plugin from URL #207 (Spredzy)
- adding occurrences and refresh parameters to sensu_check type and sensu:... #200 (misterdorm)
- Parameters for apt GPG key ID and GPG key source #199 (yasn77)
- Add Bind Options for Client, Dashboard, and API #198 (livingeek)
- Merge #195 #196 (jlambert121)
- rename .gemfile to Gemfile #194 (jlambert121)
- restart client,server,api based on what the machine has provisioned #193 (jlambert121)
- remove duplicate require #192 (jlambert121)
- add dependencies to sensu::check #191 (jlambert121)
- notify client and/or server if enabled #190 (jlambert121)
- add puppet 3.5, 3.6 testing #189 (jlambert121)
- Documentation bug fix #188 (ves)
- Change default vhost to not include a slash and other readme fixes #184 (matjohn2)
- Use
to find variables insensu::
namespace #183 (hryk) - Fix warnings from ruby like this: #178 (bobtfish)
- updated native types and providers to use base_path/config when puppet i... #176 (logicminds)
- Use $url param to build apt-key url #175 (patdowney)
- Changed repo check from operatingsystem to osfamily #173 (george-b)
- Fix sensu dashboard config type conversion to always be a string #170 (solarkennedy)
- Machines which don't have internet access can't pull the repo key #165 (bobtfish)
- Add hasrestart & hasstatus to service management. #164 (rhoml)
- fix updating handler socket => host value #160 (danshultz)
- Converted timeout to numeric #156 (zdenekjanda)
- Fixed incorrect documentation in check configuration #152 (jbehrends)
- make booleans booleans and fix filters #151 (crewton)
- fix default dashboard port in type #149 (jlambert121)
- remove default parameter from readme #146 (jlambert121)
v1.0.0 (2014-01-31)
Closed issues:
- Use str2bool() from stdlib #124
- Adding/removing a standalone check to a node does not cause the sensu-client service to reload #123
- Config json files are empty (only if I run puppet from server) #118
- Invalid parameter socket on sensu::handler definition #116
- Unable to specify occurences for a check #115
- Invalid symlink #101
- Ability to define filters #88
- Invalid parameter safe_mode #79
- Default all checks in module to standalone #62
- SSL Certificate warnings #10
Merged pull requests:
- update rabbitmq default port #147 (jlambert121)
- Support for timeout,aggregate,handle and publish parameters to sensu_check #142 (zdenekjanda)
- Minor docs fixes and increment Modulefile #140 (jamtur01)
- add documentation for dashboard and api parameters #139 (jlambert121)
- types and provider parent load paths fixed #138 (jlambert121)
- increase parent path #137 (jlambert121)
- Fix puppet lib loading issues #136 (zdenekjanda)
- Exclude brackets from the name as this makes sensu barf #135 (bobtfish)
- Allow sensu user to be created by other means #134 (wleese)
- documents sensu handler config how to #132 (jaimegago)
- remove str2bool, add repo_source #130 (jlambert121)
- fix trailing comma for 1.8.7 #129 (jlambert121)
- make travis happy with ruby 1.8.7 #128 (jlambert121)
- add filters #127 (jlambert121)
- module rewrite #126 (jlambert121)
- Add support to set loglevel #125 (wleese)
- Exclude brackets from check names as this makes sensu barf #122 (bobtfish)
- Make integers come out in JSON as integers. #121 (bobtfish)
- Added API parameters for user and password #119 (solarkennedy)
- add puppet 3.4, remove puppet 3.0 testing #117 (jlambert121)
- update puppet versions, add ruby 2.0, remove ruby-head #111 (jlambert121)
- fix rerun of socket port #110 (antonlindstrom)
v0.7.6 (2013-12-01)
Closed issues:
- Add parameter to enable/disable notifies on config change #112
- Sensu API fails if there is no
#105 - Handler for udp type not created correctly #102
Merged pull requests:
- Added sensu::manage_services to optionally disable internal service management. #113 (vmadman)
- Allow setting RUBYOPT #109 (doismellburning)
- if udp handler socket defined -> to_i #108 (jlambert121)
- set version on dependencies in Modulefile #107 (antonlindstrom)
- Several fixes #106 (LarsFronius)
- fix for issue 102 #104 (jlambert121)
- Construct correct yum repo URL with facts #103 (nodoubleg)
- Fixed RedHat support. We are running Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server rel... #100 (twissmueller)
- convert custom params to appropriate types #99 (j-russell)
- conf.d should be a directory not a file #96 (stephenrjohnson)
- proper scoping for template var #95 (jlambert121)
- updated purge_configs and file perms #94 (jlambert121)
- Purge /etc/sensu/conf.d/{checks,handlers} as well #93 (philandstuff)
- Documentation fix: refresh values #91 (bashtoni)
- allow you to disable dashboard authentication #82 (chaoranxie)
v0.7.5 (2013-06-20)
Closed issues:
- Disable dashboard user/password #81
- client key/values? #80
- Getting class sensu::repo working with amazon linux #70
- Ability to add additional client / check configuration in Check type. #61
- Question about how to use the sensu::check #59
- http://forge.puppetlabs.com/sensu/sensu.json #50
Merged pull requests:
- Add custom client attributes #90 (fpletz)
- Don't skips tests for service_server and service_client #89 (pburkholder)
- default check standalone value is true #86 (jlambert121)
- Check arg #85 (bogue1979)
- Prevent re-running sensu::check every puppet run #84 (sdklein)
- Prevent executing sensu::check resource every puppet run #78 (j-russell)
- Remove deprecation warning #77 (jlambert121)
- Expose the occurrences check parameter #76 (bashtoni)
- ensure safe_mode param is a boolean #74 (jlambert121)
- Containment #73 (jlambert121)
- Notifu notification #72 (bogue1979)
- Add safe_mode for checks #71 (bashtoni)
- Added template support for /etc/default/sensu #69 (sdklein)
- Fixed minor error in README.md #68 (max-koehler)
- Change yumrepo attribute 'name' to 'descr' to suppress yum warning #67 (j-russell)
- update pending checks to validate errors #66 (jlambert121)
- Integers in checks #65 (jlambert121)
- Handler config #64 (jlambert121)
- Sensu check modifications. #63 (phobos182)
- Realname #60 (jamtur01)
- Add a notify between server and client when both are running #57 (garethr)
- allow installing plugins via package, dir sync, or file #56 (jlambert121)
- Made some minor docs updates #55 (jamtur01)
- Readme update #54 (jlambert121)
- Add dependency on the package to the plugin and handler directories #52 (garethr)
- add default handler in readme example #51 (antonlindstrom)
v0.5.0 (2013-03-16)
Closed issues:
- check config standalone boolean #34
- Error: Must pass rabbitmq_password to Class[Sensu] #31
- Add support for standalone checks #28
- issue with running the sensu module, Invalid resource type sensu at /root/p_sensu/site.pp:4 on node #25
- Puppet 3.1.0 shows warning due to Puppet.features.rubygems? require in json.rb #23
Merged pull requests:
- update example configuration in README #49 (antonlindstrom)
- fix capitalization of resource references #48 (antonlindstrom)
- ensure type is set first puppet run #47 (jlambert121)
- output boolean type for standalone and aggregate #46 (jlambert121)
- fix for setting handler parameters first run #45 (jlambert121)
- property naming fix #44 (jlambert121)
- Add optional arguments to sensu_check provider. Set sane defaults. #43 (phobos182)
- fix subscription recompilation every run #42 (jlambert121)
- add flag to allow sensu to purge unmanaged config files #41 (jlambert121)
- Update checks #40 (jlambert121)
- add exchanges, mutators, handler cleanup #39 (jlambert121)
- Add standalone / aggregate to the sensu_check define. #38 (phobos182)
- Add a boolean flag in checks for Aggregates. #37 (phobos182)
- prevent sensu_client_subscription from rebuilding every run #36 (jlambert121)
- Sensu handler severities is an array type. #35 (phobos182)
- Fixed a bunch of typos, incorrect variable names and linting errors #33 (jamtur01)
- Handler install #32 (jlambert121)
- Handler type updates #30 (jlambert121)
- Added standalone property #29 (jamtur01)
- install plugins #27 (jlambert121)
- fix spec name #26 (jlambert121)
- Misc. linting fixes #24 (jamtur01)
- cleaned up rabbitmq spec tests #22 (jlambert121)
- Sensu check update #21 (jlambert121)
- Sensu subscription #20 (jlambert121)
- move each service config to conf.d - no munging config.json #19 (jlambert121)
- Enhance package options #18 (jlambert121)
- Class redesign #17 (jlambert121)
- repo parameter for yum wasn't used #16 (jlambert121)
- rename defines that should be classes #15 (jlambert121)
- Lint cleanup #14 (jlambert121)
- initial spec tests #13 (jlambert121)
v0.0.1 (2013-02-12)
Closed issues:
- Exported resources are no longer needed #5
- Could not evaluate: No ability to determine if sensu_clean_config exists #1
Merged pull requests:
- Added Modulefile #12 (jamtur01)
- Update README.md #11 (KrisBuytaert)
- Update manifests/rabbitmq.pp #8 (tsabirgaliev)
- repo -> package ordering #7 (tsabirgaliev)
- SImple fix for older versions of ruby #4 (chrisleavoy)
- [init] sensu init scripts support restart #3 (portertech)
- Getting my feet wet with sensu-puppet #2 (shaftoe)
* This Change Log was automatically generated by github_changelog_generator